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Vinland Saga


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Vinland Saga, a viking anime has begun airing for summer the 2019 season. It's a very compelling anime, judging from the first episode I will enjoy this series a lot.

The Synopsis:

For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.

Here is the OP


Anyone else planning to watch?

Edited by Seshi
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6 hours ago, Liam Gray said:

Vinland Saga is a phenomenal manga series, anime-only folks are in for a BIG treat.

I am quite certain the manga was well written. The amount of detail they’ve already put into the first three episodes is astonishing. There’s no other way than a very well written source material.

 I can’t wait to see more! 

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Having seen the first two eps. I'm surprised how well its done - I kind of feared that it gets the Berserk curse of awful adaptions... It well animated, nothing that spectacular, and blends the CGI fairly well with the rest. They recreated the characters faithfully so far and the atmosphere is just right, IMO. They did change some things from the Manga so far, although its only the structure (I have't read the first chapters in ages but I think that they first two chapters were very different from the first episode).  Looking forward how its going to continue!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spoilers ahead:

With so much hard hitting going on in this series so early on, I'm looking forward to the development of our boy MC (Thorfinn). He's been through a lot so far, in only 5 episodes his world has changed from being a peaceful kid, into seeing up close and personal the struggles of death and the life of a viking. This little boy is now so angry at Askeladd, who killed his father, that he has promised to become a strong warrior to avenge him. The crazy thing about Askeladd, he's actually letting him.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Started watching this earlier in the week snd am through episode 8. Agree with what everyone else has said about how well it is written & animated. Probably my #3 for currently airing series. My biggest problem is I really don’t like the MC.  Seems like he’s either being as hot headed as Bakugo or sulking. Can’t really blame it on his dad’s death since he was showing those traits from the start he’s going down the path his dad tried to protect him from. Yeah, it’s the whole viking code of honor thing, but doesn’t change that he’s working with the very people who killed him and not covertly. Yllsa seems to be doing a much  better job of continuing the legacy he wanted to leave behind by out doing most of the men in the village. No wonder they see her as prime viking waifu candidate 😂

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Unfortunately, I’m starting to dislike where this series is headed... as far as I can tell it’s battles and a repetitive attempt for  Thorfinn to kill Askeladd...I actually like Askeladds character, so I wish Thorfinn would just get on with his life and realize that he is being helped by this guy, and he’s not an enemy... but oh well. All I can do is watch what I assume is going to be a coming train wreck... looks really interesting, lots of action, but not sure I want to be a part of it, ya know?

Give me some more of what we saw in ep 1-3

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Have to agree that the emphasis of the series is on what a bleak and violent time it takes place in. A “happy ending” seems unlikely or at the very least a long time coming and at a high price. I like Askeladd’s character as well. He may be a cynical opportunist and no doubt there’s plenty of blood on his hands, but he’s quite willing to treat Thorfinn as part of the crew as long as he’s useful. Ironically Bjorn (the one who took him hostage) is the other character who seems most willing to accept him. Pretty sure I’ll see this one through to the end, but may binge instead of following weekly (currently on another 30 day trial of Prime)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hadn't seen or heard of this anime (another reason I'm glad I check this forum). 

This sounds really good I think I'll have to check into it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched episode 13 today which was actually the first episode of the 2nd cour. 

Wow, I did not recognize Skeladd at the beginning of the episode at all. Actually confused me because back then he looked almost identical to Thorfinn now. The reveals about who he is 


mixed heritage but of a noble bloodline

 wasn’t surprising since the earlier hints made it pretty obvious. And I honestly have to say he’s the series best character at this point.

I’ll be putting this series on hold for awhile since my free trial of Prime is ending and this was the only show I’d been watching on Amazon. Will definitely binge later though.

Edited by Ohiotaku
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I caught back up with this series yesterday as well... It has been steadily moving forward along the timeline and certainly not standing still like I had thought previously. I guess its easier for me to see the progression of a series when I watch more than an episode a week - understandable 😁

The new cour has a new OP and ED.. Normal, but I'm a bit crushed. They always change an OP when I've finally gotten used to it. Its like acclamating to winter, then spring arrives and you've just gotten used to being cold. Bummer. I suppose I'll warm up to this one over time though.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have been keeping up with it. Its not an option for me. This series is close to my heart.

Ep 23.


poor Askellad, hearing that wales will be their next target... I hope he can assasinate the king before then, thats really the only solution I see.. Seems like it should be obvious, and its already in his plans anyway. What Im really curious about is if thorfinn will be going home or not.

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