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I haven't done very much as of yet today but I did get up and do some laundry, run some errands to pick up some food, and now I'm going to spend the rest of my day off being lazy. I'll probably game later. 

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I haven't done much yet today other than wake up and talk to a few friends on Discord and make some chili to have for dinner later. 

I think I stayed up until like 3 am last night though? Playing OSRS with Soramee doing Slayer together. I can't actually remember what time it was but it was late late @.@ We also planned our move to Antarctica to take over it and start our own penguin army so when the apocalypse happens I now have a clear strategy for survival 🤣 I also played PW with @Sasuke a little yesterday, it's been awhile since I've done that but we mostly just rode horses around and chatted. 

I might GFX a little today, not sure, but I mostly plan to go play OSRS and do some bossing. I'm also getting fairly close to 98 Smithing. 

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On 1/31/2025 at 10:31 PM, Sakura said:

Yeah fair point I'm going to start basing "do I want to date this person" off of "Would I partner in Slayer with this person" lmfaooo

3 hours ago, Sakura said:

think I stayed up until like 3 am last night though? Playing OSRS with Soramee doing Slayer together. 


Ummm also can I go to Antarctica?? You promised you wouldn't leave me here 😔

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29 minutes ago, CornedBeef said:

I went for a walk with no shoes and no socks, just flip flops.

I don;t usually wear socks but I can't keep flip flops on my feet because they keep coming off (the flip flops not my feet) so I wear ordinary open sandals.

Today I did very little. I woke up late and spent most of the rest of the morning on here. This afternoon I did a little bit of work on my model railway.

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I worked half day. After I finished the project I'm doing I laid down awhile because my heads felt bad. I couldn't sleep very well and I just watched some tv shows and played games on my phone. 

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On 2/2/2025 at 8:09 PM, Sarada said:


Ummm also can I go to Antarctica?? You promised you wouldn't leave me here 😔

NO ~beats

Anyways I didn't do much outside of school except eat my feelings in ice cream lol I should probably quit that >.> I did play some RS with @Zeref and some of our friends. I got dragged to a raid somehow which I really wasn't feeling doing but did it anyways. I had a friend scam me the other day on there after he asked to borrow something then logged out/blocked me so I've felt kinda crappy being on the game since then. Mostly because I feel stupid about it. 

I had a mini panic attack today at school because my friend thought it would be funny to slap my behind as hard as she could when I was getting up from the table and scream in my ear. Anyone that knows much about me knows I don't like sounds very much especially loud ones. So I had to pretend I wasn't having a panic attack about it while having one because I didn't want her to feel bad. Even though she apologized a ton after because I know she could tell I was upset I just had to pretend I was fine but I went home after that. 

There was a really pretty sunset tonight which I put some pictures of that on my blog on here ~ it was really warm today so the rest of the ice/snow pileups are melting too :c 

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I almost got knocked over by the wind today it was so strong by the lake front then a seagull tried to steal my hotdog 

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I did very little today. this morning I seriously overslept and spent some time  on here then remembered that I needed to do the shopping. When I arrived at the supermarket the place was very busy and crowded.  So by the time I got back home it was lunchtime and for some reason I couldn't get up the enthusiasm to do much in the afternoon 😀.

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I managed to be able to work out at lunch today. I didn't get to in a few days from being busy. The weather wasn't nice enough to use outside equipment so I only used in the inside gym. 

I got assigned starting a new project at work that will take several months to complete but it felt good to know I'll be working on a long-term project. 

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3 hours ago, Zeref said:

I managed to be able to work out at lunch today. I didn't get to in a few days from being busy. The weather wasn't nice enough to use outside equipment so I only used in the inside gym. 

I got assigned starting a new project at work that will take several months to complete but it felt good to know I'll be working on a long-term project. 

Sometimes watching you is like watching a little hamster in his enrichment zone just living his best life LMAO 


I didn't go to school today I felt like that was best after how I was feeling yesterday and still feeling this morning so I slept in and stayed in bed watching videos or playing games most of the day and trying to figure out a few things in my head. In conclusion I figured out nothing wooo.. 🎊

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10 hours ago, Sakura said:

Sometimes watching you is like watching a little hamster in his enrichment zone just living his best life LMAO 


Today I'm going to a lecture at lunch time that I've been asked to write an article on for the school newspaper. The person holding the lecture is an American playwright who recently had one of her shows featured on Broadway. I've never written for the school newspaper before but they reached out and asked me about it. I decided I was going to the lecture anyway so I may as well write an article on it.


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5 hours ago, Sarada said:


Today I'm going to a lecture at lunch time that I've been asked to write an article on for the school newspaper. The person holding the lecture is an American playwright who recently had one of her shows featured on Broadway. I've never written for the school newspaper before but they reached out and asked me about it. I decided I was going to the lecture anyway so I may as well write an article on it.


Have fun. Sounds interesting.

I had the day off therefore I've been doing mundane chores such as going to the grocery shop and picking up a parcel I had waiting. Boring but necessary stuff I guess. 

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20 hours ago, Sakura said:

Sometimes watching you is like watching a little hamster in his enrichment zone just living his best life LMAO 

And watching you almost level a punching bag today was as if like I was watching the start of someone's villain arc. 

I went to work and finished by 1 today which @Sakura came home and went to the gym with me around that time making me a little surprised because she never tags along to that with me. We did some kickboxing together I was teaching her some things and she went off on the poor punching bag I was afraid she damaged her hands. Exercise or workouts like this I felt are a good way of releasing angry feelings or sadness so I think it was still okay to do that. Sometimes the same helps me when I'm aggravated at things. 

Since doing that not much else I played FFX for a little while and then had dinner. Now I'm feeling sleepy and lazy. 

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14 hours ago, Zeref said:

And watching you almost level a punching bag today was as if like I was watching the start of someone's villain arc. 

I went to work and finished by 1 today which @Sakura came home and went to the gym with me around that time making me a little surprised because she never tags along to that with me. We did some kickboxing together I was teaching her some things and she went off on the poor punching bag I was afraid she damaged her hands. Exercise or workouts like this I felt are a good way of releasing angry feelings or sadness so I think it was still okay to do that. Sometimes the same helps me when I'm aggravated at things. 

Since doing that not much else I played FFX for a little while and then had dinner. Now I'm feeling sleepy and lazy. 

Honestly hitting something helped lol my head has been so confused this week that I've just wanted to scream. Directing it onto that gave me what I needed in some ways ~ 

Today I'm just at class I'm not really doing anything exciting yet. I have some free time right now because I've no idea where our teacher wandered off to lol ~ 

Last night was fun though ~! @Soramee_ taught me how to play Osu! And there were fish there! We adopted fish named Frederick, Hank and Abe lmao I swear I'm awful at the actual game though which has very little to do with fish butttt I thought it was fun regardless. Though I feel badly for him having to deal with teaching me because he's like a god at it and I'm at best a handicapped ant with one brain cell. 

I had actually gotten a group together that was supposed to go PK'ing with @Sasuke on rs last night but the Osu thing made me forget and I just left them hanging at Edgeville so my b Ori if you read this blame Sora XD 

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4 hours ago, Sakura said:

Last night was fun though ~! @Soramee_ taught me how to play Osu! And there were fish there! We adopted fish named Frederick, Hank and Abe lmao I swear I'm awful at the actual game though which has very little to do with fish butttt I thought it was fun regardless. Though I feel badly for him having to deal with teaching me because he's like a god at it and I'm at best a handicapped ant with one brain cell. 

She was really obsessed with the fish, like really really really obsessed with fish. The moment it would appear on the screen she would instantly go into the red and fail the song. If you ever want to get her attention just use a picture of a fish, it’s surprisingly works way too well.

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4 hours ago, Sakura said:

Honestly hitting something helped lol my head has been so confused this week that I've just wanted to scream. Directing it onto that gave me what I needed in some ways ~ 

Today I'm just at class I'm not really doing anything exciting yet. I have some free time right now because I've no idea where our teacher wandered off to lol ~ 

Last night was fun though ~! @Soramee_ taught me how to play Osu! And there were fish there! We adopted fish named Frederick, Hank and Abe lmao I swear I'm awful at the actual game though which has very little to do with fish butttt I thought it was fun regardless. Though I feel badly for him having to deal with teaching me because he's like a god at it and I'm at best a handicapped ant with one brain cell. 

I had actually gotten a group together that was supposed to go PK'ing with @Sasuke on rs last night but the Osu thing made me forget and I just left them hanging at Edgeville so my b Ori if you read this blame Sora XD 

Lucky said he messaged you on Discord, texted you, and called your phone but you went totally off the radar and this is what you were doing? 🤣 He thought you died. He was ready to call the SWAT team and the missing persons units. I thought you just needed some space so I didn't barrage your DMs about it. In the end I went to bed and from what I read on clan chat they went to multi Corp Beast and Kasa got an Ely drop. 

50 minutes ago, Soramee_ said:

She was really obsessed with the fish, like really really really obsessed with fish. The moment it would appear on the screen she would instantly go into the red and fail the song. If you ever want to get her attention just use a picture of a fish, it’s surprisingly works way too well.

So you stole our PK trip leader by luring her away with fish eh? Another secret trick with Serey is cheese. Show her cheese and she's just as distracted or promise cheese as a reward and she will do anything for you including crime ;) 

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8 hours ago, Sakura said:

Honestly hitting something helped lol my head has been so confused this week that I've just wanted to scream. Directing it onto that gave me what I needed in some ways ~ 

Maybe I should take you with me more often than 😆


3 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Lucky said he messaged you on Discord, texted you, and called your phone but you went totally off the radar and this is what you were doing? 🤣 He thought you died. He was ready to call the SWAT team and the missing persons units. I thought you just needed some space so I didn't barrage your DMs about it. In the end I went to bed and from what I read on clan chat they went to multi Corp Beast and Kasa got an Ely drop. 

So you stole our PK trip leader by luring her away with fish eh? Another secret trick with Serey is cheese. Show her cheese and she's just as distracted or promise cheese as a reward and she will do anything for you including crime ;) 

I read about that in the clan channel this morning Lucky was pinging me asking if Serey was at home and okay lol. I wish'd I'd gone to that Corp running. 
To add on to that Snow also has the same effect as cheese and fish. 

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2 hours ago, Soramee_ said:





I started this game 2 minutes before and I couldn't even figure out how to WALK and some RANDO pops up and is like
"Hello you two look like you are destined to spend the rest of your lives together take these rings and let your love burn across the night sky":icondragongrin:







As noted in the exhibits above, you even stated "If Serey wants the rings I don't mind" and we both mutually agreed we are married now. AND anyway we already had 3 children together which now somehow we have 7 so now are just stuck together forever :icondragonhuh1plz: All I wanted was to fish LOL Now I'm married and raising a family. So if anyone wants to know what I'm doing today it'll be going out to get a job to support the family and my husband who beats me constantly :icondragoncryingplz: but it's okay I love him and our fish-kids and I know it'll get better.


Edited by Sakura
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