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Coromon. Interesting "Fake pokemon" game, but it's on steam. I like it but I've played it REALLY slowly for some reason...

Also "playing" Kao The Kangaroo, though I haven't touched it in a week, but I'm not officially saying I'm done with it yet.

Also replaying Ratchet And Clank (2002). I finally got a PS5, but I'm still getting over a 13 year breakup and I know from experience I really associate a game with the time in my life of the first time I play it, so instead of jumping right into "Rift Apart", I'm going back and playing all the old ones. Partially to "marathon", partially to use my old favorites to help get over the breakup.

Looking forward to Digimon Survive next month.

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I've been playing Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, Pokémon Unite, Pokémon Quest, Crush Crush (yes, I admit to playing such a, uh, interesting game), Minecraft and a little bit of Bravely Default 2 (think I've sorta given up on this one).

Edited by KaiyaSaysHaiya
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Started playing Resident Evil 7, Replaying Witcher 3 (AGAIN!?!?) and some casual fifa 


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Was disappointed by Salt and Sacrifice...so...

Playing with partner:

Ship of Fools (first play though, so far so good)
Enter the Gungeon (haaaaard but fun)

Playing for self:

Final Fantasy VII Remake (liking the dialogue, it's funny. could do without all the early foreshadowing. But these are nitpicks. Some cuts scenes are laggy)
Dragon Quest 100-I mean XI (it's fun).


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I’ve been playing The Witcher 3 for the first time off and on (can’t progress in the main story currently due to a glitch).

On the side I’m playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Narcissus, Hatsune Miku: Mega Pack, and Chaos Head;Noah.

Lastly I’m replaying Pokémon Black 2 off and on.

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