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Whats your starter?


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So what starter pokemon do you guys choose , do you tend to lean towards one type throughout all the games or pick your favorite depending on the generation .

I tend to always pick the grass type , mostly because I love both chikorita and bulbasaur and in the later generations i kinda hate all the starters ,except turtwig that guy's cool , so I go with the least irritating of the bunch and 9 times out of 10 that's the grass type.

Would love to hear your opinions and your choice of pokemon.

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Hm, for me, I usually lean towards the water starter or the grass, although, for X/Y I went with the fire starter.


I tend to just go with the one I feel is the cutest. I'm actually pretty casual when it comes to Pokemon. Most people are all about stats and EV and IV or whatever you call it (and I still don't understand it), but for me, I go with the one that's aesthetically pleasing to my eye.


Let's go with the original three from Red/Blue/Green. I liked all three....but I went with Bulbasaur...but, I wouldn't let it evolve higher than Ivysaur because Venosaur to me is just...ugly. Same with Blastoise. Charizard is okay. Gold/Silver...I chose Waninoko and I've never evolved it past that stage...although granted, I didn't care for either of the Gold/Silver starters.


Ruby/Sapphire I just couldn't get into the games in a general sense....but I think I chose the water starter.


Diamond/Pearl...same as Ruby/Sapphire...but if I had to choose, it would be Pochama, but I don't like the looks of its higher forms.


Black/White...I chose Mijumaru and haven't let him evolve higher than Futachimaru. It was tough to choose, though, as I liked the designs of all three. Pokabu is just too adorable!..but I only like the first forms. Didn't like the higher forms for neither Tsutaja or Pokabu.


For X/Y...Fokko was the only one I actually found cute...but I don't like the looks of its higher forms at all.


So yeah....it's all about looks for me. ^^ Oh and sorry about using the Japanese names. Outside of Gen I and II, I've had more exposure to the Japanese versions than their English versions.

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Gen 1: Charmander

Gen 2: Totodile

Gen 3: MUDKIP!!!! and never evolve it.

Gen 4: Either Piplup or Chimchar

Gen 5: Snivy, then transfer a Riolu over and use that. (I don't like 5th gen starters ;_;)

Gen 6: Fennekin, then keep it at Braixen

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Gen 1: Bulbasaur

Gen 2: Cyndaquil

Gen 3: Mudkip

Gen 4: Turtwig

Gen 5: Oshawott

Gen 6: Froakie


Even through I like Charmander and people pick this adorable fire starter but I stick with first choice and Bulbasaur is the one! Cyndaquil is one of the fire type Pokemon that I truly love as for the others is meh. I love water starters Mudkip, Oshawott, and Froakie because of their final evolution typing and their coolness. Turtwing needs more love and I love picking this Pokemon in D/P/Pt.

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  • 2 months later...

I think I would just pick a Digimon, even over world peace. :P


Jokes aside, I'm usually a firestarter (ba-dum-tss). Charmander, Cynderquil, Mudkip... wait.


Yeah. I'd pick Mudkip over that little chick... because first impressions didn't tell me that little chick would grow into a badass kung-fu chicken. Blaziken has since became one of my favorite fire-type Pokemon. Having said that... GROUND AND WATER TYPE! lol Definitely a better combination than "Fire and Fighting type", a combo that could easily be wiped out by a Water and/or Flying type.


As for the later generations, I can't really remember their names. There was some kind of pig... and in D/P, there was... erm, a gecko, maybe? I can't remember. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

My method for choosing a starter. Choose Grass and done. On other forums, my nick is grassdragon and I'm often called Grassy.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

charmander will always be my favorite. i like the original 151 better than the new ones but if i had to choose one from each gen, it would be :

gen 1) charmander

gen 2) totodile

gen 3) treeko

gen 4) chimchar

gen 5) tepig

gen 6) froakie

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  • 3 months later...
Right now, as of this very post, I'm totally in the mood for living in the Pokémon world :):D:P


I know the feels kimmy-san. Everyday I wish I was in the pokemon world. :D


When it comes to the games I always choose the water type. When the originals came out everyone was obsessed with charmander so I chose the squirtle route instead and I have just stuck with water types ever since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded Pokemon Green last weekend along with Yellow. I decided to use Bulbasaur as my starter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Except for in X and Y, I usually take the water type.


In X and Y I took Squirtle and Fennekin

I was unstoppable!

I either had an indestructible tank or a lightning fast... forget class cannon, my Delphox was a glass Nuclear Warhead.

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1st gen: Bulbasaur

2nd: Chikorita

3rd: Treecko

4th: Turtwig

5th: Snivy

6th: Fennekin


The only reason I broke my grass type tradition was because I really can't like Chespin lol. Also Fennekin was cute af. Other than that, I go with my grass starters.

I highly approve of that list of grass types xP I can understand breaking the trend with Fennekin though. It is super adorable. I learned to love Chespin's line....although it's not my favorite. Quilladin is most definitely my favorite with Chespin's line. It's a cute ball of grass <3

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