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Have you ever danced in the rain? Would you want to?


I'm not really a dancer, to be honest, though Cy~ keeps threatening to change that. I think being able to dance is a prerequisite to being able to dance in the rain, yes?

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I'm not really a dancer, to be honest, though Cy~ keeps threatening to change that. I think being able to dance is a prerequisite to being able to dance in the rain, yes?

No, no! That's a common misconception, that dancing requires some type of training. The activity of dancing is just letting your body flow to the music! Or in this case, the rhythm of the rain! :D

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No, no! That's a common misconception, that dancing requires some type of training. The activity of dancing is just letting your body flow to the music! Or in this case, the rhythm of the rain! :D


I dare not subject anyone to anything that I might try to pass off as dancing, to be honest. :D

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What would you do if you found your in a tournament that could net you losts of money, but you had to put others billions of dollars in debt to come on victorious, with one opponent that rule over their allies via a Nazi-regime style and another who has a cult aiding him?

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First, I'd wonder just what sort of tournament I'd found myself in, and what the benefits of winning it vs not participating would be. :?


I'd then wonder how much effort would be required in order to actually win said tournament. Depending on the costs, effort, overall impact of victory/defeat, I'd slowly work out whether or not it was worth my while. Not interested in anything that has a risk of death, at the end.

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When you say "Zoop a Zoop", what do you mean, precisely?


Well you see --- uh. ... Clearly it means ... ... ... :-/


... we should talk about this elsewhere, clearly.


You know what? Let's talk about something else.

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What would you do if Donald X, creator of Dominion, showed up at your door?


Ask him for a free set of Dominion expansions, because good lord those things add up in cost pretty quick.

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How would react if you met somebody that had the intellect of Einstein, Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Arsene Lupin, Professor Moriarty, and Hannibal Lecter combined?

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What is your favourite part of your average day?


Probably when Cy~ comes home from work, to be honest. I'm shy as hell and a bit of a shut-in, generally, but I still starve for attention and interaction. :?


How would react if you met somebody that had the intellect of Einstein, Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Arsene Lupin, Professor Moriarty, and Hannibal Lecter combined?


Honestly? I'd feel extremely self conscious and inadequate. I'd also wonder if he had any of the negative aspects of those characters - and be a little worried. :-/

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What would you do if all the dreams you had while asleep, regardless of whether they were nightmares or not, started happening the next day?

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What would you do if all the dreams you had while asleep, regardless of whether they were nightmares or not, started happening the next day?


I'd start saying my prayers, because holy crap my dreams are some messed up stuff at times. :?


The world's relative peace would be shattered as reality itself began to spinter and crack, unleashing untold horrors and silliness upon the planet. Life would continue on, just in increasingly strange and nonsensical ways. The global economy would grind to a halt, government would cease to function, and I'd be feeling very guilty.

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How scared would you be if you were able to see the past, presence, and future play out concurrently, thus allowing you to see Cy~ as a child, the way she is now, a elderly lady, and even her grave all at the same time?

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How scared would you be if you were able to see the past, presence, and future play out concurrently, thus allowing you to see Cy~ as a child, the way she is now, a elderly lady, and even her grave all at the same time?


Knowing a few things about her childhood, I would probably drown to death in complete and utter explosive rage at that alone - to say nothing of death, etc.

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What would you do if when you died and found yourself in the afterlife, and while there, learned that people that have been dead longer than you orchestrated everything leading up to your untimely demise?

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What would you do if when you died and found yourself in the afterlife, and while there, learned that people that have been dead longer than you orchestrated everything leading up to your untimely demise?


I'd be quite annoyed at being ripped away from my life now that it is finally becoming something that I am happy with, after a lot of less than happy years - it'd be like a bad joke. I'd be quite cross with them indeed. :angry:


Beyond that, if it had happened earlier on in life I might not have cared that much if the afterlife had turned out to be pleasant.

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How quickly can you figure out new games?


Depends on the kind of game, and my state at the time.


PC and video games tend to come to me quickly, though hardcore strategy games tend not to be my forte. Fighting games vary heavily depending on the style - some I get almost instantly, some I never get.


As for board games, that depends of if it's physical or digital. I pick up physical games quicker than I do digital.

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What's one of your favourite animes of this current new Summer 2017 season?


To be completely honest, I've not really explored the current season too terribly much as of yet ... so far the only anime that has really caught my eye has been Fate / Apocrypha, which in my opinion is turning out to unfortunately be less than amazing. ^^;


I'm sure there's a hidden gem somewhere that I've not yet stumbled upon, but ... I think this is going to end up to be a fairly dry season for me, if I'm to be honest. :'(

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Are you a fan of Transformers?


I can't say that I've ever actually gotten into Transformers before! My wife is a big fan though, particularly of the old cartoons. :D


I had a couple Transformers toys though, as a child, that my older brothers passed along to me though.

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