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Seeing how it was requested you share some history of yourself/any projects you've worked on and what not...well unfortunately I am not really qualified, I suppose, to be here :P 

That being said I do have vast interests and enjoy these sorts of discussions, and thus far have really enjoyed reading previous topics in this club.

Soo a bit of background - I was basically a third year Geology student (2.5 years in) until oil and gas tanked in Canada and then just quit school. I have the option to go back but haven't decided (long personal excerpt could go here but I won't bore you).

My sister and her husband are both geologists though. My brother in law has a masters in sedimentary rock and my sister was a geo-engineer (she's now a teacher though because...jobs).
Geology is still a big interest of mine though. 

One thing that stuck with me from an intro course, which I thought to be super fascinating, was discussing how we are due for a geomagnetic reversal sometime soon ...by soon I mean eventually (this is not a doomsday type of topic) the reversal would create issues, but not like mass extinction issues. You might have seen articles last year that discussed the need to updating the magnetic polar north much more earlier than planned and then they will have to do it again pretty soon here in 2020 as it is still moving quite fast. But, this process is still slow. 

Anyways, I thought it was neat and wanted to discuss it (not sure if others knew about the phenomenon).
But, you all seem to be very well versed in natural sciences :)

Quick PBS video for anyone who does not know what I am talking about :D 




Scientists are able to analyze the change in poles via igneous rock that forms from lava. As lava cools it retains the magnetism from its cooling phase...the Earth contains layers of these beds similar to layers in a cake and so they are able to analyze the changes and are able to estimate the age of each layer. In ~ 20 million years the north and south have flipped every 200,000 - 300,000 years (not exact though). The last one was roughly 780,000 years ago. So we're pretty much due for a change :D

Obvious changes would be our compasses pointing the wrong way, also they would need to adjust algorithms for gps systems and such...also, animals would need to get accustomed to the new field so they can navigate properly. 

But the main concern would be a weaker field around the Earth. 


Anyways, its a neat topic. I hope other find it interesting as well. 

Seriously, I suck at spoiler tags =-= 

Edited by Nyxnine
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Geology is without a doubt one of the fields I find most intriguing, personally. It seems to be very much related to astronomy. 
I believe I've watched the PBD documentary before, they make up possibly half of the total of documentaries I watch every week, hehe. 

What inspired you first you study geology in particular?

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