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Finally finished getting to 98 woodcutting on OSRS. Only 1 more level go to but it's 1.2M XP away, which is the same as doing like levels 1-75 all over again so it's going to be awhile lol x.x 


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13 hours ago, Sakura said:


Finally finished getting to 98 woodcutting on OSRS. Only 1 more level go to but it's 1.2M XP away, which is the same as doing like levels 1-75 all over again so it's going to be awhile lol x.x 


Congrats on 98. After 99, are you planning for another 99?

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution

So, I've been blazing through Duels in the first series' stories, but I've admittedly skipped the dialog, so now I have to go all the way back to the beginning. lol Oh, and I've gotten to the Duel against Yami Marik which was the final Duel of the Battle City Tournament, but he kicks my butt every frickin time, so playing from the beginning again and this time read the dialog/story (without deleting my current Save Data this time) will get me a lot of ... whatever the points are called to buy Booster Packs because I can't frickin win with Yami Yugi's deck even though it's a difficult Duel no matter what way you slice it, so it makes sense why I'm having so much trouble. Even skipping the dialog though I still haven't been able to finish the first Yu-Gi-Oh! stories. lol I underestimated how much fun I could have with this game. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Oh, the different series that the game covers beginning to end are:


Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V


So, there's a lot of story to learn about. I told @Sakura about how confusing the Pendulum and Link monsters are to me, but I'll determined to frickin understand how to use those cards. >< >< >< >< >< And if I get angry in the process then I'll play something else for a while. lol Besides, I'll have to learn how to use those 2 types of cards to complete all of the stories like I intend to. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Thankfully there's  built-in tutorial about everything in the game, so maybe if I just repeat those tutorials about Pendulum and Link monsters I'll eventually get it. Can't hurt to try, right? ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; Ok then, time to go through the story so far in the Yu-Gi-Oh! series and to pay attention to the dialog this time. It'll enrich the story, too, so I don't know why I thought skipping the dialog/story was a good thing to do. >< >< >< >< >< Here I go!!

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19 hours ago, Sakura said:


Finally finished getting to 98 woodcutting on OSRS. Only 1 more level go to but it's 1.2M XP away, which is the same as doing like levels 1-75 all over again so it's going to be awhile lol x.x 


Chopping yews it should go quickly however, and hopefully you'll get that fox. 

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7 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Congrats on 98. After 99, are you planning for another 99?

I figure after I finish this I'll finish Smithing to 99. It's already at 95, close to 96, and it's such an AFK skill that I can AFK it the same way I did WC. I think I can still make a slight profit on it as well. There's also Firemaking that needs to be finished too -.- Which is at 92. I know I could finish that in a week if I went at Wintertodt, prolly less than a week with the new improvements to health reduction there but it seems so.. annoying lmao 

2 hours ago, Zeref said:

Chopping yews it should go quickly however, and hopefully you'll get that fox. 

If I don't get the fox by 99 I swear to GAWDDDD I will throw something lmfao 

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The Last Remnant Remastered

The reason I bought this game was because the brother was trying to save his sister like I wish I could've done with big sis'. Although Rush is older than Irina, I like theme of saving a sibling that's in this game. Right now I'm grinding to be able to not be killed as easily as I was the two times I tried before getting the party as strong as they need to be. Though I might be over-preparing, it's better than losing. >< >< >< >< ><


Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution

I've gotten to the duel with Mako Tsunami in the Duelist Kingdom part of the story. I can't remember who's next though.

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Not just later today, but for the past few days a friend, and I have been playing Baldur's Gate 3 multiplayer. It's been a lot of fun, though I have 1 gripe with how they handle NPCs when it comes to groups.

I have been also playing Stalker 2:  Heart of Chernobyl too, and I have been loving it (I am a sucker for post apocalyptic settings), but it's been kicking my arse too lol which is the true Stalker experience.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution

I've collected "Immortal Phoenix" and "Sphere Mode" now after getting The Winged Dragon of Ra (the 3 cards are the different forms of the Egyptian God Card Ra), but after reading all 3 cards (thoroughly) I've noticed that I need cards to either add the original God Card to my hand or deck in order to be able to efficiently use it the way I envision. There's a Continuous Spell Card in Kaiba's Booster Pack called "Legacy of the Duelist" that allows a card to be added from the graveyard to the hand, but I only have 1 of them so far. Sphere Mode can be Tributed to bring out Ra from the Hand or Deck though, so I'm trying to find out about a card that returns a card to the deck now. The only one I've found so far is Des Feral Imp which is a Flip Effect Fiend that adds a card from the graveyard to the deck after being flipped, but I was more hoping to find Spell or Trap cards that f could use. I might have to go with Legacy of the Duelist, but I'll need 2 more in order to put 3 in my deck in case one gets destroyed or removed from the field after I put it into play. So, for now, I can't efficiently use the 3 Ra cards which has led to me putting Obelisk the Tormentor as the deck's Egyptian God Card that I'm using right now. Fortunately I've got Seven Tools of the Bandit (negate a trap card at the cost of 1000 Life Points) and, sadly, only 2 Majic Jammer (negate a Spell card at the cost of discarding a card from the hand) cards. But instead of a 3rd Magic Jammer, I've put Magic Drain (negate a Spell card unless the opponent discards 1 Spell card) )in the deck in its place, but I've put Obelisk the Tormentor in the deck I'm using right now along with Ancient Lamp x 3, La Jinn x 3, Dark Blade x 3, Pitch-Dark Dragon x 2, Kiryu x 2, Morphing Jar x 1, Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight x 1, Kaiser Vorse Raider x 1, Puppet King x 1, King of the Swamp x 2, Polymerization x 3, , Fusion Recovery x 1, Kunai with Chain x 3, Monster Reborn x 1, Call of the Haunted x 1, Mirror Force x 1, Mirror Force Launcher x 1, Proof of Powerlessness x 1, Ring of Destructin x 1, Magic Cylinder x 1.

That's my 40 card deck which is a deck size maximum I've never actually been able to do well, but I'm learning how to keep it at 40 to improve the odds of Drawing the cards I need when I need them. I wanted to add cards to assist with Drawing, but that's what Morphing Jar is for. I had Thunder Dragons mixed into the deck before with a Makiu (since I only have 1 so far), but I switched them out for my current deck experiment.

Extra Deck: Dark Blade the Dragon Knight x 3, First of the Dragons x 2 (waiting for a 3rd one), Caimgorgon, Antiluminescent Knight x 2, Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x 1 (I only have 1 so far). I've won a good amount of Duels with this experimental deck though whereas I clearly need to fine-tune the previous version that had the Thunder Dragons in the mix. Based on what I can remember the cards that were in the previous version of this Obelisk the Tormentor deck though, it still had Dark Blade x 3, Kiryu x 2, Pitch-Dark Dragon x 2, Kunai with Chain x 3, Strike Slash x 3, it didn't have Morphing Jar or King of the Swamp, Fusion Recovery x 1 was still in it though, Thunder Dragon x 3 (the green Level 5 Thunder Type cards that can be fused into Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon of which I had 3 of in the Extra Deck), Thunder Dragonhawk x 1 (Deck), Thunder Dragon Titan x 3 (Extra Deck) And I think several other Fusion cards of the Thunder Dragon archetype. I'm not sure how many Thunder Dragon card variants are in the game, but I aim to find out after getting 2 more Legacy of the Duelist for my Ra deck. I even put Riryoku x 3 in it, but quickly realized I needed to draw cards which is why I at least added King of the Swamp x 2 and Morphing Jar x 1. I was really expecting to crush any opposition, but was quickly trapped in a frustrating losing streak, so that's what prompted me to change the cards to the ones that are in the Experimental Obelisk Deck (Dark Tormentor is what I've named it because of Dark Blade and it being the most versatile card with its 2 Union cards Kiryu and Pitch-Dark Dragon), Thunderous Tormentor was what I named the failed experimental Thunder Dragon / Dark Blade / Obelisk Deck. I keep resisting the urge to add a 3rd Kiryu and a 3rd Pitch-Dark Dragon though because I can just recover those 2 cards with Fusion Recovery, Monster Reborn, or Call of the Haunted. I can really drive myself crazy. lol I'll be further working on the deck because I'm frickin determined to make a good Obelisk the Tormentor deck that does NOT involve a losing streak. >< >< >< >< ><

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution

In an attempt to make a new Kaiba themed deck, I've been trying to make a Blue-Eyes deck using the cards I currently have of that archetype from Kaiba's booster pack. I don't actually have 3 copies of all of the support cards for Blue-Eyes, but I've got plenty of dragons, so I'm going to make a Dragon deck, but I'll fine-tune it before posting the cards that I put in it in here because I'm really rarin' to get started on that. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Oh, and, in true Kaiba form, I'll be using Obelisk the Tormentor as the deck's ace monster. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

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Finally got a chance to play some more minecraft after work this evening & found another trail ruin.  Hard to spot these things.  I almost walked right past it.  Fun to excavate however.  Good place to find pottery sherds.  Usually a couple armor trim templates mixed in as well.  I may dig into it this weekend.



Found my first pale garden too, but only a small one.  Maybe a couple dozen trees, some of which burned down as I got there due to a nearby lava pond.  No creaking or hearts in the ones that were left.  :(  Took a bunch of pale wood, saplings, and moss bits back to base.  I like the doors made from the wood.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution

I've come up with a new plan in the game after learning that 2 Gravekeeper's cards were based on Marik and 2 of the same archetype were based on Ishizu. I'll be gathering the Gravekeeper's cards from Grandpa Muto's booster pack, buuuuut I've hardly bought any of his booster packs so far, so it might take a while. XD I'm up for the challenge~~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

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Used up a whole stack of TNT blowing holes in the nether looking for netherite.  :) Found 22 ancient debris.



The nether looks awesome with the Distant Horizons mod and Complementary Unbound shaders btw.


But then I got back to base and discovered that a zombie had been molesting my librarians and had converted several of them!  Fortunately the golems that had spawned to protect the villagers were not able to reach them after they were zombified and I was eventually able cure them.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I spent a few hours building my empire in a city-building game and it's actually tougher than it looks. Afterward, I wanted to relax, so I played some slots at Zet Casino. The variety of games and smooth navigation make it so much fun, and I even had a small win. Honestly, that’s why I prefer to play online, it’s convenient, with endless options to fit my mood, whether I want excitement or something chill.

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I got 97 Smithing last night:



And today I got an Obsidian Cape drop while doing Slayer, which is the first decent drop I've gotten in a bit:


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12 hours ago, Sakura said:

I got 97 Smithing last night:



And today I got an Obsidian Cape drop while doing Slayer, which is the first decent drop I've gotten in a bit:


Congrats on 97 and the cape 🫶🏻

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19 hours ago, Sakura said:

I got 97 Smithing last night:



And today I got an Obsidian Cape drop while doing Slayer, which is the first decent drop I've gotten in a bit:


Grats on both 😎

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22 hours ago, Sakura said:

I got 97 Smithing last night:



And today I got an Obsidian Cape drop while doing Slayer, which is the first decent drop I've gotten in a bit:



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12 hours ago, Sarada said:

Congrats on 97 and the cape 🫶🏻

6 hours ago, Sasuke said:

Grats on both 😎

2 hours ago, Soramee_ said:


Thanks you 3 ^

Today I finished 81 Construction ~ Thinking about just doing this to 90 real quick, it would only take a weekend of no-lifeing


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11 hours ago, Sakura said:

Thanks you 3 ^

Today I finished 81 Construction ~ Thinking about just doing this to 90 real quick, it would only take a weekend of no-lifeing


Grats you should go for it and get another 90 skill? 

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16 hours ago, Sakura said:

Thanks you 3 ^

Today I finished 81 Construction ~ Thinking about just doing this to 90 real quick, it would only take a weekend of no-lifeing


Thinking about just doing 90? What kind of attitude is that? You either go all the way to 99 like a real no-lifer or don't even bring it up lol. 

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