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While web searches of course turn up titles of anime that involve soccer, I am specifically interested in one that could be considered similar in style to the anime of Haikyuu, and Rising Impact, the live action movie Shaolin Soccer, and the NES game Tecmo World Cup Soccer. My thanks to anyone who offers assistance. KL
Experienced Content Writer & Talented web Devloper
roland marks posted a topic in Introduce Yourself
As a skilled web developer, I specialize in designing and building responsive, user-friendly websites. My expertise encompasses front-end development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end development using PHP, Python, and MySQL. I am proficient in modern frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Bootstrap, which enable me to create dynamic and interactive web applications. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to delivering clean, efficient code, I ensure that each project is optimized for performance and scalability. Whether you need a sleek corporate website or a robust e-commerce platform, I can bring your vision to life. I am a dedicated and versatile content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative content. With a strong background in creating high-quality articles, blog posts, and marketing copy, I excel at turning complex ideas into accessible and compelling narratives. My expertise includes SEO optimization, audience targeting, and content strategy development, ensuring that each piece not only captures the reader’s interest but also drives results. I am adept at research and consistently meet deadlines while maintaining the highest standards of quality. Let me help you tell your story and connect with your audience through the power of words. -
Guys guys guys give me latest sports anime that doesn't do romance or side crushes! I ran out of recommendations.
music Greatest Entrance Themes From the WWE's Golden Era
Lone Lancer posted a blog entry in The New Retro Dawn
I am going to preface this entry by stating that I am quite aware of the scripted, theatrical nature of pro-wrestling as a profession. Although people really do get hurt sometimes when doing a show, I am aware that it is not actual fighting in the sense that the premise of "Street Fighter" and "Virtua Fighter" would have you believe it is - if that were the case then Zangief probably would have been programmed to be able to whip every other character's arse very easily in the game as the final boss in place of Bison; instead he was the most vulnerable character in the game when he wasn't using his throw moves ( getting sidetracked here ). In any event, pro-wrestling does have the stigma attached to it of being seen as puerile or childish. Is it entirely justified? Probably. Even that being, there is no doubt that the flashy entrance music that was in use 35 years ago enhanced the overall presentation quite a bit. Back then, it was not like today where all the music is contracted out to a bunch of no-talent hacks whose unremarkable songs mostly sound the same - maybe that sounds harsh but, I am unimpressed with all the monotonous nu-metal stuff that wishes it were as cool as Ultimate Warrior's theme was. The new guys they have doing the music now cannot compare to the sublime work done mostly by just three people: Jim Johnston, Jimmy Hart ( "Mouth of the South"), and J.J. Maguire. I'll give an honorable mention to Rick Derringer, the guy who composed the Hulkster's theme from the days when he was at his peak as the babyface hero of the circuit, sporting his iconic red and yellow tights. There were also a few themes that the now defunct WCW had that were good too but, I don't remember any that could hold a candle to the WWE's "Federation Era" - I would say Ric Flair but his theme song was simply taken from the movie "2001: a Space Odyssey." Maybe classic Sting ( the wrestler, not the singer ) before he adopted his "Crow" persona during the Heel Hogan/NWO Era. So why am I writing about classic WWE Music on a site dedicated to anime/manga and gaming? Oddly enough, it could be argued that there is some overlap in the art direction, particularly back in the day. It is well known that pro-wrestling is at least as popular in Japan ( maybe more so ) than it is in the United States, and hence one of the reasons I write this. To be honest, it would actually be kinda cool to see more anime/manga about pro-wrestling done in a more down-to-earth way...preferably with less violence than Kinnikuman had. And which classic entrance themes do I personally find the most musically pleasing to the ear and why? I already know that probably everyone else would answer Bret " The Hitman" Hart or Ultimate Warrior - both have huge devoted followings and both are excellent theme songs to be sure. I actually rather liked those of Mr. Perfect and the Million Dollar Man quite a bit. Rather than certain theme songs which were intentionally made to sound menacing or threatening as in the cases of Sycho Sid ( <-- the correct spelling ) and Bam Bam Bigelow, I tend to gravitate more to the ones that sound more like actual songs. In particular, these following four would be my personal picks for the GOAT ( greatest of all time ). I will also be sharing my own thoughts about the songs themselves and the personalities who walked to the ring to them. All of these songs were from before the infamous "Attitude Era." First up, we have Razor Ramon ( aka Scott Hall ). Mr. Hall actually passed away earlier this year ( RIP ). The character he portrayed in the WWE was a reference to the movie "Scarface." I was first introduced to him from playing "Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game" and "Royal Rumble" on SNES at my cousin's house ( fond memories ). The first time I remember actually watching him wrestle on TV was after he had already jumped ship to the ill-fated WCW and founded the NWO with Nash and Hogan. As often the case with the heels ( per the unstated rule of "kayfabe" ), Scott was reportedly a very nice guy in real life ( at least to his fans ); in character, he always acted like a total jerk and a bully on camera ( rather convincingly ), which lets us know that he was very good at his job, one of the best. Whatever backstage politics or scheming he was supposedly up to with his buddies in the whole HBK "Kliq," it is hard not to admire this man's contributions to the profession in hindsight. Without Scott, the overall character of the sport would have been wanting. For many fans, he basically introduced them to the concept of the bada$$ anti-hero babyface. I never did care for his NWO gear...that spray paint logo looked really cheap and tacky; in my opinion, it was ill-befitting for his in-ring persona. Razor's WWE entrance had a very nice application of keyboard and synth drums. Next is the entrance theme for another of one of the most infamous heels in wrestling history. Jake the Snake is probably best remembered for the feud he had with the Macho Man, wherein he struck Ms. Elizabeth on camera and sicked his cobra on Savage while he was down. In the new TV series called "Heels" ( one of the few modern non-anime shows I can even stand to watch anymore ), the fictional character Wild Bill Hancock shows signs that he was intentionally designed after this very individual. Whatever one thinks of his in-ring gimmick, you can never say that he wasn't a good showman. Although he was already retired before I started watching during my childhood, I knew him by his reputation. He was a very colorful character in contrast to the vanilla cast we see today. Jake's entrance theme is basically straight up synthwave through and through. Jim Johnston's talent as a keyboardist really shines in his song titled, "Snake Bit." Truly an epic masterpiece that deserved play on the radio. The next entrance theme is one of the few great masterpieces that Jim Johnston and crew had nothing to do with. It would be impossible for me to pick an absolute favorite among these four but, I would certainly say that this one is my favorite entrance theme to rock out to. It was performed by Robbie Dupree and became the entrance theme to the now largely forgotten babyface tag team known as "Strike Force." Of the two of them, I only remember Ricky Martel ever being somewhat successful after their split. Under his new moniker, the "Model", Ricky would be featured on wrestling board games and card games - and probably video games too...hey, I haven't played all of them. The sound of the song is very bright and optimistic in the most quintessentially 80s way, though I think it was being used during the early 90s. People have remarked that it sounds like a song from an 80s Saturday Morning Cartoon. Others point to the similarity of the song's rhythm to Elecman's stage theme from Mega Man I - this actually isn't the only song from that era that sounds like that ( maybe in pro-wrestling ). A bizarre little known fact about this song, is that it was actually given to Ted Dibiase ( Million Dollar Man ) on Wrestlemania for the NES ( in 8-Bit chiptune form ) due to the fact that Ted did not yet have his famous Money Inc. song at that time. I actually posted the official video for this song in another entry but, the audio quality is noticeably better on this upload. It feels fitting that the theme I should close this out with is Lex Luger's original entrance theme from his introduction as the Narcissist. Unbeknownst to many people, Lex was originally intended as a bad guy. Vince, desperate to find someone else to fill the big shoes of the Hulkster after he had left the company, decided to turn Luger into a face which would lead to him adopting his better known All-American persona where he became the tag team partner of the British Bulldog. This change never did take with the fans, who mostly favored Hart, HBK, and Razor as the principle good guys following the departure of Ultimate Warrior, Hulkster and Savage. Regarding my thoughts about this musical composition, I absolutely love this song but, it just seems entirely unsuited for being used as the entrance music of a heel character. It has a happy, yet poignant sound about it. The airy ethereal notes of this number make it feel as though you are hearing the sounds of Heaven or the Elysian Fields as you walk on the clouds...this is going to sound corny ( I know it does ) but honestly, it is hard for me to listen to this without feeling like I am going to choke up in tears of joy. It's almost like having a spiritual experience. It induces a tremendous emotional state which Generation Y has eloquently termed as "the feels." It really is that good. Some people have stated that it sounds like a song from a "Final Fantasy" title; I'm not big into RPGs, as they seemingly make obvious choices needlessly complicated - legendary video game journalist Adam Sessler actually made fun of this aspect of RPGs in a skit he did years ago on one of the many iterations of his long running video game review show he used to have. The only video game Lex appears in as a selectable character that I know of to feature a chiptune version of this song was Royal Rumble for the SNES ( Super Famicom ). Like Razor, it was through video games that I first became familiar with Lex. UPDATE: I forgot that this other character ever existed, awesome theme song though...even if the voice-overs in it are just sound samples repeating the same thing. I had to include this one. That makes five if anyone here has the superstition that the number 4 is unlucky. I will also give an honorable mention to the themes of Big John Studd and Owen Hart's first theme before he changed it. RIP Owen and John. Jimmy Hart & J.J. Maguire - Repossessor Blues [ YET ANOTHER EDIT ] I went back and listened to Greg "The Hammer" Valentine's theme again. I've changed my mind, Greg's theme is legit and it belongs here. To be honest, I have always preferred the more outrageous gimmick of his old tag partner Brutus Beefcake when watching old footage. That entrance theme of Greg's is something else though... Jimmy Hart & J.J. Maguire - Hammer Man -
So I didn't stumble upon any forum mentioning about this amazing anime "No Game No Life". Well come on guys please give me some revuews about this anime, because personally I love it. I mean the plot and the characters are just so fitting !! The intelligence level of this anime alone can defeat that of Isaac Newton's(just kidding, maybe). The use of psychology and some of the truth of life just hits so hard from this anime. Tell me about your opinions !
The Manga industry lost a legend. On November 20th, Takao Yaguchi, author of Fisherman Sanpei died in his sleep after his battle with Pancreatic Cancer. This was announced by his second daughter Karou Yaguchi on his twitter account. Translation (using Google translate)
Hey everyone, sorry for such a long wait for the next blog post. Between mostly working a lot and this past week being sick I haven't posted anything so I better stay on top of it more. That being said it's review time. Also like always I'll try to not spoil the show but sorry if I do. If you don't know this about me I watch anime or read manga every free chance I get and in doing so I watch a lot of shows at one time. I'm always on the look out for something new or if a favorite gets another season I am all over it. I watch a few different internet sites like crunchyroll or on netflix. Recently I binged watched an Netflix original called Levius (pronounced Lay-ve-us). It's also the main characters name. This anime although may be classified as sporting since it revolves around a sport called metal boxing I would have to say it's a bit more of a drama type. The aesthetics of the world surrounding them is like 1940'ish with a steampunk vibe. They have mecha advancements and such. Metal boxing is boxing with arms that basically are replaced with mecha like structures. The world is a bit different as when in you get a short history of the mechanism that drives metal boxing. Something called Agatha water has a unique ability to interact with human blood producing steam. However the steam that's created can be manipulated by the user (blood donor) in other words. The first episode starts off with him already in the ring fighting an opponent like a quick glimpse of things to come. By the end of the episode and the next one is really how it all starts. A young boy from a war torn town. You learn of his background and how he got to where he is now. It's a bit sad but you also find out why there was conflict in his town which you might have guessed from what is written above. Greenbridge the town Levius lived in had this unique water source and well they lived on it and it may have changed them internally being exposed to the water all the time. So naturally a conflict arose wanting the rights to this water. A company called Amethyst supposedly swept in to help and stop the conflict but the rumors say it had underlying evil intentions as in kidnapping orphaned children and do experiments on. Levius finds himself has a young boy who was trying to rescue his mother but ends up losing an arm and being saved by his mother. As a young boy who already lost his father during the war and mother who is in a coma he is shipped to his Uncle who used to be a boxer back in his day. There is another main character sorta of in all this a young girl from the same town he couldn't save that later turns up in the ring. Levius stumbles onto the metal boxing and well the rest is history. This story is so great. Fighting to find something you feel is missing. The opponents you fight bring something to your understanding. Levius is innocent but not naive, simple and straightforward. I real genius in the ring. He ends up helping the other fighters through the fighting. The supporting cast gets little backstories that make not end up hating them. The accumlation comes to head as you learn AJ a fighter being manipulated by an evil guy who is the owner of Amethyst. The sad truth of a lot of things come to light and Levius tries to save AJ. Everyone comes to back up Levius on this even though it becomes very dangerous. I really would recommend this anime. Even if you don't like sport or boxing the story and plot is very excellent. It really draws you in.
It astounds me, the amount of motivation one can get from watching others. Our habits, our everyday actions are partially influenced by what we allow ourselves to be around. That said, it seems like a good idea to watch something like an exercise based anime, given, you already watch anime, and enjoy spending your time watching shows anyway, what is there to lose? What do you think? Do you get anything from watching this type of anime? That aside, what are you thinking of this series so far?
Hey Everyone, Happy New Year hope this new year brings everyone happiness. Okay so I wanted to talk about an anime called Megalo Box it's the 50th anniversary of a manga and anime called Ashita no Joe. Its a sports anime involving boxing with a twist they use gear to enhance one's ability. I wasn't sure if I would like this sports anime but it was actually really good one of my favorite sports anime's. The world in which they live in only the rich can have citizenship the rest fight to survive. The main protagonist in the story is poor and doesn't have a name but box's underground with his trainer were the throw matches to pay off a debt. Soon though a top notch fighter shows up to challenge and from there the story really takes off. I feel like if I tell anymore it will spoil. The anime really shows the struggle of wanting to show your worth and fighting for something bigger than one's self. It is a definitely must watch with only 12 or 13 episodes.
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