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Recent that comes to mind was that Michael Jordan steak house. I really liked the food there. 

Do you hold onto grudges with people or let them go?

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I don't hold grudges, I let them go. Holding grudges ruins friendships and is bad for your mental health.

Do you walk up the stairs or take the lift/elevator?

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I take the lift most of the time because I am on the 33rd floor and I don't want to walk up/down all that especially if I am carrying something like groceries. But if I am in a normal building with just a few flights of stairs I will take the stairs. 

Do you like to sleep with some background noise on like a fan or tv or do you like total quiet?

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I like a fan at least on a low setting, the total quiet makes me uncomfortable. 

What is the last vacation you went on?

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Well I don't know if it was a vacation but when we visited KY to see the apartments we would potentially move in a month ago. I kinda classify that as a mini-vacation since we did do some site seeing and checked out some local restuarants.

Do you like using headphones that go in your ear or the kind that goes over your ears? 

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I like the ones that go over my ears, I find the in-ear types too uncomfortable.

What do you think of electric cars, are they as good for the environment as a whole as the manufacturers claim?

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I admit I don't know enough about electric cars to make a truly informed opinion on whether they are better for the environment but I have read that over your car's life span your climate pollution will be reduced by almost two-thirds of a normal car which does sound much better to me. 

Do you return the shopping cart to the shopping cart stall when you are done or leave it in the parking lot?

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I return the cart to the cart stall. All the carts are chained up and you have to put a £1 coin in the slot to release the cart, when you return it you chain it up again and get your £1 coin back.

Do you buy books or borrow them from the public library?


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I usually buy books, I haven't actually been to the library in awhile. There is a library directly across the street from where I am moving to though so I hope I find myself at the library more often due to that. 

What is your favorite kind of pizza, assuming you like pizza?

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I like cookies. Preferably chocolate chip or white chocolate chip nut ones. 

Have you ever used a telescope? 

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Yeshhh! I had one growing up I used to mess around with in the back yard and I'd love to have one again. 

Do you like watching sports on tv or going to sports in person?

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I like both I more watch at home because it is more convenient than going to a game but nothing feels as good as being in a stadium for a live game too.

When is the last time you stopped to watch a sunrise or sunset?

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Yesterday actually ~ I went to watch the sunset on the lake because it's dawning on me now that I'm getting ready to leave Chicago and I won't see Lake Michigan for awhile ;-; 


What is the last game you played?

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The last game I played was "Hunt the product", this is a game supermarkets get you to play after they've rearranged the store since your last visit so nothing is where it was last time you went.... GRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,..............😡


What item in your house would you most miss if it was lost or stolen?

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I think every supermarket sets that game up about once a month for customers to play 🤣

The TV or the PS5 because I use them both the most I would think. I would notice immediate if it was gone for sure lol.

Do you have any scars that have a pretty awesome tale behind them?

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Not that I can think of since I don't really get out much. I can't really remember much from when I was a kid either, so, not as far as I can remember. ^^;

Do you have a lucky item (it can literally be anything you consider lucky)?

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I have my lucky Kohaku keychain that got me through mid-terms and then I lost it and all of my friends went on this massive uni-wide search for him and no one found him but then he mysteriously turned up in my locker again after Spring break lolll 

Have you ever gone surfing or boogieboarding? 

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I know this keychain what a problem it caused I think it is more unlucky 😁

When is the last time you moved houses?

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The last time I moved house was about 65 years ago. I don't remember much about it, but I do remember that the removal men packed all our stuff in large tea chests and when we arrived at our new house they wanted them back so they emptied them out and left a everything in a big heap in the middle of the living room! It took my parents days to sort the mess out.  My grandfather was moving in to live with us as well and his removals men arrived at the same time so there was absolute chaos !!


Have you ever visited another country?

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That sounds like a nightmare to have to sift through. 

I have. I have gone on holidays to Italy, France, Poland, and the UK. I am from Finland and now living in the USA so this also counts as another country. I have also visited many times the countries next to Finland such as Sweden, Denmark and Norway. 

Do you sleep with a lot of pillows or just one?

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Lotssssss and lotsss of pillows. I have to have pillows on both sides of me and then I really only sleep with one under my head though. Pillows and plushies though to keep the monsters away @_@ 

Are you going to the beach this Summer? 

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No, I'm not going to the beach this summer, if we even get a summer this year, because I'm not a 'beach' person.


Do you like lots of gravy on your dinner or none at all?

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I have 2 plants that I've managed to keep alive lol 

What's your favorite animal at the zoo?

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