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Everything posted by MediaConsumesMe

  1. Yeah, its within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, don't know much about the town itself. All I know about the town itself was it was a closed city, so even back in the day it wasn't in a radioactive hell-scape you had to have special access to enter the town.
  2. Hi, I see you're a Dragon Ball fan. How many episodes are in that show, I know from a friend its a lot, but I assume its less than One Piece which I heard hit 1000 episodes.
  3. I think it might be episode 16, just cause episode 14 has the group deal with Caster of Black, and the following Episode is focused on the Red Faction. Episode 16, is the reintroduction of Assassin of Black, and in that episode I'm pretty sure Assassin goes after Sig
  4. You're crying cause a assumed internet troll actual taste in anime isn't half bad
  5. There's only one person who can answer this, and that is the King of Anime, the King of Manga. The King of Gaming and the King of YouTube Young Defiant. However on a serious note, just choose shows that sound interesting. Perhaps pick a couple studios, writers or directors who work you've liked in the past and check out there other work. That approach worked for me. (To be fair to young his taste isn't bad, a couple really good shows in his top ten... its just, well watch the video to really get an appreciation for why I ironically find this video funny).
  6. I think Russia, tones of abandoned government facilities there.
  7. There's a scene in Fate Apocrypha were the main character cardboard... I meant Sig is feeling under the weather, and there are some physical changes going on. Anyway Ruler, Rider of Black and for some reason Archer of Black are fussing over him. I don't want to spoil anything, as I have no idea what spoiler rules on this site are, but effectively he's lying up in bed and is being told to not do as much.
  8. That's awesome, I'll have to check it out at some point
  9. I watched this one video of an island mostly deserted, it use to be a prison facility of some kind, but had been abandoned. However it was still under guard with patrols to stop pesky tourists and sightseers. Didn't stop one mad lad from approaching the island, camping them and giving himself a private tour. Most of the area was overgrown forest, a few old buildings littered the interior where guards had lived. The prison itself was eyrie.
  10. That's why I haven't started it, 1000 episodes you'd end up trying to break it down into manageable chucks. And at that point, say you get through the first few sections you've arbitrarily set. What if you fall off, come back to its later and you're lost. Plus I heard there's a bunch of filler, and if that is true... I think it might just become an endurance of will this episode move the story along or waste my time.
  11. I only heard about it, apparently the openings are dogged on by a few people online. I'm not hugely into Gundam, but from what @MarathonGuy1337 tells me its a alternate setting, not within the UC timeline. How long is the show, is it similar in length to the original show or the sequel series?
  12. I might be wrong, but dose Clannad have an anime adaptation? If there is, is it good or bad?
  13. I've never played genshin impact, though I have seen it advertised and spoken about on YouTube. Sort of freaks me a little out due to Tencent being behind it, there nearly as notorious as EA or Activision. And those are two companies I try to avoid nowadays (despite how difficult it can be sometimes).
  14. Yeah, it was a status think more than anything. But also so they could all play together, I think eventually the bronze ranked player just sort of excepted his skill level.
  15. I found the openings. There amazing as to be expected. Saber is best girl, don't fight me on that its just a hard fact. There nearly identical, might have been a few different bits here and there towards the end. But still that was awesome, at least I got to see the openings.
  16. I knew a guy who was always rallying friends to get himself into the Gold Rank. Each time they got him in the big leagues he'd end up slipping and falling into Bronze. I think his pals used smurf accounts to rush him up into the top tier.
  17. On the promotional art, it shows a DVD symbol. Makes me think it was a physical release during 2010, likely around the time leading up to the Deen Unlimited Blade Works movie. I checked online for any of those DVDs in circulation... but they aren't anymore. From what I also found online some people seem to suggest it just the 24 episodes condensed into 2 hours, and the plot moves at a breakneck speed. However other descriptions claim it has new scenes.
  18. Okay just saw this show in the Fate section of Anime. It says it a mash up of Fate Stay Night, Unlimited Blade Works and some new stuff... if you've seen it what is it like? Is there a dub? This sounds really interesting, it reminds me somewhat of the Fate Stay Night Manga which took pieces of the Fate Stay Night route and the Unlimited Blade Works route and pieced them together.
  19. One of my personal favourites canon romances is Shirou and Saber from Fate. But as for personal ships I have to go with Archer and Saber... Wait that might be the same thing... I think.
  20. @Soramee_ Okay I was looking at my installation of Fate Stay Night, just to see what I had used when I installed my copy and add the English translation. The first thing you're gonna need is Fate Stay Night, which includes all the Routes; so Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heavens Feel. Once you have found those, you're gonna want to download the Fate Stay Night Ultimate Edition found here; Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] - Ultimate Edition (nrvnqsr.com) This includes the opening animations from the PC release, PS2 release and the PSP release and also the English Patch from mirror moon. It also has wide screen support with the Ultimate Edition.
  21. Okay, I downloaded Realta Nua. I'm not sure what the difference is, it might be the 'nsfw' version, or just the version that was released on PlayStation 2. Not sure.
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