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Half way through season 2 AOT. While I loved season 1 and think it's not far off of being a masterpiece, this one seems far less intense. I think a lot of the plot twists are pretty cool but sadly not enjoying this as much.

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14 hours ago, Soramee_ said:

In production unfortunately. If I remember well it’s gonna come out this year

And as if by magic Mr. YouTube placed this in my feed this morning..



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I'm currently working my way thorough my Cardcaptor Sakura Blu-rays, and finding the quality of the story, artwork and animation to be every bit as good as it was the first time I watched the series almost 23 years ago.

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I am one of the many people who attempt to binge watch One Piece and end up quitting by episode 30 right here.

But aside from that, just started watching Monster, pretty fucking good to be honest.

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21 minutes ago, ItsOnRandom said:

But aside from that, just started watching Monster, pretty fucking good to be honest.

Very good its a slow burn but makes up for it in story telling. Very good show.

Just started watching To Your Eternity and catching up on some JOJO. This season watching Oshi no ko , The Blue Orchestra, and might check out Heavenly Delusion looks like a mind trip.

Season a bit light for me for shows I would regularly watch but really would like some more scifi but it's  not as popular now.

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Started Kino's Journey a few days ago (I get it's short I just take a long time to finish shows) I've been liking it so far, it's definitely a good watch after a long day at work.

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33 minutes ago, Admiral_Fall said:

Started Kino's Journey a few days ago (I get it's short I just take a long time to finish shows) I've been liking it so far, it's definitely a good watch after a long day at work.

The original or the remake? I personally prefer the original.

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5 minutes ago, Ohayotaku said:

The original or the remake? I personally prefer the original.

It's the original, didn't even know there was a remake lol

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On 5/24/2023 at 12:06 PM, ItsOnRandom said:

I am one of the many people who attempt to binge watch One Piece and end up quitting by episode 30 right here.

But aside from that, just started watching Monster, pretty fucking good to be honest.

 I tried starting to watch One Piece on Crunchyroll (lord knows how long it would take to catch up). For some reason it kept changing my language preference to Spanish so I gave up.

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2 hours ago, holywhippet said:

For some reason it kept changing my language preference to Spanish so I gave up.

When your're watching a 1000 episode anime but it isn't hard enough.

Edited by ItsOnRandom
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While rewatching Cardcaptor Sakura I realised that in class Sakura occupies the traditional "main character's seat", second row from the back on the right hand side by the window.  I'd never noticed that before!

Which only goes to show that no matter how many times you watch a series you can always spot something you'd not noticed before.

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started off rough, but has grown on me to become one of the few fanservicey harem dramadies I actually enjoy. Largely because despite having 5 girls, only 2 seem to have a genuine romantic interest in the male lead. And even though she’s not one of them, Ami has become one of my favorite genki baka characters as her antics consistently crack me up 🤣

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I've just finished rewatching Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card.  I enjoyed the series much more second time round. The series has a rather more serious tone than the original series, but as Sakura and her friends are now teenagers in their first year of middle school so they'd be expected to have a slightly more adult outlook on life.  The storyline of the series itself is rather more serious because this time Sakura is not just capturing cards or changing them from Clow Cards to Sakura Cards, she's creating new cards and this puts her and Syaoran in danger because other people are interested in the new cards for their own purposes.

So far there are only 22 episodes available, but it's been announced that the series will be continued.

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A typical anime to watch, but a very good one...in my opinion.

JJBA (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure)

This is a pretty well known anime, but, I decided to catch up on the parts, as of now, I'm on part 2...
After this, I also wanna watch Slayers as I haven't watched that yet, and it being an older anime (My Fav kind of Anime), I decided I wanna take a look at it!

To those who have watched it (Slayers), Is it worth the watch? :crazy:

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4 hours ago, Dimitrios said:

To those who have watched it (Slayers), Is it worth the watch? :crazy:

I think it’s worth watching the first season of the tv series at least, you can make up your mind whether to watch beyond afterwards. I’ve watched the first 3 of the 5 seasons & my biggest complaint is the humor & filler episodes got pretty repetitive the longer it went on. The larger storylines could get fairly dark though. Part of my anime bucketlist is to rewatch the first 3 seasons (subtitled this time) & finish up seasons 4&5. 
The movie & OVAs are all (with the exception of the last one) prequels of the tv series & aren’t necessary to watch unless you really like the humor, since that’s the focus. There’s a bit of a running joke that Lina’s rival/traveling companion (Naga) is related to one of the characters from the tv series. I don’t believe it’s ever officially confirmed, but an arc in one of the final seasons makes it all but certain I’ve heard.

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Having spent the last couple of weeks watching 93 episodes of Cardcaptor Sakura I felt that it was time to watch something with rather less 'cute' in it, cute is good, but too much of it can be dangerous 🙂.

So I've started watching Charlotte. From the various reviews and comments I'd seen about this series I wasn't sure what to expect and a story about the activities of a Student Council of a special school whose sole purpose is to protect people with psi powers from being used as laboratory specimens by the scientific community is certainly unusual. 

I found the story to be a bit slow to start, but after the second episode it picked up the pace and got into the story.  The storyline has a good mix of humour and serious drama and it'll be interesting to see how it progresses.


(As an aside, I think this is the first series I've watched where a female character gets a serious nosebleed!)


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I've now finished watching Charlotte. As I said earlier when I started watching it I wasn't sure what I was going to get, and what I got was a much more serious story than I expected.  The solution to problem of protecting ability users was quite logical, but I do wonder if one person no matter how capable they were, could really have done it all single-handed.  But overall I enjoyed watching the series and really liked the way it ended.

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I've started watching My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex, it's a Slice of Life series with a slightly unusual storyline about a girl and a boy who lived with one parent each, and who were boyfriend and girlfriend until they broke up, and now find themselves step-siblings due to the fact that their parents getting married.
What I'm liking about this series so far is the relationships and interactions between the various characters. I much prefer the verbal sparing and the devious schemes they come up with to stories with  lots of action and battles.


           ... but perhaps that's because I'm getting older...
                                                                                        ... but then again, who knows...?  🙂

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I've finished watching My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex I quite enjoyed watching it and found the interactions and relationships between the main characters quite humorous. I was a bit disappointed with the ending, the story didn't really end, it just stopped.

I've seem various rumours of a second season, apparently there's enough materiel in the source for a second season, but when and if it gets produced is another question.   

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