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Anime that made you cry


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The Fruits Basket remake consistently made me cry over it’s 3 year run. And it’s movie prequel did the same when I watched it recently. 

Other notable instances: 

the ending to Demon Slayer episode 19 

Tenchi Universe

Ryoko’s “death” scene

Cowboy Bebop

Faye lying down in the rubble where her childhood home once stood 

ReZero season 2:Subaru saying goodbye to his parents 



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These anime make me cry every time I watch them.

Clannad After Story.
I Want to Eat your Pancreas.
ef: A Tale of Melodies.
Your Lie in April.

But they're such good stories that I keep coming back to watch them again.

The best stories are the ones that touch your heart, and they are the ones that stay with you.

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Two that I can remember offhand...

1: Grave of the Fireflies - It's worth at least one watch, but it is legendary for the feels...be warned.

2: Saikano (She the Ultimate Weapon) - OMG I forgot about this one until recently...this one got me so bad!


Edited by Otaking66lives
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The one that I remember the most are toradora, the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, zero no tsukaima and that one scene in lucky star where kanata come back…

Edited by Soramee_
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There are so many that made me cry! Off the top of my head I can name a few like: Toradora, Your Lie in April, Josee the Tiger and the Fish, I want to eat your pancrease, words bubble up like soda pop, weathering with you, ride your wave, a silent voice, golden time, darling in the franxx, science fell in love so I tried to prove it, say I love you, and plastic memories.


FYI, I cry even for happy moments not just the sad moments. For example, I cried at the end of how to train your dragon part one and at the end of brave lol


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1 hour ago, amboxer21 said:

I want to eat your pancreas

Now there's a film that totally caught me off guard. The ending was so gut-wrenchingly sad that before I knew it I was crying my eyes out.

1 hour ago, amboxer21 said:

Your Lie in April,

I was doing OK with this series, until the end when Kosei read Kaori's final letter to him.

1 hour ago, amboxer21 said:

FYI, I cry even for happy moments not just the sad moments

Yes, that happens with me as well.

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1 hour ago, amboxer21 said:

There are so many that made me cry! Off the top of my head I can name a few like: Toradora, Your Lie in April, Josee the Tiger and the Fish, I want to eat your pancrease, words bubble up like soda pop, weathering with you, ride your wave, a silent voice, golden time, darling in the franxx, science fell in love so I tried to prove it, say I love you, and plastic memories.


FYI, I cry even for happy moments not just the sad moments. For example, I cried at the end of how to train your dragon part one and at the end of brave lol


It’s the same for me. I can cry when watching shows with no sad element

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21 minutes ago, Animedragon said:

Now there's a film that totally caught me off guard. The ending was so gut-wrenchingly sad that before I knew it I was crying my eyes out.

I want to eat your pancreas was OK and didn't make me cry much but I think it has something to do with me watching it immediately after Josee, The Tiger and the Fish! Josee made me cry sooooooo freaking hard! I cried like 5+ times within the last 20 minutes of the movie!! I try to follow up something that makes me cry and leaves me feeling empty inside with something sad. I did that with Toradora! I watched Golden Time after and it helped with my Post Toradora! Depression!!


I was doing OK with this series, until the end when Kosei read Kaori's final letter to him.

I cried here too! Really hard! I went through a half a box of tissues at this scene! Buuuuuut I cried a lot throughout the entire series! I was severely depressed for a week after finishing Your Lie in April!


Yes, that happens with me as well.

Yeah I think I am just an emotional person. I think it's because the even though the scenes are not sad, they are very emotional! Like at the end of brave, she brought her mom back after that long journey she had fighting to keep her mom alive and trying to get her back to normal! When she finally did, she cried, her mom cried, her dad, cried, ...I cried lol I think it's super emotional happy scenes! Pixar is really good at putting those types of movies together! They really know how to tug at the heart strings!!


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The first tear i shed for an anime was in my first anime. I started with naruto and the back to back death of Jiraya(he was my fav character) and backstory of Itachi really hurt my heart and made me cry 

Your lie in april. Do i even have to say anything. The scene when kosai thinks about his mother  after the performance and learns why she did what she did i cried along side him. And the end was so sad as well 


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My list is probably stereotypical XD


Graveyard of the Fireflies (god, why did I do that to myself? But it's so good)
Full Metal Alchemist (several times, both anime series)
Trigun (I think we all know the part)
Wolf's Rain (I saw that a couple times, it was so good, but so sad)
Millennium Actress
Ninja Scroll (I'm such a baby. I cry at just about anything XD)
Madoka Magica
Fushigi Yuugi (the first part, before the first series. Ugh, the second series...need not have been made-manga or anime)
JoJo's (several times, several parts)
Tokyo Godfathers
Cowboy Bebop (end)


I think I'm dating myself. Also, not related, but I just signed back into Crunchy Roll after years to see if they still had my watch list and...wow. That sight has changed! No dragon fight avatars anymore XD I am so lost.

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You should see the Firefly Forest one. The plot is a girl meets a boy in the woods when she's a kid and he's a yokai and cursed or whatnot and if he is ever touched by human skin he'll dissolve into nothing. She knows him pretty much for a decade starting when she's a kid and loves him for most of it. 





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