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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 5:07 AM, Nectar said:


Are we both Sagittarius then? :o

Why only December? No specific day? Do you not know when you first grew from the garden patch? :o

ok since its months to go and months since its the 7th of Dec and on her next B'day Rye will be ........................... 19 Mwahaha

sorry Rye honest hope you can forgive me :) 

and no your not both Sagittarius !!! the three of us are

On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 9:04 PM, brycec said:

The most interesting thing though is that your birthday is the day after that of a friend I used to hang out with.

On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 9:06 PM, AniMeFReaK said:

My so-called-BFF's birthday is on 11th September too and I used to hang out with her too...


On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 9:09 PM, brycec said:

That’s even crazier there. Should not be too weird, since the net allows us to connect to people across the world, but I am still kind of surprised.

and just to add to these crazy weird coincidences mines not on the 11th of Sep either :P 

On ‎11‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 9:40 PM, Muco said:

Guess my Birthday ;3

A little brain teaser if you cannot guess my Birthday: What's the second prime number and the second month of autumm?

now if you were where I'm from Muco answering this would make your B'day 3rd of April


now .... Kohloo

should I go back thro all my old old posts to see what the date was when I last wished Kohloo a happy b'day

Edited by Wodahs
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4 hours ago, Wodahs said:

ok since its months to go and months since its the 7th of Dec and on her next B'day Rye will be ........................... 19 Mwahaha

sorry Rye honest hope you can forgive me :) 

and no your not both Sagittarius !!! the three of us are


and just to add to these crazy weird coincidences mines not on the 11th of Sep either :P 

now if you were where I'm from Muco answering this would make your B'day 3rd of April


now .... Kohloo

should I go back thro all my old old posts to see what the date was when I last wished Kohloo a happy b'day

It’s always my birthday

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9 hours ago, BurnsyCEO said:

Haha that must suck.

I was staying away from that my self but well its out there now :o

20 hours ago, I.Zara2006 said:

my birthday just past away 

also thought bout this line too

passed :- having completed the act of passing eg its now passed midday

passed away :- to cease or to die eg He passed away during the night

so I hope your birthday hasn't just passed away and your jet to have many more 😛

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1 hour ago, Wedgy said:

I think I only ever told @Kohloo when my birthday was because it was so close to hers. :D

I thought the old site you could only turn off the year of birth , unlike this one where you can turn off the whole date

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12 minutes ago, Wedgy said:

Yes, however this platform seems to not only turn it off but there is no option to have it display at all. That I've found, anyway.

well there you go !

just checked out and your right which makes me wonder why its a needed field when joining

when the site first went up it was there and you couldn't turn it off , as I asked optic if we could at least turn the year off and got the reply he had fixed it for me , unbeknown then the whole thing was disabled and when I did find out I wasn't caring but never knew it couldn't be turnd back on

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