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Found this blog post earlier after scouring Inktober's website and thought it was worth sharing. I know somewhere around here this topic was briefly discussed when the issue of age and getting older came up.

On acting your age by Jake Parker

Edited by viruxx
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18 hours ago, viruxx said:

Found this blog post earlier after scouring Inktober's website and thought it was worth sharing. I know somewhere around here this topic was briefly discussed when the issue of age and getting older came up.

On acting your age by Jake Parker

That's a good blog post. I think in that transition period between your final years at school and first years out at work there is a pressure to show that you have grown up and no longer have an interest in the things you liked when you were younger.
I know that in my case during that period if I'd admitted that I still liked and watched Thunderbirds and Stingray it would have totally destroyed any street cred I might have had and made me the butt of many jibes and jokes.
Later on in life I no longer cared what people thought of my choice of entertainment, to the point that at one time I happily wore a tie featuring Thunderbird 2 to work.

These days I remember this quote from C.S.Lewis.
“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

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15 hours ago, Animedragon said:

That's a good blog post. I think in that transition period between your final years at school and first years out at work there is a pressure to show that you have grown up and no longer have an interest in the things you liked when you were younger.
I know that in my case during that period if I'd admitted that I still liked and watched Thunderbirds and Stingray it would have totally destroyed any street cred I might have had and made me the butt of many jibes and jokes.
Later on in life I no longer cared what people thought of my choice of entertainment, to the point that at one time I happily wore a tie featuring Thunderbird 2 to work.

These days I remember this quote from C.S.Lewis.
“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

When you put it like that, yes. There is this sort of pressure, or unspoken expectation, that you should have cast aside mostly everything that you were into as a child/teen when you go out into the "real world." God forbid, as an adult trying to get into the work force, you let it be known you still watch cartoons or play video games, or even attempt to draw such things on rare occasion. I'm getting to the age where I care less and less what others think about me and what my interests are, but I still find myself playing a lot of cards close to my chest. Maybe within a few more years and with a lot more obligations met, the care factor will drop drastically. When you're in business, and you owe things, you kind of have no choice but to act the part until those debts are eliminated. After that, all bets are off. If I can get to that point, maybe I can take my exit from this and walk away from it with something in tow. Until then, I'll just keep "low-key" not caring.

And as a sucker for great quotes, I thank you for sharing that one! 🙂

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4 hours ago, viruxx said:

Until then, I'll just keep "low-key" not caring.

I think this is often the best plan.  I've generally found that as I've got older my peer group are more accepting of people's different interests and hobbies even if they're not interested in them or regard them as a load of rubbish but I still find it better to be careful who I share my interests with because deep down we all care, if only a very little bit, about how other people think of us.


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1 hour ago, Fezo_chan said:

Fezo-chan drinked some wine yesterday. Woohh. I feel warm in my stomach and happines. I hope i won't be an alcoholic in the future 😃

When you drink a whole bottle of wine before lunch and don't see anything wrong with doing it is the time to worry that you might be coming an alcoholic. 🙂 🍾

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2 hours ago, Fezo_chan said:

Good morning or night! 

Fezo-chan drinked some wine yesterday. Woohh. I feel warm in my stomach and happines. I hope i won't be an alcoholic in the future 😃

Sounds like me after having an old-fashioned or two. 😁

It's been a while since I had one last. I should make one again soon... alas, I'm out of oranges. 😭

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8 hours ago, Rebel Spirit said:

It's still snowing here. lol Living in Colorado has its perks, but on trash day if the driveway is buried in snow taking out the trash can be a big issue. Sometimes it makes me mad enough to kick the trash bin. lol

Thankfully it's a sunny day here, but still a bit cold. It's trash day here and as I type this I can hear the crashing and banging as the bin-men empty all the boxes. Local councils here in the UK are big on recycling so bin day (as we call it) is quite a performance and everything has to be sorted. Tins, glass and plastic goes in the black box, paper and cardboard in the blue box, food waste goes in the green box (which has a lid to hopefully keep the foxes out). Stuff that can't be recycled goes in a black sack.

I've also got a garden waste bin, I have to pay extra for that, and it's not cheap, but it is good value when you consider the hassle of bagging the garden waste and taking it to the local recycling centre, which isn't all that local, and then having to clean the inside of the car because however carefully you bag it some stuff escapes! 😡

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24 minutes ago, Android Rebel said:

What kind of stuff goes into the garden waste bin? I'm wondering, but for the life of me I can't figure out what would go in it.

The garden waste bin is for grass cuttings, weeds, rotten windfall fruit, cuttings from pruning hedges and plants etc, in fact just about anything organic.

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