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Favorite Anime couple

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My favorite would probably be Taiga x Ryuji from Toradora, with Kousei x Kaori(if they count) from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, being a close runner-up.

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Archer said:
My favorite would probably be Taiga x Ryuji from Toradora, with Kousei x Kaori(if they count) from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, being a close runner-up.

I approve of your two favorite couples!

I probably need to update my list:

1. Taiga x Ryuuji (Toradora)
2. Nagisa x Tomoya (Clannad)
3. Victorique x Kujo (Gosick)
4. Isla x Tsukasa (Plastic Memories)
5. Kaori x Kousei (Your Lie in April)
6. Rin x Riki (Little Busters)
7. Kouko x Banri (Golden Time)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kotoura Haruka x Manabe Yoshihisa (Kotoura-san); They're pretty adorable. That's all i have to say about them


Gouda Takeo x Rinko Yamato (Ore Monogatari!!); One of the cuter "recent" couples. I love the idea of a gentle giant who is loved by men and feared by women and one of the smallest, cutest girls falling in love with him because he is actually very kind to others despite his intimidating looks.


Marco Ikusaba x Ai Mikami (Mirai Nikki); Even though they are fighting to the death i believe that they share a intense love for each other that is, quite literally, held higher that human life. They have no problem giving up everything and starting a new life to maintain their love. (Not like Yuuki and Yuno. Their love, for the most part, was very one sided for a while. That's why they aren't on my list.)


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Rikka & Yuuta from Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai!
Asuna & Kirito from Sword Art Online
Taiga and Ryuji from Toradora

Those three are probably my favorite anime couples - I say probably, because I can't think of any other at the moment, but maybe I've forgot one :D

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  • 1 month later...

Well if we're talking about actual couples, then it has to be Yamada x Shiraishi (Yamada-kun to 7-nin to majo)


But my favorite couple (non-canon YET! ) is Gajeel x Levy (Fairy Tail)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh goodness let's see here....(Some may be non-canon so forgive me!)

  • Levi x Gajeel
  • Ino and Sai
  • Cosette and Marcelo
    Though it was a rather forbidden love to begin with and he did end up killing her...
  • Nano and Akira
  • Kanna and Ryuya
  • Mei and Yamato
  • Naruto and Hinata
  • Ayumi and Yoshiki

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  • 2 weeks later...

if we are talking non legit ones but ones i ship it would be Hinata and kageyama from haikyuu or kenma and kuro from haikyuu


If we are talking legit couples then gin and hotaru from hotarubi no mori e

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The thing is though, I generally only enjoy pairings that I really WANT to be an item... You know, the couples that you're dying to get together, it makes sense if they are, but neither one ever admits their true feelings or become romantically involved. AND IT KILLS ME. But I can't help myself .___.

My favorite thing to do is, pick out a pairing that I really enjoy and then read a wholeeee bunch of fanfiction to satisfy my weird lust.

HOWEVER. For the sake of this post. I'm shipping Holo and Lawrence together, hard. I actually only just started watching Spice and Wolf... I'm not sure yet if they become an actual couple, but based on a few posts in this thread, I'm assuming so? Which makes me happy~

Other than that, I can say, pretty much none of my "favorite" pairings ever got together. xD

*goes and dies somewhere*

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  • 2 months later...

Well, even though they're kind of like the basic couple and they went through seasons where they didn't like each other or one of them were captured or something, I would say it's Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba, AKA Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. ^_^

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Who is your favorite Anime couple?

-Doesn't have to be canon-



My two favorite Anime couples are ....



I've been shipping Eremika for EVER.

They're just so cute together!

I know they haven't gotten together in the show yet but I'm still shipping them because they're just so perfect together! Mikasa's like the biggest fan girl and I love it lol Eren's also really cute and just so perfect for her. ♥







But I also love Kiruna.

I love their love story because it's just beautiful to see how far Kirito will go for Asuna and how much they really love each other, so beautiful. ♥






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I really love Homura Akemi X Mami Tomoe!

For some reason I ship them, even though Madoka X Homura would make more sense xD


But they are still cute together! :3



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  • 1 month later...

I know it's kind of an unpopular opinion (at least with my friends) But...

Kirito and Asuna (SAO)

Rokuro and Revy (Black Lagoon)

Maka and Soul (Soul Eater)

Im glad too see another SAO fan here! :D There my fave couple as well.

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Oooohhhhhhhhh why oh why does it have to be canon? Q_Q


Ugggh. But anime couples....uh. xD I legit can't think of any that I like.


So have some non-canon ones!


HeixYin, from Darker Than Black

KanamexYuuki from Vampire Knight

UlquiorraxOrihime from Bleach

TakakixAkari from Five Centimetres Per Second


And yeah, that's my two cents. n.n

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1: X.D <3 Atsuko viola

2: Miu Shizuoka <3 Raisen

3: Dakota <3 Dakota

4: Davis Drafter <3 fluffy (crystal)

5: kami falvey <3 Pint (you know who you two are ;) and yes, it will happen in the story xD)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yay! I'm not the only one! :D

1. TomoyaXNagisa (Clannad)





I have a number of favourite anime couples -


Tomoya x Nagisa (Clannad/Clannad After Story)



I approve of your two favorite couples!


I probably need to update my list:


1. Taiga x Ryuuji (Toradora)

2. Nagisa x Tomoya (Clannad)



So yes, my favorite couple is Tomoya x Nagisa.

They seem very relatable. I've always seen that little bit of Tomoya in me since I've always considered myself to be fatally flawed like he does and I wanted to be with a cute and a bit naive girl like Nagisa (which I've accomplished, yay! :) ). On their own they seem like 2 losers, inadequate people largely pushed away by others (although Tomoya is main character of harem anime so that techincally doesn't apply to him but still that's how he thought of himself), but together they make up for their flaws and form a power couple which is what relationships are all about. <3

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