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Inspiring Quotes from Anime Characters


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Anime can be uplifting in so many ways. I enjoy the imagery, the Japanese way of life, carefully woven into some; and above all, the wonderfully inspiring words used by many of the characters.

Thinking back, what were some of the characters or their quotes that have uplifted your spirit or inspired you in a certain way.


In the latest episode that I have watched of Magi, Aladdin gives an inspiring speech (though one of many) this one really uplifted my heart to realize such happiness and beauty from my life’s experiences and something as simple as remembering my friends.

He said: I’ve met people that now mean everything to me.

Because of this, I’ve ended up falling in love with this world


Aladdin is such a sweet soul, I will continue to find happiness in this anime I am sure.

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For me to really like a character I have to be able to either connect with them on a personal level or be inspired, moved and/or affected by them. This is why I love Armin so much (if that wasn't clear enough by my profile alone), because I can both connect with him and be extremely inspired and affected by him at the same time.

Most of my favourite quotes actually come from the little blond genius, such as:
"A person who cannot sacrifice everything won't be able to change anything!" and, "There's nothing wrong with valuing your own life."
I especially like mentioning these two together because as someone who deals with anxiety and depression it is often hard to over come the fear of losing something you love, but it is also extremely tough to value your own life or the things you want. So, while watching AoT and hearing these quotes for the first time they impacted me quite a lot and I began to focus more on how I felt as if placing value on myself and the things I loved was extremely selfish of me and therefore wrong, while also believing that if I sacrificed those things I loved I would also be being selfish because I did not deserve them and should not take them for granted. However, these quotes helped me to realize that it is important that I value my own life and things I love while also realizing that sacrificing them is important and does not mean I do not value them or that I am selfish in giving them away, but that I am working towards my goals and paving a way for my future and the change I so desperately want in my life. (I hope this makes sense, I tried to describe it as clearly as I could)

Another one of my favourite quotes from Armin is:
"Willpower alone isn't enough in battle."
This one, although it may seem quite negative or even somewhat disheartening, was also another quote that really impacted me in my struggles with mental illness. I know this may not be in the exact context or meaning of the quote but I personally view this as a reminder that willpower is not enough when it comes to the struggles I have faced and will continue to face in my life. When I was younger I often thought that it was my fault I was struggling with my mental illnesses so much because I wasn't strong enough or brave enough. However, I now know that the message of this quote is extremely true. Sometimes willpower is not enough, sometimes you're going to need help, sometimes you're going to have to reach out and trust in others more than you trust in yourself and that's alright. 

The last quote I'd like to mention from Armin is:
""I don't like the terms 'good person' or 'bad person' because it's impossible to be entirely good to everyone or entirely bad to everyone. To some, you are a good person, while to others, you are a bad person."
This is yet another quote that I often think about and remember when I'm dealing with anxiety and depression because it reminds me that I'm not perfect and I'm never going to be perfect. I can never be 100% good to everyone or 100% bad to everyone therefore I shouldn't beat myself up over my mistakes or the people I've upset. It is good to try and be as good as we can be but there's no point in feeling worthless and unlovable when you make mistakes and mess up because no one is perfect and that's alright.

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