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Posts posted by MediaConsumesMe

  1. On the promotional art, it shows a DVD symbol. Makes me think it was a physical release during 2010, likely around the time leading up to the Deen Unlimited Blade Works movie. I checked online for any of those DVDs in circulation... but they aren't anymore. From what I also found online some people seem to suggest it just the 24 episodes condensed into 2 hours, and the plot moves at a breakneck speed. However other descriptions claim it has new scenes.

    • Informative 1
    • Cool (Kakkoii) 1
  2. Okay just saw this show in the Fate section of Anime. It says it a mash up of Fate Stay Night, Unlimited Blade Works and some new stuff... if you've seen it what is it like? Is there a dub? This sounds really interesting, it reminds me somewhat of the Fate Stay Night Manga which took pieces of the Fate Stay Night route and the Unlimited Blade Works route and pieced them together. 

    • Like 1
  3. @Soramee_ 

    Okay I was looking at my installation of Fate Stay Night, just to see what I had used when I installed my copy and add the English translation. The first thing you're gonna need is Fate Stay Night, which includes all the Routes; so Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heavens Feel. Once you have found those, you're gonna want to download the Fate Stay Night Ultimate Edition found here; 

    Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] - Ultimate Edition (nrvnqsr.com)

    This includes the opening animations from the PC release, PS2 release and the PSP release and also the English Patch from mirror moon. It also has wide screen support with the Ultimate Edition. 

    • Cool (Kakkoii) 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, MarathonGuy1337 said:

    Man you started with some heavy shit MediaConsumesMe probably why you where never a big fan of shows like Golden Times and Toradora 

    Yeah, to be fair I was skeptical of watching Monster initially it seemed so long. But I decided one night to just do it, bite the bullet and give the first episode a watch. Ended up watching several episodes up till Tenma learns how to handle a gun in the first night. It became a daily ritual till completion to sit back and plow through four to five episodes. 

    Nothing will ever come close to Monster. Tragic. 

    • Aww 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Kevin Scott said:

    What got me in to anime is cartoons 😁😂

    Which cartoons? I got to be honest I never watched any of the cool ones when I was a kid. I know there were some really highly regarded ones such as; Batman The Animated Series, The Clone Wars (2008) and The Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes, but I never sat and watched them. 

  6. The real answer is long winded, but I'd say my interest peaked when I was watching Yamato, Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Goblin Slayer. Those were the first three shows, I sat down and watched fully. But back then I wouldn't have called myself an anime fan, I like some anime but I wasn't actively searching for new anime. At some point I watched Fate Apocrypha - and that was all down to Astolfo being plastered over my whole Youtube recommended, and eventually I had to see the show he (at the time I thought a she) came from. Once I watched Fate Apocrypha, I had a sudden desire for more anime, quickly I nailed Fate Zero, Steins Gate, Psycho Pass, Ergo Proxy and then I watched all of Monster. So roughly in that early period I became a fan of Anime.

  7. Just checking my mod order on Fallout New Vegas, as I am thinking I might begin a playthrough in the coming days. Currently there some weird normal glitches over at Red Rock canyon. It only is present from a certain LOD from Red Rock, up close it looks good. But when the player is maybe six hundred meters in game away from them there's the normal texture appears but the actual texture doesn't. So gonna try and work that out before I start. Other than that I feel the game is pretty stable, it was able to go a full three to four our session of mindless murder hoboing across the wasteland without so much as a stutter, which is saying something for Vegas. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, MarathonGuy1337 said:

    True the original Gundam and to be fair Zeta Gundam and ZZ Gundamm shows are far two winded but that's more reflective of the times it was made in. Need 40+ episodes to sell toys to kids, make sure to get the TV spots for the re-runs whilst where at it, you know that sort of mentality that was the same for He-Man, G.I. Joe and the like form the American 80 cartoons

    That's an excuse. It doesn't change the fact its winded or the first show (I haven't seen Zeta or Zeta Zeta) is poorly paced with the characters doing the same stuff over and over again for forty something episodes. 

  9. 1 hour ago, MarathonGuy1337 said:

    The only three I can think of is Steins Gate 0, Ergo Proxy and Neon Genesis Evangelion. With Steins Gate ) this is more of an issue relating to the anime both recovering already established ideas from the original season and also a lack of materials that could be expanded to cover the number of episodes that they wanted for a full season.

    Ergo Proxy and Evangelion feel like they keep trending the same ideas over and over again in the mid section rather than taking those ideas and expanding them or exploring them in a more interesting way. Shinji is weak and cowardly, 3 episodes later he's still weak and cowardly whilst Vincent is given so many clues about what he is and what a proxy is and that he is a proxy that it's barely worth exploring here in this post. 


    Ergo/Eva fans please settle down just a little is only a... BANG!

    I agree Ergo could have cut three episodes, and perhaps reworked them to explore different ideas or themes in the narrative. Same with Eva, I was so excited when the introduced the idea of a fourth Eva pilot but that story was cut, and if they'd removed earlier filler that story might have been able to aid the weak middle section. Anime that I feel could have cut themselves beyond what has already been mentioned would have to be Mobile Suit Gundam which flounders about on Earth achieving nothing for far to long. Mobile Suit Gundam: Origin story covers a lot more and its far more gripping a narrative. 

  10. 10 hours ago, efaardvark said:

    I'm the same way.  Even for the ones I've really liked, I get maybe 3 seasons in before it gets repetitive and boring.  It is extremely rare and takes a lot of skill to continue to create anything for that long and keep it fresh.  Besides I want a story, and endings are an important part of any story.  If I see something with hundreds of episodes I don't even start it.

    Yeah I feel the same way, if there's like a thousand episodes and people then say a decent chunk is just filler I am not starting a show like that. I've only watched some of MoHS and to be honest it wasn't all that interesting when I sat down to watch it. Got about half way through then selved it to focus on another anime. 

    I do think 12 to 25 episodes is a good amount to tell a simple closed narrative, add a sequel film and that should wrap the plot up nicely. 

    I think the only two long running shoes I've watched and binged to completion was Monster and currently Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. 

    10 hours ago, Otaking66lives said:

    far as me dropping something...Naruto...*ducks flying junk* Hey! Yes, I said it! I watched 3 episodes when I found out how long it was probably going to be...

    I've never even started one of the big three and have no plans to start them. I just don't see the point, there no in my age range and there's shorter and better shows to watch in there stead. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, MarathonGuy1337 said:

    I know  my tastes are pretty chad for a newbie ;)

    Berserk and Yamato are pretty good, wouldn't have expected Wolf's Rain. I don't really care for romance but given how Taiga is your waifu I can see why it made the 3x3. 

    Goblin Slayer was a pretty good show, so no arguements there. Not sure which gundam that is.

    Unlimited Blade Works was also good, wouldn't say it beat Zero, but it was still a good if not great show in its own right. Steins Gate is a classic so no argument here. 

    So not a bad 3x3 all things considered, but if you think you have 'chad' tastes maybe you should try Baki or JoJo as I heard those shows are pretty Chad. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Otaking66lives said:

    Welcome to the Insanity! Avoid that dark corner over there....*points*....that's the newbie dungeon...don't ask....

    Well now that you said it I have to ask. What's the newbie dungeon?

  13. Okay got two, depending on what you're looking for;

    If you're looking to rig and puppet a drawn 2d Character to make the animating easier, but have more control and animation quality than say stills try Dragon Bone its open source and free to use and learn. If you are looking for free drawing software there are lots and lots for IOS and Android however I've never used them, and I imagine free means ADS. Obviously photoshops a monthly subscription or annual subscription so again not a great choice and personally something I don't do. 

    However if you want a good drawing software that isn't crap or so expensive you start selling you're organs on the side, I say get something like Clip Paint Studio or Manga Studios. Those are relatively cheep, and there lifetime access. So no worrying about a cut off point so long down the line, and there easy to use a lot easier than Photoshop and more advance than say something free. I think Manga Studios is cheaper than a triple A game so either ask for it for Christmas from someone or buy one less anime this season. 

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