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I've only tried smoking once. I took a puff to shut someone up back when I was about 16. I just don't get why people start, but I won't lie. Watching the Pink Panther as a kid made it look cool and I still think so now. The cool walk + his cigarette holder = awesome cool. lol. *sighs*. Interesting how TBS and TNT used to show cartoons...


That aside, from a young age (about 6/1st grade), in our health class, we learned about smoking. In our textbook, it had a photo of a healthy lung and a smoker's lung. That scared the crap out of me. That was enough to deter me.


My parents are also strongly against smoking and was raised that way. My mother wouldn't allow people to smoke around me when I was a child, unless it couldn't be helped. My father would say things like "smokers are idiots" and how they should just pick up a gun and get it over with because you're going to kill yourself from smoking. I think he was this way because his father and older brother were heavy smokers and both passed from it.

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Smoking,while bad for your health, isnt as bad as you think. Yes it shortens your life span but who actually cares about that i mean who wants to live forever ( for those who dont know Im not human btw) but personally i think it is more about the costs of smoking which hits a person the biggest. My household which has 2 smokers spends on average $400 to $500 per month on cigarettes. On my planet that is a lot of money, which could be spent on candies and stuffz.


Smokers and smoking in general is up to the persons choice really so you cant really say much unless they are being rude about it or breaking laws by doing it.


Never directly smoked a day in his life.

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im a social smoker and dont go out of my way to buy cigarettes / cigars or cigarillos. i think smoking can help with alot of stress i say this beacuse little do people know when you dont smoke alot and you have a cigarette it gives you a head buzz or head rush. i only smoke when people offer it to me no other time though. although i have found at work i have been smoking more often because more of my co workers offer them to me on break . even though it is a bad habit and being the light social smoker i am , i still feel the affects of it 2-3 days after smoking and i believe iv developed asthma from it . i don't suggest smoking or consuming tobacco products of any kind but i can understand if you do .


Smoking,while bad for your health, isnt as bad as you think. Yes it shortens your life span but who actually cares about that i mean who wants to live forever ( for those who dont know Im not human btw) but personally i think it is more about the costs of smoking which hits a person the biggest. My household which has 2 smokers spends on average $400 to $500 per month on cigarettes. On my planet that is a lot of money, which could be spent on candies and stuffz.


Smokers and smoking in general is up to the persons choice really so you cant really say much unless they are being rude about it or breaking laws by doing it.


Never directly smoked a day in his life.

wait what planet do you live on ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

I actually am a smoker but in the process of quitting. It's ironic, because I use to be highly against it, even though I grew up around it most of my life. I picked up the nasty habit around the age of 17, I believe. But I hardly smoked then.. I quit for years, and then about a year ago I started going through some heavy stuff in my life, caved, had one and I was hooked again except worse than before.


It actually got so bad that I was at about 1-1/2 packs a day or more depending. And it's terrible for you, makes you feel like crap.. But it's also highly satisfying in the moment. For the past few months, on -average- I was smoking about half a pack a day. And now I'm down to about 2-4 a day. Which I suppose still seems bad, but if you've been a heavy smoker, you know how hard that is. xD


Ultimately my goal is to quit completely because I am getting older and it is effecting my health on a grand scale.



Any advice I could give on it is, don't do it, especially if you have addictive behavior. It's been very difficult to quit, and the longer you go, the harder it gets.

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I've never directly smoked. But, I grew up in a family full of very heavy smokers (that smoked inside the house). Growing up, I could never actually smell the stink of cigarettes and a lot of people thought I smoked too, because the smell was on me as well.

After I graduated high school, I moved away for school. I didn't realise that I was having trouble breathing until I was living in a cleaner air environment. Anytime I went back to my parents house, my lungs would feel heavy and my nose was really sensitive to the smell.

My step-dad developed asthma that was severe enough for him to be taken to the hospital and ended up getting prescribed a pretty heavy-duty inhaler.

My parents haven't smoked for about 3-4 years now. They quit when my step-dad had a heart attack. And since they've quit, he can use a normal inhaler now and he doesn't have to use it that often anymore.

They're house no longer has the smoker smell either, because they got rid of the old furniture (the couch was the worst) and cleaned everything.

(Now my only issue when I visit is itchy eyes and runny nose from the cat, but that will never stop me cuddling her, darnit!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

what people have to remember when discussing the topic of smoking is that alcohol is also another form of toxin, especially if your young.


but mainly smoking, i actually can't stand smokers. i hate the smell, the idea of smoking and simply watching someone smoke.


one of my hobbies is to cough really loudly when i walk past someone smoking xD its fun to me to watch their reactions ;)

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I do not smoke, and I will never try smoking ever!

I don't mind smokers, but I try to not get too close, because I don't want to inhale smoke.

However, I have some friends that smoke, but they only do it when in smoking areas, which is really great! :3

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  • 2 weeks later...
Any advice I could give on it is, don't do it, especially if you have addictive behavior. It's been very difficult to quit, and the longer you go, the harder it gets.

Hello @Kirry, thanks for your insight on this.


I've noticed there are several products on the market such as nicotine gum and patches. If you don't mind me asking, have you tried any of these and if so how effective are they?

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Hello @Kirry, thanks for your insight on this.


I've noticed there are several products on the market such as nicotine gum and patches. If you don't mind me asking, have you tried any of these and if so how effective are they?

I have not tried either to be honest. I probably won't try the patch, as I've heard some negative reviews on it from people close in my life. But as far as the gum goes, I have considered trying it if I get my hands on it but I believe quitting for me is going to require more than just a nicotine "fix."


For me, it's not so much just the nicotine I crave as it is the action of smoking. I have the tendency to need to keep my hands busy. It's hard to explain but its more or less the motions of smoking that calm me down. When I'm highly stressed, the nicotine does help the edge in the moment, but it's more so the action that distracts me. This is why boredom also causes me to relapse quickly and so it's important for me to do activities that will keep my hands busy. If I'm doing crafts for example, I find that I'm less likely to pick up a cig and smoke it, even if I do crave the nicotine. My wire wrapping for example, will keep my hand and mind busy enough to forget I want one.

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@Kirry, my biological father had the same issue of needing to keep his hands busy.

He ended up keeping suckers/lollipops with him at all times while he was quitting. And when he had a super strong craving for nicotine, he'd stop what he was doing (if he was at his home) and go for a walk. Well, more of a power walk, really.

I'm not sure how long it took, but he eventually didn't need the suckers anymore.


My parents used the patch. It worked well for them. My mum didn't need to use it as long as my step-dad did though.

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  • 8 months later...

i personally dont care, i dont think its that big of a deal. like unless youre just in face blowing smoke, i dont even give it mind. personally i think vaping is more obnoxious, because theyre like "oh no nicotine, i can vape anywhere" so then you get a huge ass puff of beef jerkey flavored vape smoke on train when youre just trying to breathe. personally i think tobacco smells better than any vapor

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I hate people who smoke, or more accurately, I hate people who smoke in my face. I don't mind if they take the courtesy of blowing away from my face, but god, I don't want that cancer in my lungs. If you're going to kill yourself, please leave me out of it. It smells horrible too.


I don't mean to offend smokers out there, but it's a major peeve of mine.

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My dad's girlfriend is a smoker, obviously it's not a recommended practice as it causes cancer, is expensive as hell, is addictive and stains everything with nicotine. However, I think that criminalizing the activity and ostracizing its victims, is a foolish idea. Smokers are like everyone else, only they're hooked on cigarettes. You can't shame someone into quitting cigarettes. Why do you think they are addicted in the first place? It's because life is stressful, they need an out and they made a stupid decision to look cool when they were kids. If you shame them, I think the only thing your going to do is increase the number of cigarettes they buy. If you make it illegal, well, what happens with every other illegal substance people are addicted to? On a side note, sometimes I see people my age smoking, they know that it kills them. It just goes to show that people would rather die than not fit in, or "be cool", fuck cancer I look dope. I bet you, if every person on this earth walked with a limp from some sort of injury, it wouldn't be long before the only healthy person did too.

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My dad's girlfriend is a smoker, obviously it's not a recommended practice as it causes cancer, is expensive as hell, is addictive and stains everything with nicotine. However, I think that criminalizing the activity and ostracizing its victims, is a foolish idea. Smokers are like everyone else, only they're hooked on cigarettes. You can't shame someone into quitting cigarettes. Why do you think they are addicted in the first place? It's because life is stressful, they need an out and they made a stupid decision to look cool when they were kids. If you shame them, I think the only thing your going to do is increase the number of cigarettes they buy. If you make it illegal, well, what happens with every other illegal substance people are addicted to? On a side note, sometimes I see people my age smoking, they know that it kills them. It just goes to show that people would rather die than not fit in, or "be cool", f**** cancer I look dope. I bet you, if every person on this earth walked with a limp from some sort of injury, it wouldn't be long before the only healthy person did too.

I agree with half of your point. I know there's a lot of people who smoke because it seems cool. But that's not how I started, personally. I started smoking around 18. I would consider myself having a predisposition to smoking since I had two parents who smoked up to 2 packs a day. I enjoyed the smell. Which sounds weird, considering most non-smokers dislike it. In any case, I picked it up due to my oral fixation. And then once I started smoking regularly, it became difficult for me to quit. I did quit for a few years, but in 2015, picked up smoking again due to stress. Since then I've been trying to quit again. Despite the health side effects of smoking and knowing what it can cause, an addiction is an addiction. Knowing that drinking copious amounts of alcohol can cause cirrhosis of the liver, doesn't stop a true alcoholic from drinking. But I do agree to the point that kids, even other adults should avoid smoking. It's highly addictive and awful. Difficult to quit and annoying for others to be around. It's not a pleasant habit.


I hate people who smoke, or more accurately, I hate people who smoke in my face. I don't mind if they take the courtesy of blowing away from my face, but god, I don't want that cancer in my lungs. If you're going to kill yourself, please leave me out of it. It smells horrible too.


I don't mean to offend smokers out there, but it's a major peeve of mine.

Understandable. As a smoker, even I find it rude when someone blows smoke in my face. >_<


i personally dont care, i dont think its that big of a deal. like unless youre just in face blowing smoke, i dont even give it mind. personally i think vaping is more obnoxious, because theyre like "oh no nicotine, i can vape anywhere" so then you get a huge ass puff of beef jerkey flavored vape smoke on train when youre just trying to breathe. personally i think tobacco smells better than any vapor

I don't mind when people vape, but I do find it obnoxious when they vape in cetain environments because they can get away with it. I smoke regular cigarettes but also own a vape. I don't vape everywhere though. lol I had someone vaping in the place I work and I was just like "....why." lol

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I don't mind people that smoke as long as they don't exhale right into my face. Quite frankly, that's just rude. Other than that, I don't particularly like the smell of smoke, particularly not when it lingers in the air due to low ventilation.


As for myself, I'm an on-again, off-again vape user. Never smoked, probably won't. I vape to kill stress whenever I'm nearing critical levels. It's not exactly addictive, since I stop whenever I start and I try not to get into the habit. I'm not fond of chemical dependency.

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I don't mind people that smoke as long as they don't exhale right into my face. Quite frankly, that's just rude. Other than that, I don't particularly like the smell of smoke, particularly not when it lingers in the air due to low ventilation.


As for myself, I'm an on-again, off-again vape user. Never smoked, probably won't. I vape to kill stress whenever I'm nearing critical levels. It's not exactly addictive, since I stop whenever I start and I try not to get into the habit. I'm not fond of chemical dependency.


For a moment there, I was wonder what you were referring to by vape, and had to look it up.


I can see how bothersome the smoking would be.

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I smoke but not cigarettes. I don't mind smokers at all since I grew up around a lot of them and my sister is a smoker too. Heck I even kinda like the smell of some cigarette smoke.


I have tried a whole two cigarettes in my life but they just aren't for me - the taste is too ashy and I don't really care for it. Cigarillos are ok. Cigars are actually kinda nice but I don't have them very often. And I've tried e-cigs but since I live in Colorado I have a different preferred alternative.


Am I going to get in trouble for that? I kinda heavily implied and it's legal where I live but I know it's not legal everywhere. Please feel free to edit my comment as needed.

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I live in Colorado I have a different preferred alternative.


Am I going to get in trouble for that? I kinda heavily implied and it's legal where I live but I know it's not legal everywhere. Please feel free to edit my comment as needed.

Heck yeah.


No, I find this somewhat relevant to what we are discussing. There's many variations of smoking, even if we were referring mostly to cigarettes/nicotine. As long as you aren't running around the forum discussing your escapades constantly, I don't find issue with it. As you have stated, you live where it is legal.


I never saw a huge problem with it, personally. They have found many benefits to THC. While it's not for everyone, I personally know a handful of people it actually helps cope with certain things- pain, anxiety..

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