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Best site for predictions on next seasons?


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Those 101 estimates are probably going to be as accurate as you'll ever find. Until a studio actually makes an official statement that a sequel to a series is going to be made no one really knows if it will be made or not.

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2 minutes ago, Animedragon said:

Those 101 estimates are probably going to be as accurate as you'll ever find. Until a studio actually makes an official statement that a sequel to a series is going to be made no one really knows if it will be made or not.

Well i thought some sites take other things in account:

- which studio made it?

- how sucessfull was it?

- how much time between previous seasons?

- How much manga material left?

That seems better than just a fan opinion. Must be a site that looks at such things?

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3 minutes ago, Key Visual said:

Anime News Network since they have some contacts internally. Usually though the Japanese corps are very private when it comes to this stuff. Most of the times people are guessing depending on popularity votes when the shows are airing in Japan.

did you see my previous reply?

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Ah it didn't show up until now. As for DanMachi season 5 I would lean towards summer of next year. Looks like most season were out in July or October with October being a part 2 of a season. That is usually how I look at it if the show is very popular and the studio doesn't have any big shows planned for that time announced.

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On 10/4/2023 at 11:19 PM, Key Visual said:

Ah it didn't show up until now. As for DanMachi season 5 I would lean towards summer of next year. Looks like most season were out in July or October with October being a part 2 of a season. That is usually how I look at it if the show is very popular and the studio doesn't have any big shows planned for that time announced.

What is a good site to see if a serie has been popular? does chrunchyroll reports viewing numbers?

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You would have to look at the light novel sales and sales of Blueray disks in japan during season 4. The anime is usually made to sell the novels or manga. From some google searching it was popular when the show was airing. I can't read Japanese to get hard numbers on surveys and such but you usually can get a vibe on what the Japanese market thinks.

There usually no hard way to tell if a new season is coming other than expecting it to maybe be announced or show up around the time the other seasons were broadcast. You can usually get a faster heads up if a new season is coming if you read Japanese. If it is coming I would expect an announcement during or after the winter season into spring.

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