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RWBY: Ice Queendom so episodes 1-3 are essentially an abbreviated version of events from Volume 1 (episodes 1 -16) of the original with a few changes. Most notably Weis comes across as a more nuanced character with some early insight into her relationships with the rest of her family. And Jaune’s conflict with Cardin seems to be skipped over in favor of a more internalized struggle over his secret. Also it seems like the anime version will be more focused & serious than the original. While the animation & designs are definitely more polished in this version, I actually prefer the original’s soundtrack. I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to be familiar with the original, but I do think it complimentary & there are times in the first 3 eps when things clearly seemed rushed or incomplete. And going forward, it seems like the story will go off on a different tangent.

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… yeah, I’m just going to call this “Old Vegan Dragon”  for short, ok? 😂 Just watched the first ep on CR and it was surprisingly entertaining for a short runtime series (14 minutes). Yes it was silly, but also pretty darn adorable ☺️ Think I’ll probably stick with it.

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A few days ago in a topic about anime you've rewatched a lot, I mentioned Gravitation and how even though it's not a great show (In hindsight) but in High School I watched it repeatedly... (Hard to believe I found it almost 20 years ago.) But after mentioning it, I was thinking about it a lot and.... now I'm watching it again. I stand by that it's not a great show, but man the nostalgia is strong. (And the music is good. Still listen to the OST sometimes.)

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7 hours ago, Takatofan1986 said:

A few days ago in a topic about anime you've rewatched a lot, I mentioned Gravitation and how even though it's not a great show (In hindsight) but in High School I watched it repeatedly... (Hard to believe I found it almost 20 years ago.) But after mentioning it, I was thinking about it a lot and.... now I'm watching it again. I stand by that it's not a great show, but man the nostalgia is strong. (And the music is good. Still listen to the OST sometimes.)

Been there, done that. There's been a few times when I've seen a DVD at the back of the cupboard of a series I really liked 20 odd years ago and decided to watch it again and after a couple of episodes I'm wondering what I ever saw in it.

Fortunately most of the DVDs in my collection are as good now as I remember them being 20+ years ago when I first watched them.

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The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún - for some reason, CR chose to divide this into 3 “episodes”. The only thing that really stood out about this was the artstyle, which is reminiscent of watercolor paintings which fits well with the folk/fairy tale influences of it’s story & also gives it a dream-like quality. But as far as the story & themes, it didn’t really seem to offer anything I hadn’t seen done better in series like Somali and the Forest Spirit, The Ancient Magus Bride & Haibane Renmei. The biggest shortcoming for me is that the characters feel like nothing more than just that: characters, or archetypes without any individuality that negates most of the emotional impact. I actually think the manga might have more of an impact, but the anime didn’t make much of an impression on me other than the art.

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I finished watching Stellvia this evening. It's an enjoyable Sci-Fi series with an interesting storyline that isn't quite as straightforward as it first appears. The series also has a good cast of characters and gives you time to get to know each of them.

I'd have one or two questions about some aspects of the plot, but it's never wise to probe too deeply into such matters, especially with Sci-Fi series, because you can end up spoiling your enjoyment of the series.

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I began watching episode 1 of Fate/Zero earlier. Had to find a stopping point in the middle of the ep to go back to work, so I'm going to finish it now.

I'm kind of in a rut otherwise as to what to watch alongside it. Overlord 4 is pretty much the main simulcast show I'm going out of my way to catch when new eps drop. My Stepmom's Daughter is My Ex isn't too bad thus far, kinda want to see how their relationship plays out as the show progresses. Despite feeling mixed about Call of the Night, I'm still willing to go at least another ep or two before I give it the axe. I really want to like this show, for some reason. I'm still holding out hope that it has some hidden potential.

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Just finished "Sound! Euphonium" series 1.  A simple but really enjoyable series, I wish series 2 was available in the UK.

Yes, I know I could buy the US release, but it's in two parts at $79 each, that's about £65 in UK money and the days when I could afford to pay £130 for anime series are long gone!  In practice it would probably be more than £130 by the time international postage and import duties are added.  ☹️

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Started watching the 2nd season of The Devil is a Part-timer. It has a very different feel to it than the first season & a very funny set-up

an adorable little girl mysteriously appears claiming to be Maou & Emilia’s lovechild 


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Currently watching K-On. A great series and lots of fun to watch, with just enough seriousness to keep things in ballance.  A great cast of characters, excellent animation and artwork and a well written script. What's not to like?

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I haven't been watching much anime the last couple weeks, but yesterday I watched the My Hero Academia OVAs. I didn't like the first one at all - and even though I'm not a sports person I enjoy sports anime, but this did nothing for me. I did chuckle a few times though, but overall I didn't like it.

The second one though was really hilarious, and I highly recommend it.

It was reminding me of American Dad! and I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized it was because


The woman's voice kept saying "MR. SMILEY", and it reminded me of Roger's "Ricky Spanish" persona, and you similarly heard a voice saying his name.


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18 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

started watching love hina! I'm enjoying it a lot!

The manga is great too. Read it back in the early 2000s, definitely a personal favorite of mine. Highly recommended!

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I just did a re-watch of Parasyte the Maxim with @MarathonGuy1337, if you've not seen it and like a show which is kind of a mix of The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, sit down and watch it cause it won't disappoint. Also been re-watching Fate/Apocrypha - I'm on episode 12. Might not be the best Fate show, but I still think its pretty good. 

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Totsukuni no Shoujo passed my 3ep test.  It's going on the to-binge list.

In the meantime I've started watching Taishou Otome Otogibanashi.

1 hour ago, Wodahs said:

That's on my list too but I haven't gotten to it yet.  Was it as good as the hype was making it out to be a while back?

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1 hour ago, efaardvark said:

That's on my list too but I haven't gotten to it yet.  Was it as good as the hype was making it out to be a while back?

i dont remember any hype think i lust saw it on myanimelist as an up coming anime and saw the trailer or something and thought it be interesting
i do remember thinking it may be along the lines of silent voice and i suppose in a way it was but different too
yes i did enjoy it and would recommend it , even tho there was a 5 minute section that totally seemed they had to twist it to add a cliche piece of deja vu occurrence that seemed oddly out of place and subtract form its total quality to me
but i wont go into depth on this as its also a spoiler in trying to explain , think youll realize it when you watch it

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16 hours ago, Wodahs said:

i do remember thinking it may be along the lines of silent voice and i suppose in a way it was but different too

A lot of people were comparing it to SV when it came out and saying it was soooo much better.  Many were drawing parallels with the cdawg/ironmouse vtuber ship too, which seemed to have more in common with the situation of JTF’s main characters than with that of SV’s.  I was just wondering if this was one of those things that was more in the minds of the shippers/viewers or if there was more to it than that.

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1 hour ago, efaardvark said:

A lot of people were comparing it to SV when it came out and saying it was soooo much better.  Many were drawing parallels with the cdawg/ironmouse vtuber ship too, which seemed to have more in common with the situation of JTF’s main characters than with that of SV’s.  I was just wondering if this was one of those things that was more in the minds of the shippers/viewers or if there was more to it than that.

to me the simplified story line was kinda similar you know basically a person with a disability of some sort that hates life in general and a able body person who seems to have it all love story
but other than that with out going it no to many spoilers it was a totally different story line to the hate my life due to the bully ill get revenge to show how much they hurt me we fall in love story of SV

this one to me seemed even with its cliche situations to be more general life situation involved too (more general public relatable) id say

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Interesting to read the comments about Josee, the Tiger and the Fish and A Silent Voice. I've seen Silent Voice and my Blu-Ray disk of JTF arrived the other day, so that's next on my watch list.

I've seen SV several times and it always leaves me thinking that there is a part of the story missing that would explain Shouko's change of attitude from when she was watching the fireworks with everyone else to her actions when she returned home.

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