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Did you know that when threatened the Horned Lizard can shoot blood out of its eyes spraying as far as 5 feet away? 

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7 hours ago, Zeref said:

Did you know that when threatened the Horned Lizard can shoot blood out of its eyes spraying as far as 5 feet away? 

That's quite scary. I must remember not to get near or threaten any lizards,especially Horned Lizards. 

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I don't want any lizard to do that to me but what are my chances of running into a horned lizard on my outings?

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On 12/30/2024 at 7:00 PM, Zeref said:

Instead of just the face, the Chinese soft-shelled turtle is the only known animal that urinates through its mouth. 

The pee turtles, it pees out of its mouth 😭 

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I'll call his bluff on that and say that everyone is safe since a truckload of those specific turtles could not exist.

Because ⭐

Only two or three living individuals are known: one in China (captive), and one or two in Vietnam (wild). Following the deaths of a wild individual in Vietnam in January 2016 and a captive individual in China in 2019, the species is listed as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List. In addition, the last ones that are alive are male so they will unfortunately not be able to reproduce and once these 2 pass away the species will become extinct. 

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I haven't been on AF in a while. I'd like to witness the peeing turtles peeing in their mouths at least once though. 

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Someone should get a video of the pee-turtles for @froggy. Unfortunately I'm not able to find one. If you look at them, they definitely look like something that would pee out of its mouth. 


Chinese Softshell Turtle – Reptiles and Amphibians of Thailand


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Why his face look like that 😭 He look really mad about the fact him pee out of him mouth LOLLL 

Edited by Sakura
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