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More likely than not simply passing through, but I'll be around for awhile at least. I do enjoy the occasional anime however I'm more of a gamer than anything. Currently looking forward to Borderlands 3  and Gears 5 hoping they won't be soul crushing disappointments like some of my recent anticipated games were.

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Hey there. Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here.

Hello there and welcome. Hope you enjoy your time at the forums and hope to see you around.

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3 hours ago, Seshi said:

Welcome @Vitis! Are you looking forward to the FF7 remake coming in 2020?

Not at all, Final Fantasy was never a series that interested me in the slightest. For the FF7 remake the gameplay looks somewhat in the milieu of hack and slash games with single button presses predominantly governing your attacks with the occasional change up to use a skill not saying that in and of itself is a bad thing, but I put it in a similar vein as Dragon's Dogma which had a broader appeal to me. Additionally I'm planning on getting Code Vein which which will have some similarities based on what I've seen from E3 of the remake.

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Hey @Vitis ^^ Welcome! Hope you aren't just passing through and decide to stick around for awhile or least pass back by occasionally ;D Anyways if you need anything, feel free to send me a message~

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