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Posts posted by MediaConsumesMe
I usually watch a film with the family. It never a Christmas film, but it usually something old. Either 50s or 80s. It was a Christmas I first watched the Thing with my Granddad which was pretty cool.
16 minutes ago, deaaath said:
I have watched plenty of Animes from the 00's to the 10's, Like samurai champloo, blood+ and so on. I have more, but we'd be here awhile if I was to list them all. I haven't heard of Blue Gender though, I will take a look at that!
Okay cool, yeah Samurai Champloo on my list. Haven't got round to it yet. I've only watched anime for just over a year, but I've watched a decent variety of shows. The one time period of the medium I've not been able to get is 70s or 80s anime. For some reason all the ones I've sat through have been really boring or poorly paced. But that's just me, sure there must be a show in that entire period which I'd like, I just haven't seen it yet.
6 minutes ago, deaaath said:
Yes I have checked out Evangelion! It's great, and I absolutely love it. I have heard of Black Lagoon, I've been wanting to watch it, it's on my list. And the others you recommended i'll take a look at B)
Yeah Evangelion is pretty much a stable in anime culture. Wolfs Rain and Blue Gender are less well known but came about during that Adult Swim period. I think Blue Gender is 1999 and Wolf Rain was 2003 or 04. But despite them not being as well known (okay Blue Gender is nearly completely unknown) they are pretty good. Have you watched much anime from 00s to 10s?
1 hour ago, deaaath said:
My father is a odd one
he really showed me the shows he enjoyed, but as I grew up I developed a love for 90's animes, and more classics than anything
You mentioned in another threat you like Scfi, have you ever checked out Evangelion. That was a 90s show, and might be up your street. Its only 26 episodes plus a film. Other than that there's a few adult swim shows that have a distinct 90s vibe to say they were made in the 00s; that would be Wolf Rain and Blue Gender and possibly Black Lagoon.
Got a space opera series for you, Legend of the Galactic Heroes or Yamato 2199. Both have an old and new version, one issue is that the older version of LOTGH doesn't have a dub and there is apparently (a friend is currently watching it) a lot of talking. So he's constantly pausing or rewinding to pick up on what he missed.
2 hours ago, Myrick said:
Mars of Destruction would be my choice. The anime was so confusing I got lost from episode 1. I just wanted to challenge myself and watch the worst anime known. It was a mistake.
Mars of Destruction is notoriously bad. If you want another go on Youtube and watch Cypher you will be massively disappointed and amused all at the same time
1 minute ago, deaaath said:
Highly recommend both Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop, they are both awesome, I think you'll like them. Space Opera animes are the bomb
Yeah, I do like Space Opera. I really enjoyed Legend of the Galactic Heroes so it great seeing the new series got announced a month back. Then there's the next season of Space Battleship Yamato, so plenty of space opera coming up. I also got to watch Fate Heaven Feel III, which finally releases in the UK in March. The wait has been painful.
Just now, deaaath said:
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is great, i'm currently obsessed with 90's animes.
I got a bunch of 90s anime to watch after Christmas; Trigun, Outlaw Star and Cowyboy Beebop. I might also rewatch Eva, because I've only watched the series and the film 'End of Evangelion' once.
This was the English version of the opening for Blue Gender, the quality of the video pretty low. Don't think there was a full version done. But the vocals have a really cool eighties vibe kind of like the Technoir sound in Terminator.
6 minutes ago, deaaath said:
Well there is a lot of anime to enjoy (and also to hate) but good luck on your Anime journey
Thanks man, currently been watching Blue Gender and Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Don't know why but early 2000s anime is usually my favourite stuff.
Welcome to the Forum, I'm new here too but unlike you I'm also an Anime Noobie, been getting into it since the first lockdown, about just over a year ago (perfect time really, as I had nothing else to do).
1 hour ago, Ohayotaku said:
Probably Knights of the Zodiac. That one got a lot of hate because the original series (Saint Seiya) is apparently very nostalgic for a lot of people. I don’t believe I ‘ve ever seen any of it though (if I did, I don’t remember it).
Turns out it was a show called knights of sidonia
1 hour ago, Ohayotaku said:As far as Netflix exclusives, the most promising one for me was Dorohedoro, though it desperately needs a continuation. So of course, one hasn’t been announced
That's the thing about platforms like Netflix's, they often undermine themselves. Look at the cancellation of the Conan the Barbarian show, that was a promising looking show but Amazon cancelled it in favour of something else, can't remember what. Or when Disney fired a bunch of people at the end of Mandalorian Season 2 and canned a spin off, when that what the fans were celebrating. It like these networks don't use brains.
On 12/21/2021 at 8:07 PM, deaaath said:
Netflix...Tsk Tsk Tsk..Netflix has some great animes, but I have come across 1 that has just...blown my mind with how terrible the plot line is, and how terrible the overall anime is. It's called "Back Street Girls". Now, if you have watched this, you might think it's good...or not, but me, no, this anime was just terrible. I honestly didn't like it. Reasons?
1. Bad Animation
2. Terrible Plot
3. No Consistency
But I will say I enjoyed the comedic effect it had on me. It was funny, but overall not too good.
Only Netflix anime I saw was somthing called knights of 'something' (forgot the name), but it was this mecha anime all in CGI. I never got past the second episode.
39 minutes ago, Ohayotaku said:
Figured I’d go ahead & create a topic for this even though most members on here seem to prefer binge watching series rather than as they air.
I put my hands up an admit it I binge watch shows. However that because I wait for Dubs, and that usually means the blue-ray or DVD has been released. So generally an older show is more likely to have a complete dub out so it makes it easier to watch. However there are new shows I've seen announced, which look really awesome which means I'll be waiting a long time to watch them. I thing at least four to five shows I really enjoyed in the past are getting another season or film so that means there's plenty to watch in the future (so long as they get a dub), however given the series I'm talking about that not to much of an issue, I feel LOTGH season 2 will likely get a dub.
9 minutes ago, Kreideprinz said:
I had heard Dark Cat was terrible and, well, it is!
Vampire Holmes, Mad Bull 34 (jn a funny way) and more recently, High-Rise Invasion.
I never heard of most of those, but Vampire Holmes especially sounds bad. Like a third graders attempt to combine mystery and vampires.
2 hours ago, Nuclearbud73 said:
Thanks for the replies and the invite. I have a friend who recalls an anime that involved a spacestation with a giant weapon, similar to the Death Star from Star Wars, that had a device on top of it that was like a blender and they put living creatures in the blender to power the gun. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Can't say it rings any bells, I really haven't watch much anime earlier than the 2000s (I think Berserk 1997 is the oldest show I watched).
38 minutes ago, Otaking66lives said:
Neither did they... It was an unfinished anime that was spliced together so they could put it on the shelf for sale... Also I understand that we have an innate desire to correct things that we see as in correct... However, in this particular case, the way I posted it was correct...Sailer is the correct spelling... another sign that this anime should be avoided like the plague.
Lmao XD
Oh wow they actually misspelt the title. That's impressive actually, that no one caught it before it hit selves. Either that or they really didn't care.
2 hours ago, Otaking66lives said:
Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight
Do I want to know? Why is Odin: Photon Space Sailor Starlight
Do you know who wrote or directed the anime, or illustrated the manga if it was a manga. Or what genre it might be part of. Anything to narrow it down beyond the synopsis of the plot?
8 hours ago, Ohayotaku said:
Have to make a mention of Haruhi Suzimiya’s Endless Eight arc here. The characters get caught in a Groundhog Day style time loop where they have to repeat the same 2 week period 15,527 times. The anime devotes 8 entire full length episodes to the same scenes & dialogue with most of the variances being things like the camera angle or what a character is wearing or what is in the background. The exception being the closing moments of the eighth repetition which explains the reason for it & breaks the cycle. It also goes a long ways in explaining why I consider it to be the most overly pretentious anime I’ve ever watched.
As far as just awful animation/writing/dialogue I would have to say Ex-Arm & Tesla Note.
I've only heard and seen a few clips of Ex-Arm, it looks pretty awful as Anime goes. Not heard of Tesla Note, it sounds like a Death Note rip off. As for Endless Eight I don't see why they didn't just reduce it to three episodes, and just expand the first and last story arc, that likely would have been the better decision.
Okay those three sound pretty damn awful
I won't to know the bad, the truly detestable and down right awful anime you guys have seen in the span of you're anime fandom. Hold nothing back, I can take it and so can the Forums (I think).
My choice would be Cipher and MD Geist. Both were really, really bad. Geist was beyond amazing in terms of its break neck speed, zero character development and the dub was beyond laughable it on times boarder on actually being a little sad. As for the story, it was as if Terminator, Mad Max and Conan the Barbarian had some kind of Love Child. As for Cipher, well its perhaps one of the most infamous bad anime out there, its somehow happens to be more plotless than MD Geist and even more comically bad. With it's bizarre brother on brother love, to its lose of eighties pop songs. When you reach a point in an anime, where the characters literally break out in an AMV to footloose you know you've found something truly special. Plus its dub, which was done in English even for the Japanese release, makes Geist look down right Shakespearian. So those are the worst two anime I have ever sat through.
On 12/15/2021 at 11:56 PM, LuckyFox said:
For mandatory Weeb training I recommend Genshiken! Though I've heard good things about "Welcome to the NHK". Comic Party Season 1 is also pretty good Weeb-training. XD
What's Genshiken?
How Did You Pick Your Username
in Chit Chat
Damn, I never use my name in usernames. I never even use the same username on different sites.
You know I never played Kingdom Heart is that the series that cross Disney and Final Fantasy? To be fair I never got into the Nintendo Systems. I've been hardcore a Xbox guy since 2000.