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Has watching an anime ever changed your life?


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It's time for deep questions! @_@ Has your life ever been changed by an anime? Like, have you ever finished watching a show and then found yourself questioning everything? (Or, am I basically the only one that has *ever* had this happen to them? :quizzical_expression:) Share your stories here!


Clannad: After Story


Okay, so this entire anime was one enormous Feels Trip for me. I don't know what I was expecting after watching Clannad, but I was definitely not expecting what happened to my brain in After Story. Trying to describe everything would take me paragraphs of describing intensely personal experiences and feelings, which I won't do.


Instead of that, I will just say that by the end of the show, I had completely reassessed how I viewed my family. I have a strained and extremely distant relationship with my irl father, and well, Clannad really beat it into me that things are sometimes a little more complex than we see through our "children eyes". I guess I ended up feeling a type of sympathy that I had never felt before, a feeling that I still have today.


The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya


Do you know what it feels like to have the worst things that you've experienced slowly deconstructed in front of your eyes by a master artist? No? Neither did I, until I watched this anime. I can share how it feels. It. Felt. Bad. :'(




At the end of this anime, I was a burning wreck of a human being for days, while I thought about things over and over and over again. However, in the end, I got over it. I guess that sounds anticlimactic, but it's the best way to describe it.


I was raked over the coals, and then I realized that I could just walk on them instead. I felt a lot better for having had the experience. I was forced to see something that I didn't want to see, and after a bit, I realized that it wasn't all that bad, because I'm here today and not as utterly lonely as I was before. <3 Zoop~

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Every anime In have ever watched made me make a decision that altered the direction my life went in small ways and big, every anime helped and every anime I will watched will continue to change the direction. So anime has, changed my life in more then one way...

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Well, I cannot say that any anime in particular has really changed my perspective on things, but I would say the Clannad VN, particularly Tomoyo's backstory made me question what a family is exactly.


In the real life, we are told that family is important, but many people get so caught up in defining a family as something that is established by blood (e.g. parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, sibling, etc.) and/or paper (e.g. marriage certificate, birth certificate, adoption papers), especially because this kind of family gets focused on more in many live-action movies.


However, Tomoyo's backstory showed me that a person can have that kind of family, yet, at the same time, have no family at all.


The only other title that made me really think about things was a manga called Liar Game.


Shinichi Akiyama's talk about doubt, trust, and apathy, and the importance of questioning things help me realize how important it is for me to get to know people and figure out how I can help them, instead of trying to help them in the way society and religious leaders would want me to, actually shows more concern for the individual, and makes me happier that I am who am I am more than any religion could.


Yeah, not quite any anime in here, but many anime seem to be adapted from VNs and manga anyway.

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Tatami galaxy did, the presentation of the idea that there is no perfect life because no matter how great life is we will always want something more and something more profound that's why there is value in realizing that rather than aiming for that perfect life one should make the best of what they have while steadily moving forward.

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I don't remember having an anime in specific but I have these great feelings of nostalgia and happiness with anime in general. Watching a lot of it and a lot of genres, seeing all kinds of work out there has a great and emotional impact on me.

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Has an anime ever "changed" my life?


I mean, anime in general definitely has. As the moment I got into it, I was completely engrossed and all I wanted to do was watch more and talk to people on it. That led to my lifestyle changing too, as I started to do more writing and started to participate on online forums (like this one!). In the 6 or so months that I have been into anime, I have watched a total of around 550 hours of it; which averages to around 3 hours a day. So yeah, there's that.


But if I were to pick a specific anime that had the most impact on my life - it would be undoubtedly Your Lie In April.


Although the anime itself carried plenty of emotional weight on it's own, what made it leave such an impact on me was Kaori. The themes and concepts she represented as a character really resonated with me. Up till now, I would say the biggest psychological obstacle for me was bravery and the willingness to do what I want in spite of what others think. And Kaori was the literal embodiment of what I lacked.


Kaori as a character in Your Lie In April inspired me to do things that I usually wouldn't in real life. She gave me the bravery to be brave.



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Simple answer: no. Maybe it's because I haven't seen enough anime. For me, the only visual medium that affected my way of thinking or living was non-anime live action movies. I was one of those edgy teens who thought Fight Club was preaching the truth. lol I was also inspired by Batman Begins to meditate and control my emotions, so there's that.


Other than that, anime has only made me cry with emotional stories, that's it. They were never effective as life-changing motivational tools, probably because it's animated and harder to relate compared to life action. I'm not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
but I have these great feelings of nostalgia and happiness with anime in general


I actually think that this fully counts as a "change" in your life. If you consider that life with anime is less boring than life without anime, then that's a life change to me. It doesn't have to be a super epic life change for it to be meaningful and important. :angel:

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I actually think that this fully counts as a "change" in your life. If you consider that life with anime is less boring than life without anime, then that's a life change to me. It doesn't have to be a super epic life change for it to be meaningful and important. :angel:

I'm crying on the inside.

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Clannad: ~After Story~

Changed my life big time, not sure what since so many years have past since then, but it still gives me the feels every time I see a clip from it.


Gurren Lagann

Need I say more than "my drill is the drill that will create the heavens."

I like to tell stories and I do so though writing, with the aim of changing this world for the better. I have nothing published yet but I live by that saying.

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Changed my life big time, not sure what since so many years have past since then, but it still gives me the feels every time I see a clip from it.


Omg, I just wanted to say thank you for saying that, hahaha. I was beginning to feel a little self-conscious about my own reaction. My perspective was really rocked by After Story. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one. :P

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I guess anime might've helped me be more open to things - actually every story does that for me, anime or otherwise. Reading or watching other experiences, even if it's fantasy, allows you to see the world or understand people in a different light.

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I guess anime might've helped me be more open to things - actually every story does that for me, anime or otherwise. Reading or watching other experiences, even if it's fantasy, allows you to see the world or understand people in a different light.


I agree with that, actually.


Life is like a polished diamond with an infinite number of facets. Everything that we watch provides another view, through another "lens". This is one of the reasons that I was open to anime originally. It's also one of the reasons that I watch foreign films and am constantly on the lookout for new experiences.

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i wouldnt say that a certain story of an anime has changed me, but at a really tough time in my life anime helped me cope immensely.

i watched a lot of very simple slice of life anime at the time but just seeing people being happy with friends and working through realistic situations made me feel so happy. one of my favorites is k on purely bc of how happy and warm it made me feel

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Anime did a good job on making me a complete weaboo so I guess it changed my life? xD

But a certain anime genre sure ruined me. Netorare made me change my view on the adult society and thought they're all undignified dogs inside. Faith on humanity was destroyed and it scarred me for life. That's why I promised to stay away from that genre.

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Changed? Not exactly, but if it wasn't for Golden Boy and Beck, I wouldn't have met two of my best friends. They are on the other side of the world and yet I've known them both for almost 8 years now.

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well sadly i've only watched 2 animes in my time so far but i think the one i'm watching atm is gonna have a great effect on me i can just tell i've already cried at it like several times


i'm watching Hanasaku Iroha and i'm on episode 14 and its getting to that point now that i know the ending is gonna be spectacular! quite excited :D

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well sadly i've only watched 2 animes in my time so far but i think the one i'm watching atm is gonna have a great effect on me i can just tell i've already cried at it like several times


i'm watching Hanasaku Iroha and i'm on episode 14 and its getting to that point now that i know the ending is gonna be spectacular! quite excited :D


Hanasaku Iroha is one of my anime obsessions, I feeling that by the end, you'll enjoy it quite a bit more than you already are. It's just such a wonderful show.

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Can't really say that anime has had much of a life changing effect on me, to be honest

I agree. Hmm, I may have started singing Japanese songs and started learning some easy japanese phrases but something life changing? Not really.

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I won't say watching a single anime changed things about me but rather regularly watching anime/ realizing how boring and the cruel the real world is made me a lot more eccentric and introvert. I don't really like reality anymore, i am always searching for escapes. Many times i feel depressed, funny anime/games come to rescue and the few real friends i have.

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Anime has definitley affected my life more than any people I know. It has brought laughter, sadness, and love to my life. Sometimes, it was like an escape from reality, it sucks you to a story where you are not only entertained, but where you learn and get touched for life and makes you inspire to do things in your life in order to make your life as colorful as that of the anime you are watching.


(It might sound so cheesy though but it's true :))) )

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