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Swearing on TV


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I saw thread about swearing on forums, but what about TV?

Do you think they should lighten up on the censors? What words should be allowed and what shouldn't?

Do you think after a certain time (maybe 10pm?) all words should be fair game?

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Personally, I dislike swearing and nothing is more likely to make me turn off the TV than watching a programme or film where the scriptwriters have such a small vocabulary and poor command of language that they have to frequently resort to multiple variations of a well known four letter Anglo-Saxon word.

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I don't really notice it. I guess because it's so frequent now and I hear it a lot in most normal TV shows as well as on animes. I remember I used to think it was a big deal when I would hear certain words on Inuyasha when I still younger but now it just seems I hear it all the time that I don't take much notice. I don't think it should be on kids programs though lol ~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Words like the F-bomb should, in my opinion, not be said in T.V but okay with that in movies that are rated for it and you know you are watching movie that has swear words in it. Daytime television I view as being the prime target to family and children or teens and so I don't think there should be a lot of swearing there. Later night television I feel as if is more for adults or older people who are watching so the restrictions of words shouldn't be so much.

I hear more swearing on television nowadays than I did as when I was younger. It could be just that now I watch shows or later television where it happens more. I am not someone who is so bothered by swearing to stop and think about it when I hear it in a television show or anime however. 

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17 hours ago, Zayon said:

Words like the F-bomb should, in my opinion, not be said in T.V but okay with that in movies that are rated for it and you know you are watching movie that has swear words in it. Daytime television I view as being the prime target to family and children or teens and so I don't think there should be a lot of swearing there. Later night television I feel as if is more for adults or older people who are watching so the restrictions of words shouldn't be so much.

I hear more swearing on television nowadays than I did as when I was younger. It could be just that now I watch shows or later television where it happens more. I am not someone who is so bothered by swearing to stop and think about it when I hear it in a television show or anime however. 



bad words only exist in your head and only mean what you think they do. here's a great example:



Edited by Clayton
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6 hours ago, Clayton said:




bad words only exist in your head and only mean what you think they do. here's a great example:




Yes while I do agree words are only sounds we have given a meaning to and we have determined what is consider a bad word there are some words that should not be said. Since society as a whole has deemed some words as bad it would not be good if you have a small child who is saying the F word in school this could result in trouble for the child and the parent. That is because people have decided they are a bad word so even if I decided the F word isn't bad and means something else the rest of the world will not accept this. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 6 months later...

It never has bothered me and I've never noticed. I would say that most all of what I watch on TV doesn't have a lot of swearing in it to begin with. I notice it's in anime I watch more than anything but it doesn't deter me from watching an anime. Only when I was living with my mum still I would make sure to have headphones in if watching an anime that cussed a lot or she would make me turn it off :V 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/31/2024 at 3:04 AM, Animedragon said:

Personally, I dislike swearing and nothing is more likely to make me turn off the TV than watching a programme or film where the scriptwriters have such a small vocabulary and poor command of language that they have to frequently resort to multiple variations of a well known four letter Anglo-Saxon word.

Another angle to this topic in my opinion is the simple lack of variety that people acquire over time. The English language can be absolutely beautiful when spoken or written well. When the same word or few words are used to describe every noun in the book it loses what little meaning it may have had in the beginning and is now nothing more than drivel. To find the right words means to find the right meaning, and when the correct meaning is being presented it begins to paint a unique picture. The way that most people speak today is boring. The standard has degenerated greatly, and I don't advocate for more proper speaking because I want to sound better than everyone else, I want people to be better and what they say to carry more weight.

On 4/20/2024 at 12:14 AM, Zeref said:


Yes while I do agree words are only sounds we have given a meaning to and we have determined what is consider a bad word there are some words that should not be said. Since society as a whole has deemed some words as bad it would not be good if you have a small child who is saying the F word in school this could result in trouble for the child and the parent. That is because people have decided they are a bad word so even if I decided the F word isn't bad and means something else the rest of the world will not accept this. 

Correct. If words had randomly assigned meanings we would be better off to stay silent. The origin of the F word for example was in the late 1500s, Old German, and used to describe a puncture, strike, or to penetrate. It takes very little thought and imagination to realize that ever since its recording as being a word uttered it has come along with a very specific connotation and therefore has precise meaning and several hundred years of history to point to, so if a small child in school says this word because he hears parents at home or TV shows constantly saying it and passing it down to those who grow up to be our future, then we have the problem on our hands that a word with powerful meaning of something he's too young to even understand is being spread around to others his age. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I personally have no problem with swearing at all. I can't understand people who complain about swearing, and to be honest i always roll my eyes when i read complains about it. Of course i still try to respect their different opinions but i will never understand it. I think using a language completely without swearing isn't possible, because most people do it anyway and swearing is also a part of human nature and shouldn't be restricted because that would be censorship. I don't like censorship because it ruins authentic language, and only boring people would want this and i try not to be boring like those people are. Same with tv and every other media, i wouldn't want to watch a adult tv show or a adult movie where there is no swearing because that would be shitty and doesn't make it authentic. I also would find anime boring without swearing because i watch them in dub and it would suck without it. It's different with kids tv shows and kids movies though, and i can understand that there is no swearing and i'm glad about that, but kids will learn swearing anyway because even if some kids doesn't do it now in their childhood they will probably start to swear as a adult. Because that's where they would think now i can say whatever i want. Here in Germany kids and teenagers swear a lot and it doesn't bother me at all, because i just think they learn it anyway and they wouldn't care if i would complain about it so i just accept it. I as a adult also swear a lot, and if someone wouldn't like it then i don't care and it's not my problem when they get offended by it because they can't handle such language. If i want to say words like shit or fuck then i say it anyway no matter what they think. But of course that's just how i think about this topic. 

Edited by Nico Robin Fan 95
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On 3/31/2024 at 8:16 AM, Nebulous said:

I saw thread about swearing on forums, but what about TV?

Do you think they should lighten up on the censors? What words should be allowed and what shouldn't?

Do you think after a certain time (maybe 10pm?) all words should be fair game?

I think TV censorship can be a bit over the top sometimes, especially when the context is clearly not harmful. After 10pm, yeah, why not loosen up a bit? It’s kind of like giving shows more freedom to be real. But maybe draw the line at anything that’s actively hurtful or degrading. A well-timed swear word can add punch, but there’s no need to go full chaos!

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