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55 minutes ago, CornedBeef said:

goodness gracious.  that is hellishly cold,  O___O;;;

And our school administration makes no sense because sometimes they will call off school for at home classes when the weather is in the teens, then other times when it's in the negatives they will be like, nope, everyone come in for school so we can watch you suffer :V 

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6 hours ago, Sarada said:

And our school administration makes no sense because sometimes they will call off school for at home classes when the weather is in the teens, then other times when it's in the negatives they will be like, nope, everyone come in for school so we can watch you suffer :V 

The decisions of school admins rarely make any sense or have any logic behind them.

But back when I was at school there was no internet so we had no choice, whatever the weather we had to go in to school. There was also no easy way of contacting all the pupils as there were no mobile phones and some people didn't even have a land-line phone.

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4 hours ago, Animedragon said:

The decisions of school admins rarely make any sense or have any logic behind them.

But back when I was at school there was no internet so we had no choice, whatever the weather we had to go in to school. There was also no easy way of contacting all the pupils as there were no mobile phones and some people didn't even have a land-line phone.

My sister's told me the legend of the fabled "snow days" from back in ancient times of her days, when no internet school existed and kids would be free from school for the day. How they would watch the morning news hoping to see their school and praying it would be called off that day so that they could run out into the streets and celebrate with their friends 😮‍💨 I feel scammed that I've never gotten to have this experience.

Existing in a world before TV or phones to know it was called off sounds as bad as the experience I'm having. We've both missed out on the 80s, 90s and early 2000s kids legendary snow day.

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10 hours ago, Sarada said:

And our school administration makes no sense because sometimes they will call off school for at home classes when the weather is in the teens, then other times when it's in the negatives they will be like, nope, everyone come in for school so we can watch you suffer :V 

that sounds evil

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13 hours ago, Sarada said:

My sister's told me the legend of the fabled "snow days" from back in ancient times of her days, when no internet school existed and kids would be free from school for the day. How they would watch the morning news hoping to see their school and praying it would be called off that day so that they could run out into the streets and celebrate with their friends 😮‍💨 I feel scammed that I've never gotten to have this experience.

Existing in a world before TV or phones to know it was called off sounds as bad as the experience I'm having. We've both missed out on the 80s, 90s and early 2000s kids legendary snow day.

YOU MAKE ME SOUND OLD I'M NOT EVEN OLD 😭 ~shakes walking stick~ "BaCCKKKkkk in MYYYY dayyYYYY" lmao :c 

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11 hours ago, Sakura said:

YOU MAKE ME SOUND OLD I'M NOT EVEN OLD 😭 ~shakes walking stick~ "BaCCKKKkkk in MYYYY dayyYYYY" lmao :c 

Come on grandma, let's get you to the nursing home....

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13 hours ago, Sakura said:

YOU MAKE ME SOUND OLD I'M NOT EVEN OLD 😭 ~shakes walking stick~ "BaCCKKKkkk in MYYYY dayyYYYY" lmao :c 

Grandma don't forget to take your pills again

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Nothing much i guess 

Just went out for some fun with my friends 
Ate like crazy
Came back and decided to watch a watch
Went online on X to start up some trouble😅
and lastly played games on my pc

What about you guys

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11 hours ago, Sarada said:

Come on grandma, let's get you to the nursing home....

9 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

Grandma don't forget to take your pills again

Both of you go to your rooms, you're grounded until further notice ~waves a frying pan around~ 😠

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12 hours ago, Sakura said:

Both of you go to your rooms, you're grounded until further notice ~waves a frying pan around~ 😠

Ono she's got the pans.. fight her @Soramee_ take one for the team :V 

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22 hours ago, CornedBeef said:

sometimes, I wish I had model railways.  I am very fond of trains

It's a great hobby, but can be expensive these days ☹️.

21 hours ago, BoilerJacob said:

I have O-Gauge model trains on a plywood table in my garage.

Oh wow, that's amazing. My trains are 009, which is rather smaller, and occupy the whole of the small bedroom. 🚂

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2 hours ago, Animedragon said:

It's a great hobby, but can be expensive these days ☹️.

Oh wow, that's amazing. My trains are 009, which is rather smaller, and occupy the whole of the small bedroom. 🚂


I live in a small apartment; too bad I won't have the space despite the money issue.


small bedroom?  wow, interesting.  I wonder how it looks.

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I know very little about trains except what @Animedragon has told me/showed me about his, but they are quite neat from what I've seen. Especially the models and villages and things people put together for them. 

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Hmm OK...

I've been working since morning on my vtuber projects like thumbnails and content creation, then I had a quick lunch like a maruchan with egg because there was nothing else in the house haha, I fell asleep about four hours after eating because it was really hot here (remember that since I live in Chile it's summer), I played a little overwatch and at night I found this forum, I was very interested in joining and now I hope to be accepted, I am very grateful for the opportunity.

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On 1/15/2025 at 8:45 PM, Sakura said:

Both of you go to your rooms, you're grounded until further notice ~waves a frying pan around~ 😠


On 1/16/2025 at 9:14 AM, Sarada said:

Ono she's got the pans.. fight her @Soramee_ take one for the team :V 

At least she doesn't have the stick out... or the confetti. I don't know which is worse actually. 

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