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Take Heart


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Title: Take Heart 

A rift between worlds upon the heavens enfolds, casting down the stars, purifying the molds. Skies brightness, beauty, scarred and abhorred, earth's wondrous tranquility abused and scorned. 

A boisterous beast beating his chest, magnificent and mighty, bearer of a terrible quest, in whose eyes lies not rest, in whose mind no duress, only stress from a god, scorned and tormented, crushed as a seed pod, mysteriously defected. Wrath kindles as the fires of hell, oh too similar, from where has he fell? 

I take it upon mine self to this transcribe, ink dancing on quill as does hell imbibe, blood of fathers, blood of mothers, blood of children spilt beneath the covers. From such acts stems no guilt, no, not for this beast, majestically built yet falsely gilt, to stay his wrath would ones soul sell, for this act alone would his wrath quell.  

Raze my bones up on high, make me to soar into the sky, for though rent and barren, cold and callously uncaring as is now her majesty, above yonder troubles sits, one whom would the beast drown in fiery pits. Yes upon a throne, three faces stay, His wrath saved for another day, and though slowly does it come, so too does a new kingdom. Therefore, all my brethren, he that hath an ear let him hear and take heart, from the heavens above descends a righteous rampart, who from this world will evil raze, casting him below for eternity, deserving of our praise and indignant unity against such tempestuous revilers of right,  from now unto the end of nights, for in his sights shall decease night. 

Judge ye the earth, the scornful nations of our God, do not at their wickedness slight, but sob. Chasten and awaken the souls of the weary lest in the last days they board hell's fairy, gladly and eternally, seemingly unaware of the horror awaiting them down there. 


Happy Orthodox Easter everyone! ~♥ 

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