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SAO: The beginning


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SAO: The beginning is a new VR sword art online game being produced in Japan. It looks amazing!!


As I have said before, I am not a fan of nowaday's VR but even ive got to admit this looks pretty great. Your strapped into a trampoline looking thing so your not walking around the real world and getting hurt while trying to play. The games graphics are really good and the VR gear actually analyzes your body and instantly creates and avatar for you just like in the show!


You can feel things in the game which is insane! And its multiplayer, idk how good the multiplayer is, meaning idk if you can connect onlie to people across other countrys and what not but I do see you can multipayer with eachother in the same room at least, and any multiplayer is good multiplayer.


Heres a small vid of it.



I still want to see VR you can hook up into your brain, but this is really cool for right now.

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Unfortunately, The Beginning was a publicity stunt. Its not something that IBM Japan are actually putting weight into developing at the moment.

yea, at the moment. Still very excited for whenever they do pick it up, finish it and put it out there. I hope they get back on it soon though.

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