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I don't remember the account name I used. It was sis' account maybe you remember it @SakuraĀ r.r I was thinking about making a new account that's my own and playing with you guys. The account sis let me use before I think was maxed out? I couldn't level anything with it Ā and I just remember hanging out at the ge talking to people and going to Vorky and the snake boss idr the name of it e.e I don't feel like doing that tutorial when you start the account.Ā 

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Christmas event was fun right?

3 hours ago, Sarada said:

I don't remember the account name I used. It was sis' account maybe you remember it @SakuraĀ r.r I was thinking about making a new account that's my own and playing with you guys. The account sis let me use before I think was maxed out? I couldn't level anything with it Ā and I just remember hanging out at the ge talking to people and going to Vorky and the snake boss idr the name of it e.e I don't feel like doing that tutorial when you start the account.Ā 

I remember the account you had her maxed old main account, she still has it. You should create a new one and level at NMZ then we can do raids together. I can gear your account.Ā 

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7 hours ago, Sasuke said:

I don't know about this year's rewards plus I wish the ice skating rink returned.

It would have been nice but it wasn't possible this year to do that. Maybe suggest that for next year I know people seem to have liked the ice skating rinks and achievements in it.Ā 

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Ya I really wanted the ice skating rink too, that was fun last year : / Everyone was actually doing stuff together in a Christmas event instead of just flying through it which I felt like most of this years was just hurry up and do it as fast as possible ~Ā 

11 hours ago, Sasuke said:

I don't know about this year's rewards plus I wish the ice skating rink returned.

I didn't care for or like any of the rewards. It all got discarded to store at Diango's, except the phats and santa's which are just thrown into the bank on top of the other million I have lmaoĀ 

It was a cute event, I thought the dog idea was adorable but would've been better if we'd all got a pet dog or something from it xDĀ 

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8 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Rally in Fally to bring back ice skating rinks ā›øļø lol

We don't need anymore "rallys" in Fally anytime soon šŸ˜µĀ 

4 hours ago, Sarada said:

I made a new account just last night. I can play with you guys over Winter vacation :VĀ 

When you get to our house I'll walk you through some things on the game and give you a bunch of stuff to start off with.Ā 

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11 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Need fr33 st00f 2 pl0xxĀ 

5 hours ago, Sarada said:

No free stuff for you @SasukeĀ you have probably a bank worth of a million already Ā : < give me stuff I'm poor.Ā 

You have a scythe and full torva already that's well over 2 B What are you talking about šŸ˜†Ā No one is going to be giving you anything.Ā 

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3 hours ago, Sarada said:

Don't you already have all of that? :<Ā 

She has more than she needs.

Speaking of which, the first giveaway of the season is tomorrow at the G.E. There's a total of 300M in gifts being given away tomorrow.Ā 

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2 hours ago, Sarada said:

More like a hoarder of sorts amirite *nudgenudge* uWuĀ 

I just hit 250 total level on my new account waaaaoooohhhhh


Grats, you've moved up a lot of levels in just a couple of days.Ā 

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5 hours ago, Sarada said:

More like a hoarder of sorts amirite *nudgenudge* uWuĀ 

I just hit 250 total level on my new account waaaaoooohhhhh


Gratssssssssssssssss ~ those 1st 1000 levels are always the best they go so quickly @.@Ā 

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I finished cutting all of the gems you gave me and got to lvl 50 crafting :V Today I think I'll do a few quests and level smithing or cooking. I think I'll get 99 cooking since I can do it in a week or less doing jugs right?Ā 

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3 hours ago, Sarada said:

I finished cutting all of the gems you gave me and got to lvl 50 crafting :V Today I think I'll do a few quests and level smithing or cooking. I think I'll get 99 cooking since I can do it in a week or less doing jugs right?Ā 

Jugs of wine is fastest cooking XP. You lose cash but the XP is worth it.

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I wouldn't do jugs until 65ish-68ish though because they'll go bad, I mean you can though I guess since we are paying for all your skill leveling xDĀ 

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3 hours ago, Sarada said:

I'm going to get cooking gloves and alternate between cooking lobsters and making wines. What level can I do sharks best at with gloves?Ā 

At level 94 if wearing Cooking gauntlets;Ā if you cook at the Hosidius House kitchen with gauntlets, you'll stop burning them at level 89. I don't recommend doing that before then.Ā 

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