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Genetics are weird!

Who do you look most like in your family?

My sister just had a beautiful dark skinned baby, her boyfriends family are Native American, she looks Arian. The baby has blue eyes (for now) and black hair, and looks a lot like his grandma on dads side.

Ive read that Hazel eyes (like mine) come about from a parent having blue eyes (dominant) and another parent having dark eyes. So though a lot of babies are born with blue eyes, the color will change as melanin develops and they will turn hazel (in some cases). I’m guessing this will probably be the case for my new baby nephew.

I look most like my Dad, I seem to have gotten his genes in the physical department, but apparently a study was done where it was discovered that your intelligence comes from your mother. So I got half and half I guess.

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I love genealogy, and the study of generics. Itts certainly a fun topic to learn about. As for who I take after most in my fam that would be my mother hands down.

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I'm multiracial and I'm about 7 ethnicity so some people have said I look very pretty or cute for all the races I am. However also had people be racist to me as well when I was younger in school. Now a days I don't think people are that to me anymore since I'm older though people sometimes still stare at me while I'm out and about. I don't care no more what people think of me, If they don't like how I look, dress and have my hair then there loss. I do look sorta similar to my sister so we get called twins sometimes but haven't in a few years now. It's funny to us since we look really different from how we dress, hairstyles and I'm much taller than she is. I sometimes do get compared to my mother and father as well only like they see in the face maybe since my mother looks a certain race same as my father even though there more that what the appear on the outside.

I would say all ethnics I am however I am private and rather keep that too myself or only tell others if I want too so I apologize.  :? I can say I'm half Japanese though and proud of it~



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20 hours ago, SanguineTear said:

Well, I got pretty much all of the hereditary health problems in my family so that's a thing~

I hear ya.. lots of little things get passed along in our genes, even environmental exposures unfortunately 

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2 hours ago, HanaApril said:


@SanguineTear I do have hereditary things that run in my family as well that I also have. I felt really bad about one of them for a l very long time but now I made peace with it~

Yeah, me too, mostly. I am still slightly scared of the worst of mine but I try not to dwell on it~

@Seshi Yeah very true.

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