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What Did You Do In Gaming Today


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1 hour ago, Sasuke said:

I got KBD around 1,000 KC and the only other I have which is hellhound I lucked out on and got after 14 KC.

See I have no RNG luck and never get anything lol 😮‍💨 

Game wise however though I did buy 30k addy ores today to work more on leveling smithing wooo

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11 hours ago, Wild Emotion said:

Ohhhh, ok. I've played a game that had a similar setup lie that before. Did RS always have those 2 different categories of players or is it something they added after the original release? I know what you mean though because it just seems like even in games things are getting a little expensive.

As far as I know, yes, it's been that way since RS2 released in.. 2002? I think.. I wasn't playing it back then but it's been the same since RS2 released with members/non-member worlds. in 1999-2002 in RS Classic there wasn't member/non-member worlds I don't think. I guess $12 a month still isn't a lot for a game but the price has been steadily increasing over the years lol

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On 1/28/2024 at 1:44 AM, Sakura said:

See I have no RNG luck and never get anything lol 😮‍💨 

Game wise however though I did buy 30k addy ores today to work more on leveling smithing wooo

For 99? 

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10 hours ago, Sasuke said:

For 99? 

No more like 94-ish but now it's just sitting in my bank. I might try to work on smithing tonight. I still need to finish this Firemaking which is what I'm doing right now. 


@Wild Emotion It seems to go up every year, but to be fair, most things are. Seems like inflation is with every thing these days ._. 

Edited by Sakura
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6 minutes ago, Wild Emotion said:

That probably doesn't bode well for the future. >< That's why I used to go to Gamestop to buy my games (when I could anyway since I can't drive myself anywhere), but I'd always look in different cases of the same games to try to stick a manual in one that still had the original art sleeves on them. lol I used to hate not having a manual for any game, but now I don't think there's any manual for any game. XD At least it'll make it easier to buy used games now and I won't be so picky. If we ever go to a Gamestop again anyway. Nowadays it's just easier to order games online. ^^;

Well considering everything increases but payroll doesn't, does make it a problem lol ~
I guess most people probably use the internet for game manuals these days, since you can find them online and find a walkthrough for any game now too. 

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15 hours ago, Sakura said:

No more like 94-ish but now it's just sitting in my bank. I might try to work on smithing tonight. I still need to finish this Firemaking which is what I'm doing right now. 


@Wild Emotion It seems to go up every year, but to be fair, most things are. Seems like inflation is with every thing these days ._. 

Are you finishing buyable skills first? 

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This isn't exactly about my recent gaming activities.  I've been too busy to play (or post much) lately but I have to comment on that SLIM landing.  It was so Kerbal!   🤣  I don't know how many times I've gone for a landing in KSP where something happens and the lander I'm piloting winds up on its side or top - usually after rolling/sliding down the slope of a crater - instead of upright on its landing gear as designed.  SLIM is real life imitating typical KSP game play.

The KSP load screen even reflects this (pretty much central) aspect of game play.  In KSP things often don't go exactly according to plan.  If you're lucky and things don't simply blow up then you can wind up in some pretty silly situations.



(screenshot from my computer)

.. with..

(Pic from JAXA site.)

Too perfect!  Well not really, but you get the idea.  :)  :)  Been there, done that.  In game at least.

So here's to JAXA successfully completing the mission.  👍  Even if not exactly according to plan.  🤣

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7 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Are you finishing buyable skills first? 

Sounds easier tbh lol But stuff like Construction I don't really feel like doing, even though maxing Con takes literally just a bored weekend.. x.x I was just getting everything 90+ atm 

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Just tried the Voxlands demo on Steam.  Had to run it under proton on my linux box but it seemed pretty solid for a demo.  Played a couple of levels and a bit of the crafting tutorial.  Looks promising.  Definitely be interested in seeing how the full game turns out.

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16 hours ago, Sakura said:

Sounds easier tbh lol But stuff like Construction I don't really feel like doing, even though maxing Con takes literally just a bored weekend.. x.x I was just getting everything 90+ atm 

I did 99 con on my alt a couple days ago. Took less than a week.

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7 hours ago, Sasuke said:

I did 99 con on my alt a couple days ago. Took less than a week.

That's going to cost me like 380M lol @.@ Sooo this week I'll finish that firemaking, and prolly get closer to maxing farming. 97 Farming atm and I want to get 99 this weekend. 

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16 hours ago, Sakura said:

That's going to cost me like 380M lol @.@ Sooo this week I'll finish that firemaking, and prolly get closer to maxing farming. 97 Farming atm and I want to get 99 this weekend. 

Do tithe farm?

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8 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Do tithe farm?

Tooooo much work lol I'm doing tree runs. Just did my tree run a few agos tbh and getting ready to do herb runs then go back to firemaking ^^

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15 hours ago, Sakura said:

Tooooo much work lol I'm doing tree runs. Just did my tree run a few agos tbh and getting ready to do herb runs then go back to firemaking ^^

Did you get 90? 

I'm feeling nostalgic today so I'm playing AQ. I managed to log into my original account. 

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3 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Did you get 90? 

I'm feeling nostalgic today so I'm playing AQ. I managed to log into my original account. 

Omg I forgot Adventure Quest is a game that exists xD I used to play that so much when I was a teenager. There was another version of it too that wasn't multi-player but I don't remember what it was called that I used to play all the time ~ tbh I'm surprised Adventure Quest still exists lolz

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On 2/2/2024 at 2:18 PM, Sakura said:

Omg I forgot Adventure Quest is a game that exists xD I used to play that so much when I was a teenager. There was another version of it too that wasn't multi-player but I don't remember what it was called that I used to play all the time ~ tbh I'm surprised Adventure Quest still exists lolz

I think you're thinking of Dragon Fable. It was by BattleOn games as well, the same as AQ but it was 1 player in a story line instead of multi-player. I think it's still running too. 
I'm going to play AQ again this evening. 

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2 hours ago, Sasuke said:

I think you're thinking of Dragon Fable. It was by BattleOn games as well, the same as AQ but it was 1 player in a story line instead of multi-player. I think it's still running too. 
I'm going to play AQ again this evening. 

Ooooo Yesssh I think it was Dragon Fable ;o I remember it being similar to Adventure Quest yeah, and both were fun. 

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Had one of those !^$@!^%@ baby zombies somehow get into a town I'd fortified!  No idea how he got in.  I thought maybe a glitch in the wall I put up around the town.  I was pretty careful putting it up and I went around and checked again but still couldn't figure it out.  Must be a patch of darkness somewhere inside where he can spawn.

Worse, it managed to zombify a cleric and two librarians that I'd leveled up before I managed to find and kill it!  Between them the librarians had trades for enchanted books with Silk Touch, Unbreaking, and Mending, plus a couple others.  😭

Fortunately the newly-zombified are all enclosed/covered so I can keep them safe and away from me and the rest of the villagers.  But they're not going to be trading anymore any time soon.  I don't think they'll despawn either but I gave them all books to make sure.  Going to have to cure them somehow.


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On 1/26/2024 at 12:44 AM, Wild Emotion said:

lol Yeah I have. ^^ So much farming though. XD

Which game did you get the rare pet in? I wanna sseeee iiiiit~

I really didn't expect to end up typing that much. ^^; I don't think I meant to say so much at once in one post lol It's a sweet game though!! B2 and 9S do seem like they're in a complicated relationship, but this I'm also a Nier franchise virgin so this is actually my very first Nier game I've ever played. I just wish I would've looked into them sooner though so I could've enjoyed the ones before Automata, too.

I think subscribing ps+ in playstation, nier replic is free so be aware of sales and promos in switch store😉

Edit: finally 100% The last of us part 2 remastered, grounded mode in No Return was so fun😎

Next to 100% is A Plague Tale: Requiem! 

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On 2/3/2024 at 5:36 PM, Sakura said:

Ooooo Yesssh I think it was Dragon Fable ;o I remember it being similar to Adventure Quest yeah, and both were fun. 

Do you still play Epic? I just got on Epic earlier this afternoon to play a bit.

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3 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Do you still play Epic? I just got on Epic earlier this afternoon to play a bit.

I still have it downloaded on my PC but I haven't logged in for awhileeee 

Mostly played RS today with friends, doing fishing.

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Playing a private server of a game with some friends. Mostly doing bosses and dungeons. Leveled up a weapon this morning to max stats so I can 1 shot bosses, about to go test that out.

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I did a lot today! I got married on PW XD I took a lot of screenies of it because I had a lot of fun so I'll put it behind spoilers so no one has to scroll through a bunch of game screenies if they don't wanna lol ~



Of course you have to have a pre-wedding party:







And you have to give the bride a car XD:




You can't have a wedding without a fight naturally:







After wedding fireworks:






Cute wedding photos:







And that's all! With @Sasuke


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13 hours ago, Sakura said:

I did a lot today! I got married on PW XD I took a lot of screenies of it because I had a lot of fun so I'll put it behind spoilers so no one has to scroll through a bunch of game screenies if they don't wanna lol ~



Of course you have to have a pre-wedding party:

  Reveal hidden contents






And you have to give the bride a car XD:

  Reveal hidden contents



You can't have a wedding without a fight naturally:

  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents


After wedding fireworks:

  Reveal hidden contents





Cute wedding photos:

  Reveal hidden contents






And that's all! With @Sasuke


Good screens, all the ones I took are crap lol.

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