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How are you feeling right now?


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Kiss my ass, not every day has to be positive.


I agree with you on this one. No, not every day has to be positive. Some days are utter and complete shit and they should be called out exactly as they are. I'm a firm believer in the idea that days should be called as they are. There's no need for the weird happiness cult stuff that sometimes exists, these days.


With that said, I'll be happy to still take you up on the invitation, even though we aren't in disagreement. ;)

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Sad...since I just finished Kamigami No Asobi. (sniff...sniff...) I JUST FRICKIN' CRIED 5 MINUTES AGO!!!! THE ENDING IS SO HOPELESSLY SAD!!!! I WANT A SEASON 2!!! *starts sobbing uncontrollably* WHY?! WHY DOES THE ENDING HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS??!!!:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

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I'm a bit of a weird mix of emotions right now. It's a combination of good and bad. Usually when I'm like this, it just confuses me and I wind up feeling neutral.

But right now it feels as if though the good is on the surface and the bad is just beneath.


Actually it even creates a vivid image in my mind: a frozen lake.

Sure, there's ice, and you could probably get across fairly far if you're careful. But it's not completely frozen yet and has many weak spots, you could fall through at any moment.


Aaaand that's how I'm feeling!

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I'm a bit of a weird mix of emotions right now. It's a combination of good and bad. Usually when I'm like this, it just confuses me and I wind up feeling neutral.

But right now it feels as if though the good is on the surface and the bad is just beneath.


Actually it even creates a vivid image in my mind: a frozen lake.

Sure, there's ice, and you could probably get across fairly far if you're careful. But it's not completely frozen yet and has many weak spots, you could fall through at any moment.


Aaaand that's how I'm feeling!


That is really interesting, especially the frozen lake.

I understand what you mean by that though it makes sense to me.

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I feel like people were setting fireworks off until nearly two in the morning. @_@


Have I ever mentioned that I'm not a fan of the fourth of July? Because I'm not a fan.

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Whenever I think about the Kamigami No Asobi ending, my heart sinks and I feel like crying. Now I'm a annoyed because of a reason:

My brother won't let me see what he's doing so I'm suspicious. Maybe he has a new secret girlfriend. (since I just talk too much, I just HAVE to say this. A lot of girls crush on my brother. He doesn't know, but I do. So it's not that surprising.)

*laughs for 5 minutes* Okay I'm...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...laughing so hard now because my brother showed me something very funny. Read the following text:

{I'm the Day Care MAN.

I take care of trainers' Pokemon.

If you want to have your leave your Pokemon in Day Care please ask my HUSBAND. }

Get it? Man? Husband?

I just can't stop laughing.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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*Kohloo is currently unable to process emotion, please standby while she goes through her start sequence*


Is there anything I can do to jump-start Kohloo's processes?


Stressed and relieved.......and kinda sad.


Taking the mafia death hard? :o

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*Kohloo has received a jumpstart from @zoop*


Okayokayokayokayokay, let's goo! I am fully awake now though maybe I'll have a nap later maybe not possibilities are endless who knows!


Seriously, now that I've actually gotten some sleep and am awake and outside, I'm feeling really good. Day is off to a decent start so far

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Pretty good. Summer break has started today, and I'm looking forward to 2 whole months of being unproductive without feeling guilty about it.

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