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So.. will hyouka get any sequel soon ?


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so hi everybody i am new to this site, and to this club, and i hope we all have a good time talking about animes and stuff :)

so had this question for a while, since im a big, and i mean HUGE hyouka fan ;

will it get a sequel ? like a second season, a movie, or even OVAs or specials ?

cause lots of other fans said "yes why not" as well as those who said " no that'd be boring"

what do you guys think about it ? it really deserves a sequel even though the end was an end to the whole story as far as we all think :/

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I did like Hyouka, but I would be reluctant to see a second season.  They didn't really leave any loose ends so any second season would have to be a new storyline, and I'm still working off issues from FLCL2 so... no, not looking for a second season.  I might go for *an* episode that does a better ending though, or maybe even a movie.  Maybe.  I'd have to be convinced.

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15 hours ago, efaardvark said:

I did like Hyouka, but I would be reluctant to see a second season.  They didn't really leave any loose ends so any second season would have to be a new storyline, and I'm still working off issues from FLCL2 so... no, not looking for a second season.  I might go for *an* episode that does a better ending though, or maybe even a movie.  Maybe.  I'd have to be convinced.

Right ! hope they just think about it, given the fact that it has aired back in 2012, its been a while but dont give up hope haha :))

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18 hours ago, Muco said:

It's pretty unlikely. Hyouka ended with no source material to continue. I have also read the Light Novel and the ending was the same.

I will just tag along with @efaardvark and say that I would rather see a movie. Maybe one where all of them are grown ups. I'm kinda curious to see adult Houtarou.

same here ! curious to see the new side stories adaptated into OAV's or movies; you know, for example, the one where they explain how hotarou made eveyone hate him or something

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