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Halloween Anime Character Drawing Contest


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Halloween Anime Character Drawing Contest

Greetings AF, and Happy Halloween.

To kick off this awesome yet somewhat spooky time of year we would like to have a fun drawing contest. All AF members are invited to take part. This won't be like a traditional art contest as we are not judging by skill of drawing alone. That levels the playing field, because it is more about creativity here. What do we mean by this? We mean whoever draws the most creative/interesting, or unique anime character with a Halloween theme wins. Lastly the characters submitted must be Cannon. This means no OCs this time around. Though don't worry as that idea has already been tossed up on more then one occasion for the future.


Beocat, and myself will be taking submissions from Oct 15th- Oct 31st. After that we will be making a voting thread for the entries.

Now for the fun part. There will be prizes in the form of points for our winners.

1st place wins 3k points

2nd place wins 2k points

3rd place wins 1k points

4th wins 500 points.


Now for the criteria, and rules. :)

1. Participation

  To enter you must post your desire to take part here in this topic. You may do this with, or without your entry, but if you chose to add your entry later you must find, and edit your existing post rather then posting a new one. So better to post your participation with your entry. That will make it easier for us to judge later on as well.

2. No Art Theft

This one is pretty clear. Any, and all entries you submit must be your own work. We aren't exactly going to be reverse Google searching every entry, nor will we necessarily be on Deviant Art looking for stolen art every day either, but if we notice something, or someone claims art theft we will contact you directly via PM. We of course want this to be fun time for everyone so please don;t do this. It isn't fair to others, nor is it even creative. You may link images, or include them as attachments, but again they must be yours.

3. Two Entries Per Member

 We will be accepting a maximum of 2 entries per member this time around. This is for a couple reasons. The first being it gives you multiple chances to win. The other is to give you some variety for your submissions. Though you may also withdraw an entry for another as well. Though you are only allowed 2 max. You must also keep one in reserve at all times once it has been submitted. In other words this is our way of quality control so to speak, Also once the topic closes, and the voting starts all entries are considered final, Best practice would be submit your work, and wait for the big day. If you have made updates to either of your submissions offline aka on your computer, and wish to update your existing entries with them within the contest window you may do this. The only condition is it must be the same character.


Those are the only rules for the contest of course all AF guidelines apply here as everywhere please keep this in mind when submitting your work.


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On 10/15/2018 at 5:50 PM, ArchieKun said:

Halloween Anime Character Drawing Contest

Gratings AF, and Happy Halloween.

To kick of this awesome yet somewhat spooky time of year we would like to have a fun drawing contest. All AF members are invited to take part. This won't be like a traditional art contest as we are not judging by skill of drawing alone. That levels the plating field, because it is more about creativity here. What do we mean by this? We mean whoever draws the most creative/interesting, or unique anime character with a Halloween theme wins. Lastly the characters submitted must be cannon. This means no OCs this time around. Though don't worry as that idea has already been tossed up on more then one occasion for the future.


Beocat, and myself will be taking submissions from Oct 15th- Oct 31st. After that we will be making a voting thread for the entries.


31 huh, well assuming my hospital duty and my.pc.gets fixed i suppose ill join

Aslong as i dont get too toxified on work <_> [thus ill submit whenever, eta:unknown]

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25 minutes ago, XII360 said:

31 huh, well assuming my hospital duty and my.pc.gets fixed i suppose ill join

Aslong as i dont get too toxified on work <_> [thus ill submit whenever, eta:unknown]

Yah if you can pull something together I am sure it'll be great. :) You have some time till the due date as well a week and a half.

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I drew ayano aishi from yandere simulator ! Hope it looks good! 

We all know she doesn't want candy, she wants.....SENPAI!

Sorry this took me a bit long! Cause i wanted to submit another art. Ok so here it is! this is Shiro from deadman wonderland






Edited by I.Zara2006
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54 minutes ago, XII360 said:

I dont see anything o_o 


  Reveal hidden contents



I tried to open it and it wouldn't open on my phone too. I assumed my phone just didn't want to work.


@I.Zara2006 if you have problems linking it in your post, feel free to message me a dropbox link or something and as long as I can open it I can insert it into your post for you.

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6 hours ago, ArchieKun said:

Its looking like we already are getting some pretty epic drawings so far. :) Keep it up everyone, and remember there is plenty of time left.

Will you be posting all the participants drawings?? Or even the winners? If they Pm you them then no one can win.. 

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6 hours ago, Greeneyes said:

Will you be posting all the participants drawings?? Or even the winners? If they Pm you them then no one can win.. 

Yes we will be posting s poll thread on Nov 1st for voting. Then ones who get the most votes win, and the points will be issued according to what is mentioned above.

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9 minutes ago, FinDee said:

so...I'm a bit confused about this.  Is this a drawing contest where you draw anime characters or where you draw anime characters dressed up for Halloween?  

Its supposed to be characters dressed for Halloween but we've gotten both. Since its the first contest we'll honestly take both.

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21 hours ago, ArchieKun said:

Its supposed to be characters dressed for Halloween but we've gotten both. Since its the first contest we'll honestly take both.

Ah okay.  Much appreciated.  

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