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Anime is part of the reason I am the way I am..hbu


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As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that I am a person who possesses a lot of perseverance and empathy towards others. (humble brag)  As I sorta look back to figure out where this came from, (not my awful parents) I have come to believe that I owe some of it to anime.

I like to push through adversity like many anime characters and I am also accepting of all kinds of ppl, which again I believe it because of anime. (not trying to turn this into  a political thing, please don't make this a political thing lol) 

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7 hours ago, anime4eva said:

As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that I am a person who possesses a lot of perseverance and empathy towards others. (humble brag)  As I sorta look back to figure out where this came from, (not my awful parents) I have come to believe that I owe some of it to anime.

I like to push through adversity like many anime characters and I am also accepting of all kinds of ppl, which again I believe it because of anime. (not trying to turn this into  a political thing, please don't make this a political thing lol) 

i guess, in a way, anime has made me the way i am, in terms of thinking of how other's feel ?, i tend to put myself in other people's shoe's, and think that, if its do-able with my own feet and hand's, i will do it, (i.e, walking alllll the way from my house to school, and my school isnt exactly close, google says, walking takes 51 minutes (4.1Km))

i dont think my way of talking online is due to anime tho', maybe due to 4chan and my best friend, still better than how i used to type

"which waz sumthin liek thiz xD", ..boy was i retarded back then >.>, i mean i still am, but its progress ^_^

Edited by XII360
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure that anime had influenced a lot on who I am today. I can't really pinpoint the specifics, but I'm sure it did. Anime has always inspired me to improve myself and to be a kind and compassionate person, especially Shounen anime such as Naruto. 

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Anime is a great influence, to move on and fight harder everyday to become stronger; I always knew I should do that but nothing drove that home like Anime did for me. :) Naruto and Higurashi mainly have contributed to my willpower and strength now, just always better yourself and move forward. 

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I would say yes anime has made me who I am. While gaming has played a big part too anime has been there from the start thereby influencing me far more during my formative years. For example I got into gaming from learning about the smt series, and Mario bros which of course all hail from Japan. Since then my desire to comsume both anime, and games has led me to learn more about technology which is another passion of mine. Most anime is viewed via the internet nowa days in one form or another. So having a strong kowledge of the internet is very important, and is something anime consistently reinforces for me.

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