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Gundam Story, Lore, Politics, etc.

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Hey guys, I have always been interested in the Gundam franchise, but have just recently dove in starting with Gundam Unicorn on Netflix, after watching the 7 episode series I was hooked, and have started watching the original Mobile Suit Gundam from 1979. I am 12 episodes deep in that one, but to be honest I still have questions, and feel like I am missing some important aspects of the story. I have tried googling articles or youtube videos to explain it better to me but couldn't find anything too detailed on the plotline and story.

Could someone help explain to me who exactly the Zeon and Federation are and how they differ? And what exactly is their difference in politics? I know the point of the show seems to be that both sides have 'morally good' and 'morally bad' aspects and characters, as is the case in the real world and real wars. Basically I am looking for anyone and everyone's opinion on the show's meaning and who the different sides are/why they fight to help me better understand as I watch.

Thanks in advance for your time!

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