Greeneyes Posted June 16, 2017 Share Posted June 16, 2017 If you could take any anime at all in the world and change one thing in it add something or anything what would you do with said anime? Me I wouldn't change an anime but that is just me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Okinawa Priest Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 make pain(nagato) the main character and hero in Naruto 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cy~ Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 I would delete the second season of Rosen Maiden (2004 series). Quite frankly, I feel like it utterly ruined the premise of the show. If I could redo that entire season, then I would get rid of all of the "father" this and "father" that, and I would make it so that the dolls were talked out of the ultimate grunge match. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zoop Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 If I could change an anime? I'd change a lot of animes. Lesbians. Lesbians everywhere. 1 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cy~ Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 If I could change an anime? I'd change a lot of animes. Lesbians. Lesbians everywhere. Isn't that, more or less, already fairly common? > Yuri. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zoop Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 Isn't that, more or less, already fairly common? > Yuri. I think what I'd be looking for, and what's commonly available, are two slightly different things. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orius Posted June 17, 2017 Share Posted June 17, 2017 Detective Conan Make it grittier, give it a 'hard-boiled detective' vibe with a noir atmosphere. Throw away those silly comedy stuff and give a sharper focus on the fight against the Black Organization. Also, update Black Org. members to be more intelligent while adding depth to their characters. I don't want them to be just shallow knock-offs of the "shadow organization" cliche, which they kinda are right now. Give them a grander, more relatable motivation. Make the motive socially relevant, like Japanese isolationism. Make them morally ambiguous. Madoka Magica Get rid of Homura. Just kidding. There are very few changes I need to make here, but perhaps I would've added... hm, or maybe take away... no, that doesn't work. Okay, can't make changes. Madoka is perfect the way it is. Death Note [spoiler=Plot Spoilers]Don't kill L. Simple. Just do what the first two (much better written) live action movies did. Corpse Party: Tortured Souls Extend it to a full-length series instead of an OVA. Make it a 12-episode anime at the very least. Include extra OVAs to feature the bonus storylines that were in the "extra" routes of the game. Keep Sachiko's sympathetic ending from the original OVA. Do NOT include the opening scene from Book of Shadows like Tortured Souls did, because that was just out of place. Pokemon Replace the protagonist every two or three seasons as needed. SIMPLE. *millions of kids cheer in the background* That includes Pikachu. *even louder cheer in the background* Also, make the protagonists the same people you played in the games, ala Red, Ethan, Brendan, etc. I don't get what's so difficult about this. A ten year old could come up with this stuff. Digimon Stop making sequels. The originals were good enough. If you want to make sequels, at least do it right like tri. (sorta) did. tri. still needs improvement though, 'coz that was just disappointing. Also, make "X-Evolution: The Series" a thing. X-Evolution was easily the best Digimon movie ever. This would turn around the Digimon franchise like Casino Royale did for the Bond franchise. School Days, Umineko no Naku Koro ni, any poorly adapted anime from VNs FOLLOW. THE. STORYLINE. Take notes from Clannad as needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zin Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 get rid of incest in any anime that has it tbh. especially ones that have underlying tones of it that are completely unnecessary. ahem, kyoukai no kanata 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrestigeTweeker Posted June 18, 2017 Share Posted June 18, 2017 I would make the protagoninsts of FAKE straight.(I am not against being bi-/or gay tho). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RepentantSky Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 There's a lot I'd change and man did you ever just open a can of worms cause I'm in the mood for this sort of topic right now. FMA Brotherhood For starters, the first episode is gone. The way the characters are introduced is super annoying and totally pointless. It's done much better in the original show, and what's more, it was a kind of a hint of things to come that I'd also change. Next thing I'd do is remove the entire mentality of "you've already seen if so we're going to speed through the best parts of the set-up to get to the point." No screw that, FMA Brotherhood would've been better if they had kept the pacing the same as the original series, and also, I think would've kept the parts of the first one to that really worked well into the characters personalities in the anime. My version of the show would have been about 80 episodes, but it would have worked better. SAO They never leave SAO until the series is over, and a final episode or two is focused on their lives after the fact. Also, no Harem, no male characters being pushed aside, and characters like Shion and Yuuki are also in SAO. In fact, for even better drama, Yuuki dies in SAO around the same time she dies in real life, and it's so close that no really can tell which killed her first, the game, or her own body giving out. Also, some major characters die, instead of nameless ones or one-off ones, such as Yui. She would not survive in my version. The anime would also stick to the potential deep character development it started with, and our main antagonist would have a deep reasoning for doing what he did. Madoka Magica No looping timeline making the MC basically God at the end. Instead make knowledge characters afraid of her power and what she might do with it, instead of the selfish reasoning of simply trying to save her despite whoever else dies. Attack On Titan Absolutely no filler time. An anime like AoT needs to not spend half or a third of it's season discovering a power, losing a city and reclaiming it. That could have been cut in half and I would have been more than happy to do it. Also, show more of the combat of minor characters, not just ones that are about to die for dramatic effect. Maybe I'd spend a little more time on characters who are going to become important later as well. Finally, give a better indication of when a gear is about to run out of fuel. That trope has been used to kill too many people, and after all that time spent exploring the outside and losing people, it doesn't make sense for them not to have come up with a meter of some kind that lowers as the fuel to run it does. As a general idea, no incest and for the most part, no short form stories if the point if a what if MC got with this character. An anime where a character gets with and has their story with potential lovers that only lasts a few episodes only so the story can start again is annoying. Cowboy Bebop Show us if Spike lives or dies. This one is probably controversial, but I say do it. It was impossible to know at the time, but that open-ended ending wasn't hardly the biggest point of interest for the anime, it was everything leading up to that. We spent time with the character of Spike, and this companions, and we grew attached to them. To see maybe Faye coming up and getting Spike out of the general area, or even using something to catch him before he hit the ground could have been far more interesting, and set up a possible second season or tons of movies continuing the story kind of like Evangelion got, only you know, not stupid and even more confusing. Naruto Rid the Shippuden series of all it's fillers. Doing that would simply fix the pacing issues the second series had, and it could really use it. Also, for the first series, make the filler stories vary a bit more, they were almost always about a team going on a mission, meeting a character with self esteem issues, and through combat and their own supposed awesomeness, helping them get over it, all while helping another character who would be important later improve in some way that never played out in Shippuden. The Naruto movies were already doing this, we didn't need it in the show. Although I do like the fillers in the first series for making a stronger bond for characters heading into Shippuden, there were certain things that could have been done better. Bleach Ichigo is no longer the main protagonist after the Aizen Saga ends, and instead the years of build up about something going on with Karin pay off. She could be a Shinigami or something else, but let her take the lead, and let a time skip happen where she's about Ichigo's age and being taught by him and her father, and then, have Aizen return and have her make short work of him, this time actually killing him to prove a point that she's stronger than anyone could have ever imagined. From there, a lot could be done, like say a new enemy even stronger than Hollows show up, or a huge batch of hollows somewhere that was never detected has arrived and even the weakest one is stronger than Aizen was. Also, make characters who are humans without powers pay off more, and make Orihime actually become something more than a basic healer. I imagine someone who is that thin and is trained right could probably move faster than Soi-fon, and I'd like to see it. Also, keep filler captain, but remove the filler he's from. He was a great character before he went all evil and the idea of Shinigami Squads working together more would have brought in a lot more interesting stories. And with that I'm gonna stop, for now. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brycec Posted June 19, 2017 Share Posted June 19, 2017 Erased I would make it longer, so that everything after episode 10 would be much better, including the final confrontation (neither the manga nor anime were perfect, but the manga' final confrontation actually felt like a finale, whereas it felt like a waste of time in the anime). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Florida Fool Posted June 25, 2017 Share Posted June 25, 2017 Naruto Shipudden Everyone who died during the Pain Arc stays dead. Rurouni Kenshin End the series after Makoto is defeated. Black Cat Keep the darker tone from the beginning. Ai Yori Aoshi Cut the harem and make it a romance. NANA Give Nobuo a spine. Cowboy Bebop Make the show about Spike chasing Vicious. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cy~ Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 get rid of incest in any anime that has it tbh. especially ones that have underlying tones of it that are completely unnecessary. ahem, kyoukai no kanata Actually, I'll second this for sure. Hahaha. I think that incest is used as a shortcut for actually building deep, meaningful relationships. They can take a shortcut by saying "hahaha, they're family!" However, the thing is, it's just as effective from a writing perspective to just write them as childhood friends. Another possible explanation is that it's only done to exploit the shock value. It's so common in anime, though, that I don't even blink anymore. It's just weirdly expected. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zin Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 Actually, I'll second this for sure. Hahaha. I think that incest is used as a shortcut for actually building deep, meaningful relationships. They can take a shortcut by saying "hahaha, they're family!" However, the thing is, it's just as effective from a writing perspective to just write them as childhood friends. Another possible explanation is that it's only done to exploit the shock value. It's so common in anime, though, that I don't even blink anymore. It's just weirdly expected. i agree completely! i think its so strange how its more popular to have incest than have a non-sexualized lgbt relationship in anime. when will we not have to be pushed into a genre thats geared towards straight women or men who sexualize it? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cy~ Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 when will we not have to be pushed into a genre thats geared towards straight women or men who sexualize it? It just seems like Japanese culture, on the whole, views the LGBT community in the same way that some people see circus performers. Whenever there is a character that isn't straight, it's almost always played for laughs or downplayed dramatically (with them painted as being highly eccentric). Just as one facet of this, I could probably track down about a hundred examples in anime of gay guys with their face painted that talk in an exaggerated falsetto and are either evil or morally conflicted. To be honest, I think that anime would have to grow beyond the Japanese cultural sphere before we would ever see a sensitive and thorough treatment of any LGBT themes. Either that, or Japanese culture would have to broaden and modernize, which is kinda happening these days but at a verrrrry sloowwww pace. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John jobs Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 (edited) I personally dont agree with LGBT......that being said i would change anime to be less lewd...some are WAY too over the tope for my liking Edit: i can imagine the two kinds of people who disagree Edited June 26, 2017 by Guest 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brycec Posted June 26, 2017 Share Posted June 26, 2017 I personally dont agree with LGBT......that being said i would change anime to be less lewd...some are WAY too over the tope for my liking I definitely would as well. I have not seen every anime out there, but the lewdness in some of the titles not there does kind of irk me, like the 11 eyes OVA and a few scenes from Clockwork Planet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sbauer Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 I would make erased longer and better ending 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SAO LILDOOP Posted June 27, 2017 Share Posted June 27, 2017 I would change Deathnote so that L lived for the entire show! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lwyn Posted June 28, 2017 Share Posted June 28, 2017 Make it so atleast in one episode someone says "you may be the main character but I wont follow you." 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RepentantSky Posted June 28, 2017 Share Posted June 28, 2017 After watching Akira for the first time in a few years, I'd say better explain what Akira and Tetsuo as well. We know they are both super powerful, and that for some reason Akira was the most powerful, but there's really not enough to gauge that power. Akira is obviously very powerful as he easily stops Tetsuo but even after watching Tetsuo make short work of the Olympic Arena being built, it's still not entirely clear that what means compared to other people with power. Also, since the kid at the start of the film simply shattered all the glass around him by screaming, is it really safe to say that Tetsuo is a lot stronger than all three kids combined. Finally, the whole thing should be re-animated even if nothing is changed, because even though we may not have thought about it at the time, it's kind of hard to tell the difference in genders between several characters because they all have the same face and similar hair. You'd almost think they were all related and considering how some of them met, or that a romantic relationship was blossoming between a few of the characters, they really need to look more like different people, it kind of ruins the immersion a bit. All things considered though, do not change the animation style or quality at all, it's amazing to see how well animated a film from 29 years ago still looks today and that alone makes it worth watching. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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