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What's the weather like where you are?


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^ Me too! Lol.


@Topic ~ The wind chill is supposed to be -30F/-34C today, there is snow flurries and still snow all over the ground, even for me it's a little too cold to go outside.

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Colder than any winter I'm used to in a country where it's hot almost all of the time (I mean 35-41 degrees Celsius being commonplace). Not that we have snow either, since it's dead center in the Tropic of Cancer. It's around 11 degrees Celsius where I'm at, which I'm aware most of you wouldn't consider even remotely cold. That being said, things getting colder is still new to me, and it'll never suck as much as the summer heat does. No matter how long you've lived in one of the hottest countries in the world, heat aint something you get used to.

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4 hours ago, TobiGotGrenades said:

No matter how long you've lived in one of the hottest countries in the world, heat aint something you get used to.

Cold isn't something you get used to either, here in the UK it's always cold in January and February so having lived here all my life you'd think I was used to it, but I'm not! It's been between -3 and  6 degrees Celsius for the past couple of weeks. This morning it's 13 Celsius a rise in temperature that is most welcome, but still a too bit cold for my liking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Local stations are reporting that the current storm made today the wettest day in 20 years for downtown Los Angeles.  The record to beat is 5.5 inches in 2004.  The current stalled front has dropped 4.1 inches (10.4cm) on us in the last 24 hours and it’s still coming down.  

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It's rainyyyy, it's suppose to storm tonight I've been seeing some lightning. Kinda hope so because I like to play games and listen to the rain. 

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