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well just finished the second ep's of
Lycoris Recoil and The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting and am enjoying them
but at half way thru the second ep of
Call of the Night ans so ready to drop it

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3 hours ago, Wodahs said:

but at half way thru the second ep of
Call of the Night ans so ready to drop it

It certainly didn’t break any new ground, but the note it ended on makes me hopeful next week will be more interesting.

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Today I started watching Sailor Moon Stars, I decided to skip Super S because in my view it's the worst of the five series.

The first six episodes are quite dramatic and it's good to see Sailor Saturn getting some screen time, that Silence Glaive of hers  looks a fearsome weapon.

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Just finished Komi Can’t Communicate season 2. A marked improvement over season 1, but I still consider it overhyped.

And with that, I’m finished with the Spring 2022 season 

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38 minutes ago, Takatofan1986 said:

But I thought I read somewhere about a plot twist at the end of the season and I didn't see one, so I'm not sure if I missed something. XD

Not sure about a plot twist but the trailer for the 2nd cour made it look like things will be more action packed. Plus, I think it was the next to last episode that teased


that just like the rest of the family, the Forger’s dog will be more than he seems on the surface.

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Started watching Utawarerumono (2006). I’d been curious about it for awhile & a new season apparently just started.  There was actually a meme back in the day making fun of westerners trying to pronounce it’s name spacer.png Underwater Ray Romano 🤣

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Found the thumbnail for Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion while browsing CR a while back, read the synopsis, and I'm interested in giving it a watch. It's a story based off the invasion of Tsushima Island by the Mongol Empire in 1274. I'm not exactly a history buff, but every once in a while, I find particular historical events to be fascinating. This is one of them. Might try to squeeze an ep or 2 in between Overlord eps.

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Watched the debut ep of Ojisan Isekai (Uncle From Another World). First impression is that it’s going to be a reverse isekai parody with some dark humor. Found it pretty entertaining, but not going to keep my Netflix account active to watch one episode a week (especially with the simulcasts on CR & Hidive and a planned Overlord rewatch) After next weeks ep, will binge the rest in October.

Sidenote: As a fellow fan of Sega gaming consoles, I feel Ojisan’s pain 😂 (some cool references in the OP) 


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This evening I finished Sailor Moon Stars.
It's quite a good series with a rather different storyline in that the enemy is very different to the enemies in the other series. The Sailor Starlights were an interesting addition and gave the story a different focus than the earlier series, the one issue I have with that is that sometimes it looked like Sailor Moon's team had their attack powers scaled back a bit to make it look like the Starlights were more powerful.
I also thought that while there weren't any obvious filler episodes several of the episodes were padded out with a bit of filler. However, it was good to see Sailor Saturn getting some decent screen time.
The final battle was spectacular and, given Sailor Moon's character and personality, it ended the only way it could have ended.

So, my Sailor Moon marathon is over and very enjoyable it was too. For a series that started 30 years ago it's stood the test of time very well in my opinion.

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Call of the Night episode 3. Have to admit it’s becoming a struggle to find the characters interesting or likable. Not prepared to drop yet, but my overall opinion of the show is definitely headed the wrong direction.

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On 7/12/2022 at 5:36 PM, MarathonGuy1337 said:

Been a while since I last posted here so... lets begin.

First the big two shows 

Dragon Ball - Currently Watching 
Galaxy Express 999 - Currently Watching 


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Made In Abyss 

Made In Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul 
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory - Re-watched with a friend  
A.I. City - Kind of just stumbled into that one 

Upcoming or on my more immediate plan to watch list;

Payrate the Maxim 
Bubblegum Crisis 
Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway Flash

See the source image

Who needs IRL friends when I have anime; seriously though someone help me I think I'm an addict; for retro anime

if you have liked the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya im sure you will also like the film sequel (even thought i can't say the same thing about season 2 endless eight arc)

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Lucifer & the Biscuit Hammer. This ones getting a good deal of flack for it’s lack of polish , but I’m actually enjoying it more than some series that are getting a lot of hype. It’s more than a little weird though 😂

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Okay so I watched, finally, 

Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway Flash - Great really enjoyed it 

Then I watched the Gallforce Trilogy, all three films/OVAs and they where fine I guess 

The best part was the visuals of the space battles as infrequent as they where but the pacing was all over the place and it felt weirdly "pseudo-intellectual" in my opinion anyway.

See the source image

So the hunt for retro anime titles continues 

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Had never heard of it or planned to watch it, but as I was looking at Crunchyroll for what to watch next, I looked at recently added (Because I still have a list of anime I'm waiting to be added from Funimation...) I found 'A3!'. It sounded good, so I started watching it. It's... okay. It's not bad by any means, but not one I'll watch again - and I'm someone who usually rewatches more than I watch new.

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4 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Currently watching Madoka Magica (again)

The Magical Girl series for those who don't like traditional Magical Girl series.

Nice, it the only MG series I've gotten into. You planning on watching Rebellion when you finish, plus the new movie set to come out next year of all goes well and no delays. 

I'm also currently doing a rewatch, showing a friend Parasyte the Maxim. The shows pretty badass, and beyond the 3D cgi crowd shots the animation is pretty much on point for most the show. We've already cracked through the first eight episodes, so it goes to show how binge worthy the show is.

I'm also at episode nine of Lunar Legend Tsukihime, so three more episodes till the end. I don't really get the hate some have for the show, I thought it was pretty good. 

The fights aren't all that, but the music is nice and the story pretty solid. 

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6 hours ago, MediaConsumesMe said:

Nice, it the only MG series I've gotten into. You planning on watching Rebellion when you finish, plus the new movie set to come out next year of all goes well and no delays. 


I haven't yet decided if I'll watch Rebellion this time round. I've seen it a couple of times and wasn't impressed with it, It always leaves me thinking that the animators got too carried away with the psychedelic stop-motion graphics and forgot that a film needs a clear storyline more than it needs fancy graphics. The overall impression the film left me with was that it was an example of style over substance.

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On 7/22/2022 at 7:37 AM, Ohayotaku said:

Call of the Night episode 3. Have to admit it’s becoming a struggle to find the characters interesting or likable. Not prepared to drop yet, but my overall opinion of the show is definitely headed the wrong direction.

I don't really want to agree with you on that point, but I'm having a hard time not to at the moment. The characters are a bit.... awkward? For lack of a better term(s)? As far as visuals go, I give it a pretty high score, and the opening theme is pretty good. Overall though, I'm willing to give it one or two more eps to see what happens. Here's hoping. 🤞

Watched through to the most current ep of Overlord. Kinda wish I had 4 more seasons to go, it's a great show! I crack up every time Demiurge praises Ainz' 'genius' ideas and planning and Ainz has no friggin' clue what he's talking about, and gives him permission to explain it all away to everyone. 😂

I plan to continue watching Angolmois to the end, then pick back up on Love After World Domination. I have Fate/Zero on my radar for the very near future as well.

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