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What Did You Do In Gaming Today


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Witcher 3 (PS4)

Found the witch and had to go up against one of the members of the Wild Hunt. Wasn't too difficult, more annoying than anything. Then helped her find some damn lamp which she ended up giving to me anyway if I agreed to go look for some dude. 

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4 hours ago, Wedgy said:

I restarted playing The Stick of Truth and have been achievement hunting. I'm sitting at 47/50, just missing the two for collecting every piece of gear, and one for friending everybody. I made certain to get all of the missable things, so now all that is left to do is clean up. It was nice to finally be able to sell all of the junk I collected throughout the game, so I've got plenty of cash to buy off the missing arsenal.

UPDATE it is done :) Sadly I have to put this game down now. Love it. I'll probably dive back into Metal Gear Solid V and more MHW.


I kind of forgot what I was doing in that game (kind of slacked off on the game and really want to get back into it, lol).

Akiba's Trip (PS4)

I nearly forgot all about starting this game a few months back 😵 and just recently jumped back into the game. I'm not too far into it still and haven't forgotten what I was doing.

Witcher 3 (PS4)

Didn't do anything on here worth mentioning today.

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1 minute ago, Wedgy said:

I wish it were longer. It's absurdly fun and quirky. I'll admit there were some parts where it had me thinking I'm going to hell for laughing, but as it turns out it's still a good old fashioned RPG in its own way. SP:FBW played a bit differently, and was admittedly more challenging. I haven't 100% it yet, just missing one. I'll get to that sometime. 

I tried jumping back into the game and forgot where I last left off at. Might have to restart it, oops.

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Pokemon Ultra Sun (2DSxl)

Visited my pokepelago to forage berries and collect beans, don't have time to play properly today but waiting to beat the second island Kahuna.

 Anchorhead (PC web browser text adventure)

Climbed through a window and retrieved my house key for about the fifth time because my work PC doesn't save my progress for some reason :(

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Been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV, My Conjurer is up to level 29. and all my other classes are at least level 9 or 10.

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Not really sure if this is how you are supposed to do this (new).  But today I turned on the gamecube and played some Luigi's mansion. Kind of wanting to play some more.  But gotta work on art stuff.  

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Skyrim (PS4)

Trying to defeat a guy who claims to be Dragon born as well (can't remember his name at the moment).

Can't wait til I get my copy of Jurassic World Evolution!

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Just played through in the last 24 hours Until Dawn on my PS4.  Did great keeping folks alive until about 3am (errr...realtime...I think it was 5am or so in the game) when my energy levels just dropped (as did my desire to be cautious lol).  I went ahead and finished it last night then I replayed from where I was last night at 3am to the end this morning and managed to keep everyone alive.  Note to self....any game that requires you to keep the controller still...do not allow a cat in your lap while playing these games LOL....  Death by cat...  >_>  Oops.... 


Fun game, nice spooky atmosphere....would've probably freaked me out if I was wearing my VR gear instead of just watching the tv across the room.  They need extension cords for VR headsets. They are not long enough!

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1 hour ago, Beocat said:

They need extension cords for VR headsets.

Right.  Like to hear you explain that one to the emergency services personnel.  :D  What they really need is seatbelts.

Seriously though, wireless headsets will soon be a thing.  For a price of course.

No games for me this weekend.  Had to help with a yard sale yesterday and I'm upgrading my computer today.  Currently at 1507 of 2052 files downloaded on an upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04.  17.10 had a problem with HDMI sound that I'm hoping to fix with the upgrade.  If that doesn't work then I've got Manjaro on a USB stick as backup.  (I tried a live boot of Manjaro and I know that works.  Giving Canonical one last chance tho.)

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2 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Right.  Like to hear you explain that one to the emergency services personnel.  :D  What they really need is seatbelts.

Seriously though, wireless headsets will soon be a thing.  For a price of course.

No games for me this weekend.  Had to help with a yard sale yesterday and I'm upgrading my computer today.  Currently at 1507 of 2052 files downloaded on an upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04.  17.10 had a problem with HDMI sound that I'm hoping to fix with the upgrade.  If that doesn't work then I've got Manjaro on a USB stick as backup.  (I tried a live boot of Manjaro and I know that works.  Giving Canonical one last chance tho.)

My husband is EMS...he'd just shake his head and mutter under his breath lol


I do hope wireless headsets are on the way.  I'd sell my current headset for a wireless one in a heartbeat.  I have a bad disk in my neck and currently with the wire being on one side of the headset (dragging my head down and forwards on a tilt when using it) it is a quick trip to several days of pain in my neck, arms, and teeth, stiffness, numb shoulders, face and tongue and bouts of nausea.  I've taken to taping the wires to my shirt or my pants when I use it to keep the wires leading up to my head slack enough to prevent the drag.  Just the whole set up takes too much time and effort to use it regularly right now.  That and I have to put a chair practically on top of my tv to get it to reach.  Maybe a longer HDMI cable is what I need for now.  I swear, Sony seems to do this every single time.  Maybe Japanese sit close to their TVs so it doesn't bother them but the charging cables and everything else for any PlayStation device seems to always be too short for American setups. 

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Played The Fruit of Grisaia after like owning it for forever since I was one of the original kickstarter backers for the translation for it.  Only received the last 3 physical copies (The Labyrinth of Grisaia, The Eden of Grisaia, and Chiru Chiru Michiru) for it all at once recently which was what I was waiting for before starting it.  Overall, pretty good so far, seems like my interest in non fantasy VNs isn't really there right now (and might not come back), so probably not as good as I thought it would be 4 years ago.

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Today I Played:

---Koitaku! (PC) (H-Game)

-"Respected" a lot of high school females

---Project:Gorgon (PC)

-Reached 90 in mycology and 98 in unarmed

---The Witcher 3 (PC)

-Vesemir is daddy asf

---Red Faction: Guerrilla (PC Port)

-^One of the funnest games ever btw^

-After you 100% the game its like a sandbox.

Edited by Reiko
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w2k18 (PS4)

It's 3AM and storming so I can't sleep (yay... ) so what am I doing?? Wasting time on creation mode, working on one of my custom character's entrance scenes while hoping the storm doesn't knock out my electricity (I usually spend hours in creation mode). 

11 hours ago, Wedgy said:

Miraak, I think?
Have you ever fought the 'hidden' boss of Skyrim, the Ebony Warrior? He's a bit underwhelmingly simple, but you can only encounter him wandering around if you're level 80.

Yeah that's the dude! And no I haven't come across the other guy yet. 

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Zelda Breath Of The Wild (Switch)

So I kind of forgot about this game 😅. I decided out of boredom to pick up my switch again and play it. I didn't do much with the exception of completing some shrines.

Persona 5 (PS4)

Ran into Ryuji and found the castle (which ended up being the school). Then ran into a talking cat.

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I'm getting sucked in again.  I was doing so well too.  Hadn't even thought about the game for ages.. then I discovered a directory full of old stuff while cleaning up some files.  Ran the old .jar.. it worked.  Help me....  :D 


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Didn't do any gaming unfortunately today but I did buy two new games, finishing paying off Jurassic World Evolution and started my preorder on Pokemon Let's Go Eevee limited edition version.

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I started playing Ni No Kuni II in it's hardest mode, and I gotta say, it fixes a lot of my complaints about the game. I think the leveling is a bit too fast still, making the mode a little less interesting than it should be, but it's nice to play the game in such a way that it's actually challenging again. Game was waaay too easy before. 

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