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Non-Japanese anime


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Do you know of any anime that were written or created by a group/company outside of Japan? What are your thoughts on anime as a worldwide phenomena? Do you think that it would make things better or worse in the community?


I thought about this topic idea when watching The King's Avatar - which is an anime developed in China. I fucking loved the show, though it did take me a few moments to get used to the language being something other than Japanese.


To me, anime *should* become less Japan-centric, because I really am interested in seeing the stories that could be told by fusing elements outside of Japanese culture into the medium. I'm just not sure that it ever will. Not directly, anyway. Instead, it looks like anime is just influencing other mediums heavily enough that maybe some strange hybrid will be created.


Anyway, I think that it would make the anime community better, simply by increasing acceptance and familiarity.


What about you? What are your thoughts on non-Japanese anime?

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King's Avatar is certainly an anime that I loved watching. 10/10 would play GLORY if it ever came out. I also watched uhh... RWBY(This is a non-jap anime, right?) and loved it.


There are actually a lot of Manhwa that are so good, an anime of those would definitely something I'd watch.

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I really need to finish The Kings's Avatar. I watched the first 3 episodes and for whatever reason haven't continued it. Beyond that, I've watched the first season of RWBY and I own the second but I haven't gotten around to finishing that and catching up either. There's something about non-Japanese anime with me I guess. Although if you want to count Avatar: The Last Airbender in that, I finished that show no problem.

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The closest I've seen to non-Japanese anime is Avatar: The Last Air Bender. I've seen a little bit of the Legend of Korra, but I haven't finished it at all (though I wouldn't mind finishing it one day, maybe)

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The only non-Japanese anime I have ever watched is Avatar:The last airbender. I loved it, I have watc a bit of Korra but haven't finished it. really want to though. I think anime is perfect how it is but I definitely think it can get more perfect, if it were made by non-Japanese I think it could be really cool. Japanese anime is the best but I would like to see anime of other cultures, would be interesting to say the least; Just as long as Japanese anime stays as it is.

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