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Poetry Club

Snow falls


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Snow falls,

It falls as once did the angels of heaven,

casting its glory to the imperfect world below,

falling to earth to say hello


Men look onward,

paying no attention to the snow encircling them,

they read not God's word,

they acknowledge not the great "I AM"


They are lead astray,

easily lost in the blizzard,

there lives decay,

there cry's escaping there lips completely unheard


The cold beats them down,

mercy is not a virtue it is allowed,

it covers all in its deathly cold shroud

and freezes down to the bone


Men are busy,

running about the city,

there job, there wealth,

valued over there spiritual health


Hell will come quickly

for those who doubt its existence,

there is little hope

of escaping the consequence


When death arrives

they will not be ready,

there life he deprives

and carries them from this earth


they will stand before there maker

and having not known there creator,

will be cast down into the flames,

of hell's flaming embrace


God's image man tried to deface,

over the century's,

the entire human race,

tried to erase

God from the mind of others

but in the end,

every knee will bend

and every tongue will confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord.



Quick note: I made this poem for a poetry contest, only the first 3 stanza's were usable as per the rules of the contest, I hope you guys enjoy this full poem. :D 









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