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Re:Creators - General Discussion


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I'll try to stay calm and have faith! But, this is me after the last episode -



I, the ultimate defender of this show kind of agree with you on this one, the last episode wasn't as exciting as the other ones, the girl who tell lies is starting to get on my nerves, and I want to see more of the old guy with the gun, he just appears to fight and then goes away for more 5 episodes.




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I actually wrote up a review for this on MAL. Thing is I dropped this anime an episode or two ago. All thing were promising the first episode but from there it went downhill pretty quickly.


My review for those who'd like to read it.


Probably my 4th review, and boy did this anime become a let down quickly. Don't get me wrong, the premise is a great idea, but the execution is poor with Re: Creators. Episode 1 is promising, but from there it falls into cliche valley.


What began it's descent from a really, really good anime, which I saw a different review suggestion this could be a classic--which I find a joke--is I think the second episode which provided us a theory as to why everything is happening.


This theory was poorly placed because the characters from the anime worlds were just introduced and with no evidence supporting the theory, yet with all logical reasoning behind it, I couldn't accept it. A few episodes later we do get that evidence but it's already ruined my immersion.


Another aspect where it falls short is the random introductions, and the sudden stops in fights when the fights are possibly the best parts of the anime, paired with the music, it's all but flawless, but they are stopped for no reason other then the theory which provide the reason but to avoid spoilers I won't get into it.


If the theory came about correctly, after evidence was provided, I could accept it, but there's more that plagues this anime. And it could be personal preferences but that's for you to decide.


The main character--I don't know if it's a culture thing, but he is weak. Sota later hides stuff, and it feels like a plot point drawing out, but there is no reason other then his own pride or something that he's hiding the information when it's need. That's why I say it's a plot point, just something to drag the plot on. It's not suspenseful if that is what they are trying for, it's just poor writing.


Going along with that, the characters are also pretty sub par, and paired with the rather great dialogue, it's ironic that they want to try to have a good story, but are unable to.


Overall, it's a nice anime to watch, but not a good one, and nowhere near a classic. I'll give it credit where it's good but if a story is bad, it's not going to be good. Art is great, Sound is fantastic, the rest, poor. See it as you'd like but know that I find this series lacking.


Update Note: Began episode 9 and it just made a mess of itself. No point for me to continue to watch it and I probably should have dropped it long before now.


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It pains me, I mean it really, really pains me. Hahaha. But, yeah. Sota is weak. It isn't just a cultural thing.




  • He's weak by the standards of the protagonists that I've seen in anime. Seriously. He gives critical information to a member of the opposing group before he bothers telling his "friends". With a friend like him, you don't need enemies.
  • He idiotically gives in to purple haired girl, telling no one and not even bothering to try to protect his friends. The way that he got out of that was basically pure randomness.
  • His plot armor is irritating. He's standing in the middle of battlefields and somehow manages to not die wtf.
  • His voice. He is too damn whiny.




It's like watching your child die slowly.


I still believe, but it's like... I'm really going to judge them in a few days hahaha. :D

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I still believe, but it's like... I'm really going to judge them in a few days hahaha. :D

Yes, I do believe as well, I'm here hoping for the best.

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Yes, I do believe as well, I'm here hoping for the best.


Sooo, Teru. You've got to help me, here. :?:?:?


I haven't seen the last ep....


Should I watch? Or, should I hold off a bit more? :-/

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Sooo, Teru. You've got to help me, here. :?:?:?


I haven't seen the last ep....


Should I watch? Or, should I hold off a bit more? :-/

... I haven't seen the last one either, that's kind of funny.

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I'm currently taking a break from this anime and rather wait for all the episodes to come out, but so far I like it. The Opening is amazing, animation is just majestic, characters are awesome and like able! The only thing I don't like about it is that it is pretty predicable! OH and I know you guys been waiting for this one! Meteora is BEST GIRL~ ^_^

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Ok I watched both episodes... I miss Mamika.


I'm actually scared to ask, but would it be worth it to watch or should I sit it out until the end and keep my fingers crossed?

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I'm actually scared to ask, but would it be worth it to watch or should I sit it out until the end and keep my fingers crossed?

I'd watch but I'm bias so you'll have to judge for yourself. The last two episodes were not that good in comparison with the other ones in my opinion.

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I currently have mixed feelings for Re:Creators.


On one hand, I really like Meteora and Selesia. Their chemistry together is great. It started off with a nice bang and the clashes between the creations are awesome. Visually they pop quite well and Sawano's music during the clashes are jaw-dropping and nail-biting.


But outside of the action, the pacing is all over the place. Instead of focusing solely on the events of the creations themselves, there are times where they reflect on society and life. I normally wouldn't mind this too much but the lines are bland, and the camera angles/cut-away shots are also bland during the dialogue scenes...


Also I agree that @Cy~ is spot on in regards to the writing. Yes they are meant to be exagerrated archtypes as they are based off different franchises but things just seem too convenient. Magane appearing at the right moments with Sota and Mamika and her ability to manipulate others so easily really bothered me.


Meteora is also quite amusing... I am a little biased though as she is also the same voice as Rem from Re:Zero. Even with Meteora's deep rambling and snide remarks at times her voice is still soothing!


Sota's sulking and hesitant behaviour also irked me - now that is resolved, I am hoping the second half of Re:Creators will pick up the pace now that they have a very clear strategic goal against Altair.

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I currently have mixed feelings for Re:Creators.


On one hand, I really like Meteora and Selesia. Their chemistry together is great. It started off with a nice bang and the clashes between the creations are awesome. Visually they pop quite well and Sawano's music during the clashes are jaw-dropping and nail-biting.


But outside of the action, the pacing is all over the place. Instead of focusing solely on the events of the creations themselves, there are times where they reflect on society and life. I normally wouldn't mind this too much but the lines are bland, and the camera angles/cut-away shots are bland during the dialogue scenes...


Also I agree that @Cy~ is spot on in regards to the writing. Yes they are meant to be exagerrated archtypes as they are based off different franchises but things just seem too convenient. Magane appearing at the right moments with Sota and Mamika and her ability to manipulate others so easily really bothered me.


Meteora is also quite amusing... I am a little biased though as she is also the same voice as Rem from Re:Zero. Even with Meteora's deep rambling and snide remarks at times her voice is still soothing!


Sota's sulking and hesitant behaviour also irked me - now that is resolved, I am hoping the second half of Re:Creators will pick up the pace now that they have a very clear strategic goal against Altair.

HOLY~ I wish I can give you a high five right now because I totally agree with you about having mixed feelings on this Anime! YASSS Meteora is amazing! ^_^

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Just started this one after reading what I could from this thread without being spoiled. I'm about to start episode 4 now. It's a very interesting idea I have to admit. It's kind of like The Devil is a Part Timer in a sense, but unique enough on it's own to make it fun. I think there's 15 episodes out so far, so I'm gonna catch up, because it seems to be worth doing.

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Just started this one after reading what I could from this thread without being spoiled. I'm about to start episode 4 now. It's a very interesting idea I have to admit. It's kind of like The Devil is a Part Timer in a sense, but unique enough on it's own to make it fun. I think there's 15 episodes out so far, so I'm gonna catch up, because it seems to be worth doing.

Dude I stopped on EP 7 and just waiting for all the episodes to finish, but I'm really glad your enjoying the anime. Are there any characters that interest you so far?

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Dude I stopped on EP 7 and just waiting for all the episodes to finish, but I'm really glad your enjoying the anime. Are there any characters that interest you so far?


Surprisingly, I like Mamika. She's more developed as a character than I expected she'd be, so it's a nice surprise.

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Surprisingly, I like Mamika. She's more developed as a character than I expected she'd be, so it's a nice surprise.

Oh gawdd~ Mamika is cool and her design isn't bad either! I can't really say since I'm not that far into the anime but I can see it! What you think about the OP and ED?

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Oh gawdd~ Mamika is cool and her design isn't bad either! I can't really say since I'm not that far into the anime but I can see it! What you think about the OP and ED?

They are okay. I think they are a bit generic, and after watching a lot of videos abut what an OP can mean and be, they do come off as a little weak, but they are still good songs I could see myself listening to outside of watching the anime.

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They are okay. I think they are a bit generic, and after watching a lot of videos abut what an OP can mean and be, they do come off as a little weak, but they are still good songs I could see myself listening to outside of watching the anime.

oh gawd~ I really do love the OP1 The song just makes me want to jump and do some back flips off my computer chair LMAO! I just hope and pray that this anime doesn't have a terrible ending!

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The new OP is more dramatic and great! Another Sawano song too... goodness a lot of the budget went into the music and soundtrack. :angel:


In the OP the two new characters do look interesting indeed..






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Huh ... well, the addition of new characters probably bodes well for the series - the existing batch was getting really stale in my opinion. I wanted to love them, but questionable - imo - writing made that really hard.


Here's hoping that the series takes enough of a positive swing to motivate Cy~ and I to resume it. I still want to love it. @_@

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