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Your OSRS / Runescape Character (s) - What about them ?


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I have every mode of character. A normal main, side account, UIM mode, HC mode, and HCIM mode. These days I mostly play on my HCIM or UIM mode characters with UIM being my go to most of the time. It offers a challenge considering I've done everything on the game at one point or another and being restricted to only 28 inventory spaces to carry items, no bank, and only the items I can wear gives me a new way to play the game. 

My main account has all 99s with a 2277 total level, all quests completed, all achievement diaries completed, inferno cape completed, a multitude of my 99s are maxed out experience wise with 200M experience, champion cape completed and 22 pets. I still pet hunt on this account or work on achievement logs when I get on. 

For whatever it's worth I also play RS3 from time to time but only when incredibly bored beyond reason. 

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I tried hardcore ironman mode before but wasn't very interested in it, mostly it pissed me off. I just play on my main account which is a standard account but I also have a side account I play on when I'm doing something mundane on my main. I don't think my stats were ever very high on the original Runescape that I played as a kid but on my account on OSRS I have a 2003 total level and pretty good stats. Enough for raids and doing a lot of bosses. 

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