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Sorry if this has been asked but I'm crazy lazy and won't look through all the pages lol


How is your username pronounced? I keep thinking it's like "sea" but maybe I'm wrong.

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Hahaha, no one has asked this yet, but it's a good question. It's "psy" or "sai". Just like the first part of "cyber"?




... Oh dear.


There's a story behind this, actually. I'll tell you the color. Err, I'll show you the color at the end of it.


Soooo, I've mentioned before how my mom was hyper religious. She practically lived in churches at some point in her life, on and off. Anyway, I found this purple bag in my dad's stuff one day, along with a s*** ton of other purple and blue bags. I was like, "Dad, dad, can I keep this?!" And, he was all like, "Sure kid, go away." Then, I was like, "What color is this?!" (Look, I was only 4 or 5 years old, okay.) He was like, "It's purple, that's the gay color." (With heavy emphasis on the aaaayyyyyy.) I was all like, "COOL! OKAY!"


Anyways, dad dropped me off at church that weekend, and I showed up with the purple bag that he had given me and I was really happy about it. I showed it to EVERYONE and told them how happy I was that dad had given it to me and how he had a WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM.


Finally, I tracked mom down and showed her. I'll never forget the look on her face as I started rambling about how dad had all of these awesome purple bags. Her eyes went so f****** wide, I didn't know a human face could be so distorted. I thought she was dying. Her friends were just staring at me slack-jawed.


She asked me how many people I had told. Well, I told her, proudly, that I had told AS MANY AS POSSIBLE, INCLUDING THE PASTOR OF THE CHURCH. Well, she snatched my purple bag, poured my stuff out on the floor, hauled me out by my ear, and told me to never ever ever ever tell anyone about the purple bags again. We went straight home and she and dad had a HUGE argument, right after I got a minor spanking.


So, yeah, there I was... I was just really f****** confused and couldn't figure out what I did wrong. Was purple such a bad color? Maybe it had something to do with "gay" or something? I had no clue, so I just sat around crying and resolved to never have anything purple ever again.


Lmfao, well, that resolution didn't stick.


Can you guess what the purple bag was?


[spoiler=I had a funny childhood]





This is the story of how I found my favorite color in the form of a bag of "The Legendary Import". I discovered evidence of my father's severe alcoholism. I spread this evidence all around our small town church, thus ruining my parents' reputation. Discovered the existence of a "gay" community, which was apparently a secret cult of those that liked the color purple. And, finally, inadvertently provided the spark that led to my parents' first divorce (there were several more to come after that).


Thank you for reading, and yes, yes - I had a very interesting childhood. Btw, royal purple and all of its variants are my favorite shade(s) of purple. I LEARNED NOTHING. :o

bahahaha, I can't give this post enough hearts. That is a beautiful story xD

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Have you ever screwed up everything, but no one ever found out it was you? What was the screw-up you gotten away with? ? Was it a recent event? How sneaky were you when you got away with it?


By the way, I have to be honest here. I totally lied to you with my response. HOWEVER, there's a good reason for this!


If I screw everything up and no one finds out, then wouldn't I be outing myself? Gosh, what's the point in answering this kind of question seriously. You're going to get me in trouble!!!


Don't you know... My spouse is a mod on this site, omfg.

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Tell us a story? :)


I told you a story this morning. Did you like it? :angel:


How would you commit the perfect murder?


Lol, there's no such thing as the perfect murder. If one person can commit it, then another person can solve it.


So, the perfect murder would have to not be a murder. I'll let you solve that one, Sherlock. (y)

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How well do you think you would do if you engaged the following people in a battle of wits?


Sherlock Holmes

Hercule Poirot

Arsene Lupin

Hannibal Lecter

Mr. Brown

Professor Moriarty

Lawrence Wargrave

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How well do you think you would do if you engaged the following people in a battle of wits?


Sherlock Holmes

Hercule Poirot

Arsene Lupin

Hannibal Lecter

Mr. Brown

Professor Moriarty

Lawrence Wargrave


Uhhh, all at once or one at a time?

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All at once. Would be too simple otherwise.

s***... Can I phone a friend?


Okay, okay, okay - I'll tell you what I'd do. I would turn them all against each other while attempting to appear completely impartial.


It wouldn't actually be very difficult.


I would kick things off by pointing out that both Hannibal Lector and Lawrence Wargrave are depraved individuals. This should be enough to lose them the trust of the others. They would find themselves on the losing end of the battle of wits, since I could join in with the others and utterly bludgeon them. Lector would be more resilient, but Wargrave would be far more entertaining.


Then, I would get into the nitty gritty details. Lupin is a thief. He would be my next target, but I would go gently in my poking so that I could keep Lupin in the game for longer. I would also avoid pointing out the fact that Moriarty is also depraved, because I would lose that game and it isn't mine to play anyway - Holmes can beat Moriarty (but it takes time).


With Lector and Wargrave out of the game, I would use the indiscretions of the Catholic Church to put Mr. Brown on the defensive, followed by stoking the fires of Moriarty's rivalry with Holmes. I would force Mr. Brown to concede. Then, I would then throw a curveball at Poirot - pitting his gentlemanliness against that of Lupin, and watching the fireworks that ensue. If that doesn't work - I would allege that Poirot is a more effective Frenchman than Lupin, whom is actually French.


At this point, I expect that only Holmes and Poirot/Lupin (only one) would be left in the game. If it's Lupin, that's easy. Pitch a fight with them and Holmes. If it's Poirot, this becomes harder and yet easier. Holmes is a bit of a slob, takes the law into his own hands without suffering much guilt, and has no time for "cultured" pursuits. I'd point all of this out and then watch the explosions.


I'd expect that Holmes would concede just due to the pure annoyance of having to deal with Poirot's endless rambling rants. With Poirot or Holmes as my final contender (remember the possibility of Lupin), then I'd take the same strategy. I would ask them about the limits of law. At which point would their intellect exhaust itself and they would have to come to terms with the fact that they too are capable of criminality. Then, I would posit that I am immune to this, because I never fell into the trap of imagining myself to be any form of good.


Thus, I have won. Check and mate.


Do you know any other language except English?


Hahaha, sadly, I've learned a number of languages, but I never practice them so they "unlearn".


Here are some of the languages that I have spoken in the past (for at least one year's worth of courses) -

  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Latin (don't ask, I thought Romans were cool)
  • French

Due to attrition, I'm only really able to speak French (assuming I have a few weeks to polish my skills), mainly because I took a French classes for 5 years in college. Why did I do it? Because, there was a cute girl there that liked to talk shit in French during the classes. In fact, there were a lot of cute girls there.


Can you tell me about your Mini? :angel:


But, of course! It's red and black. Hahaha. It's also from the last year of the first generation of the revision, and it's a Cooper S. Yup, that's right, the extra sporty r53 model. (Yes, it's a modern mini. Now, look, I don't want any lip about the modern minis not being British. My car

, so fuck it. Yes, I have the record for when it was shipped overseas; it had miles on it on British soil.)


Purchasing it was science. I had to research the exact nature of mini's car development. I discovered that it was shit. Only the last year runs of any one mini model were any good. So, I needed to find a 2006 and I wanted a 2006 that was one of the last minis made for that year. Well, I found it, after a lot of missed opportunities.


Financing for it was a bitch, of course, since I'm already carrying a lot of debt. Didn't really matter, though, because my dad (actually in law, but who cares) signed for it. (Though, I'm still paying, hahaha.)


Anyways, here she is -








And, here she is, rather snuggly in a snow blanket -







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What would you do if Agatha Christie came back from the dead and you were the first person she visited?


Uh.... I would attempt to seduce her. Don't judge me. (o^.^o)

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Have you tried cracking into Red Hat servers (not servers that run Red Hat or Red Hat deviratives/clones)?


A long time ago, I used to be an annoying little bitch that actually thought that it was cool to "hack" things (I was really, really, really young - this was a while ago). However, I quickly learned that real hacking is actually hard - it requires assembly, etc. Thankfully, you don't have to do real hacking. Just take a guess at a root password based on the server's hostname, information about the site owner, or some other such thing. That works regardless of OS. Yeah, I've tried that against red hat boxes. A LONG TIME AGO.

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Let's see, since you have been around computers a lot, have you used Windows NT 4, and if so, how accurate do you thing the term "plug and pray" is for that OS?


Yup, I used NT 4. It's 100% plug and pray. Only, you don't bother praying, because there was literally no plug and play support and no device management system whatsoever. Basically, you simply didn't have many options for getting hardware to work. Sadly, a bootleg copy of NT 4 was literally all that I had, so that's what I used while hunting for Windows 95.

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