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Good Japanese music artists


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So we're very fond of Japanese music even outside of anime, and we're always looking for new artists to listen to. Do any of you know any good ones?

A band that we're incredibly fond of is ScenarioArt. They're a three member band consisting of a male lead guitar, male bassist/keyboardist/basically whatever else they need, and a female drummer. Their fun quirk however is that the lead guitar and the drummer do duets. Have some examples.

Cheating slightly, because this first one is actually a cover of a song by the Asian Kung-Fu Generation, and it was used as the OP for the Tatami Galaxy reruns.

Next up, we've got an original one that's a lot of fun.

And finally, we've got the one that we probably consider our favourite ScenarioArt song.

We went ahead and bought most of their albums, and there are a bunch of other great songs that they've done. They're just generally a really enjoyable band to listen to.

Edited by the_twig
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I listen to a lot of Japanese music and I have many good songs and I'm happy I know of them. I just want to let you know it's not "the Asian Kung-Fu Generation." It's just "Asian Kung-Fu Generation," or "AKG" (usually in lowercase letters). People often mistake it and say "AKFG," and it's not correct. It's really, really annoying when people say it like this. Even the band members use akg. The people of Japan often say アジカン (Ajikan) for short. Or you can say the full Japanese name for them which is アジアン・カンフー・ジェネレーション. The dots in that text are evidently optional as they only act as an English space for organization, or perhaps reading purposes. The first band I ever actually liked was this band and I've known and liked them my entire life so far. If you're looking for good Japanese music, start with this band, then expand. They are truly legendary.

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