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I have an eclipse joke...

but it gets kind of dark.


Why are so many people talking about the eclipse?

Probably because it's significance is astronomical.


Why did the moon feel guilty after the solar eclipse?

It thought it might have thrown some shade!


How does the man in the moon cut his hair?

Eclipse it.

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I'm trying to remember the word for white in French, but for some reason my mind is going blanc.

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I'm addicted to brake fluid, but it's OK because I can stop at any time.

I can't stand Russian dolls.  They're so full of themselves.

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They say that no two people see color the exact same way, so really, color is just a pigment of your imagination.


What did the buffalo say to his son who was leaving for college?



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What do you call it when a cat wins first place at a dog show?

It’s a cat-has-trophy!


Did you hear about the casino restaurant that feeds its cows cannabis?

Yeah, some gamblers prefer high steaks.

Edited by efaardvark
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What does one hat say to another?

"You stay here. I'll go on a head."

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