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Disappointed. I hate shows that do that. Probably give it a lower score just because of this lack of closure.


What's the first thing you think of when you woke up this morning?

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Tsundere. I think their attempt to hide their dere side is cute and shows just how vulnerable they really are, making me want to protect them more than a "moe" type of girl.


If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be?

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It used to be Jessica Alba. She's so hot. Her tanned complexion is perfect. However, I don't think I've crushed on celebs for a long time now nowadays.


If you had a brainwashing machine, who would you use it on and why?

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I would wish to turn back time and relive my life again. I've made many mistakes in my life. :)


You are walking home in the dark, you see something move. What would be your first reaction?

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Binge on junk food, candy and meat all day, find myself a lady of the night, call my friend I haven't talked to in three years, get drunk, phone up a guy from college and attempt to buy pot off him, if not just break into the pot shop downtown and steal some ( not legal yet in Canada, soon, medical only I think). Or phone a guy I cut out of my life and attempt to get some from him, then run away, cuz he's a sociopath. Steal a motorcycle and ride around. Kick my old grade 8 French teacher in the nuts if I could find him, actually see if I could find some blow and LSD too since I only have 24 hours. Strip naked and sing "Roxanne" in the street. You ever see that guy who just looks like he needs the arrogance punched off his face, I'd break his jaw, probably, I have strong hooks. Hit on a married woman that looks receptive, cuz why the hell not? Eat beef tartar. Go skydiving. Drink. Give my guitar to someone I think deserves it, donate my clothes and books to charity, write whatever minuscule piece of wisdom my life has proffered me down and share it on the internet. Cry. Find another lady of the night and tell her every last detail about my life and pay her 50$ to hold me or whatever ( another however much for the full treatment after) then write it down and post it online. Get a massage and my back shaved. Smoke, die surrounded by drugs, junk food and women of the night naked with aviator sunglasses, a cigar in my mouth and a book on Existentialism by Sartre on my knee.


How would you try to stay sane and keep your mind active in a solitary confinement cell for 2 years?

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Hmm ...

My ability to be mature and sophisticated when need be, while also being cute and childish when I feel like it.

My minds' weird way of thinking, even though it's different than most "normal" peoples way of thinking.

The way I can hold back my emotions, this helps me keep from starting fights even when I really want to.


Now, if you could have one super power, what would it be?

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Omnipotence, or the power to shape reality as I see fit. Easiest superpower since it covers everything other superpowers can do. Raise the dead? Make humans immortal to begin with. Change the past? Alter the reality of the past. Run at the speed of life? Make myself fast as lightning or everyone else slow as a snail. Life's a breeze with omnipotence.


If you find yourself about to tell a bad joke, would you go through with it and tell it anyway or refrain from embarrassing yourself?

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Omnipotence, or the power to shape reality as I see fit. Easiest superpower since it covers everything other superpowers can do. Raise the dead? Make humans immortal to begin with. Change the past? Alter the reality of the past. Run at the speed of life? Make myself fast as lightning or everyone else slow as a snail. Life's a breeze with omnipotence.


If you find yourself about to tell a bad joke, would you go through with it and tell it anyway or refrain from embarrassing yourself?

On here? I just fling shit out and hope it works. In the real world, nah, I actually rarely tell jokes, I have a pretty straight face most of the time. I'm serious unless joking is called for.


What's your favorite brand of beer?

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Brand wise I guess Blue Moon. General I think wheat ales are the best.


If you never had to work, what would you do with your life?

Currently I am unemployed, but that doesn't mean I'm free, far from it, I need to get a job. However, my dream when I was little was to get rich and retire, that's what I said when they asked me what I wanted to do job-wise in elementary school. If I never had to work I would: Travel the world, make myself read alot of philosophical texts maybe get a degree in it, do martial arts every day not just boxing a couple times a week, take up yoga, get really good at guitar(I've been practicing non-committedly) and get an instructor. Maybe try my hand at writing a book, I generally don't write because I'm not particularly passionate about it, however, I have the feeling I want to share something with the world in book form, only I have nothing to share. If I do some day write something, I want it to be meaningful and compelling. I've lost my taste for fiction novels unfortunately, however I will read a book if I think it has something important in it. Try Iowaska and LSD. Meditate and stay in a temple full of Buddhist monks (I'm an atheist) for a time. Learn to sail, sail many places, and get drunk on beaches there, with rum, like a pirate. Yeah, I'm pretty Niave, but it's not like I expect any of these things obviously, but dreams aren't supposed to be realistic, that's why they're dreams. Anyhow, back to reality, I need a job, and no, unfortunately, I'm not passionate about my chosen field, who is? World runs on money, I should have chosen business, I could've defrauded some multi-national corporations and be drinking on a beach somewhere.


What are you afraid of?

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I've attempted to speedrun some of the easier levels in this delightful game, but I'm honestly a bit terrible at it! :?


Would you prefer to take a one in three chance to win five dollars, a one in ten chance to win ten dollars, a one in twenty chance to win one hundred dollars, a one in one hundred chance win three thousand dollars, or... a one in one chance to win a $5 McDonalds gift card.

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Look, I've had too much to drink, so this isn't actually possible for me to answer, right now.


With that said, I think I'll just run the math and figure this out -



That one in one hundred chance for 3,000 is actually really decent. I'd take those odds. Failing that (if the 3K was not an option), I'd opt for the gift card, tbh, since it's a sure thing as compared to the 100.


Edit: I forgot a question...




What's one useful thing that you have?

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In a heartbeat, but not without first finding a bun. Hot dogs without buns are just a little bit sad, you know?


A random house is burning down and you can save your pet dog Mr. Fluffykins or me. Which would you choose?

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I want to say you, since you would be more useful than the dog.


Maybe, I could find a way to do both, and train the dog for protection.


Would you be able to talk to somebody with a straight face if they had the name Turd Ferguson?

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I've had lengthy conversations in person with folks who have had extremely unusual / unfortunate names in the past, so I think I'd do just fine. Beyond that, I have a pretty decent poker face when I need to in social situations.


Would you please tell us a story from your childhood?

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I've had lengthy conversations in person with folks who have had extremely unusual / unfortunate names in the past, so I think I'd do just fine. Beyond that, I have a pretty decent poker face when I need to in social situations.


Would you please tell us a story from your childhood?

Ok so one time i was shopping at a store and at check out they had comic book packs, i asked my mom if i could get one she said yes and when i came home i found out it was a super hero fetish garbage xD


Whats the weirds item you ever bought

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok for the sake of carrying on the game i'll do this one. In a way i bought this. So one time i ordered a Rubik's cube (i like puzzles) online and was looking forward to it. A package came a few days later but instead of a Rubik's cube i got a sort of badge for a car. I found it weird that people would buy such a thing. Anyways i complained, got a refund and they never asked for the badge back.


Ok tell us the funniest thing that happened in your life.

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I got lost on the way to a friend's house, even though I was in the right area and had went to their house multiple times, and finally found it by backtracking.


What would you do if you had a job where you did was fire people?

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