my day, and the day before
my morning has just begun, i woke up at exactly 7 AM.
decided to start my day off with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and some green tea. im really big on green tea, i only drink that and water. my tummy can’t handle soda or juice unless i water it down.
the pbnj was nothing special, toasted wheat bread and spread raspberry jelly on one slice, and peanut butter from peanut butter n co on the other slice. that stuff is really tasty, but expensive. was lucky when me and my ma went to cub’s and it was on sale. pbnj is one of my favorite foods, i really like simple food like that. i tried a turkey pinwheel the other day and that might have become one of my favorite foods as well, more filling than i expected and it was nothing overwhelming.
it is incredibly foggy out today, its beautiful. when it comes to weather i have always preferred cold and gloomy. sunny weather is nice, i like bein able to see the sky and all the clouds up there. but if i could bask in snow and rain for more than just winter? id always be at peace.
i listened to my darkest days for the first time since middle school this morning, my music taste has developed a lot since that point. i began listening to fear before the march of flames right after and the difference is off putting, there’s a different in passion i suppose. i believe anyone who makes music regardless of the sound is at least a bit passionate about the art, but it takes somethin else to create art with substance and emotion. fear before is one of my favorite bands, the first song i heard was as a result of singals being crossed and i fell in love with the sound. that entire album, the always open mouth is a post-hardcore masterpiece and one of my favorite albums to come from the genre.
ive listened back on the album many times and always found appreciation for each individual song over and over again. i had no clue my (fucking) deer hunter featured vocals from the anthony green of circa survive and saosin. that is seriously huge.
i like when bands and musicians collaborate like this, subtly or not. ive seen it most in the post-hardcore, midwest emo, and nu-metal scenes but i dont doubt it exists in other spaces obviously.
was forced to tag along with my ma today to the nail parlor in exchange for a trip to the thrift store in the same area. however, its a spot that someone i used to be close with frequents, so i was anxious the entire time. but i really need new clothes and it can’t be helped when it comes to necessities. he wasnt there, i picked up two shirts and was out within 7 minutes.
we also went to marshalls where i got a ghostface t-shirt and a sweater, it was generally a success. i got a bag of chocolates that im gonna split in ziplocks for my friends at school, they have marshmallows and caramel in them. cant afford much since im not working yet and my family doesnt have high income so i hope they accept the chocolate as a gift.
get to head home now. try on my new clothes, maybe watch a few episodes of to loveru, put something in my system and maybe get on a call with some friends of mine. also need to do some sketching today, been teaching myself how to fill up an entire page with one big drawing and it’s been goin okay so far. just need to figure out my style and i’ll be set.
yesterday i hung out with three of my closest friends. we spent most of the day at karm’s house, then headed to the mall for about an hour before i got dropped off home. brody came all the way out of state to hang out with us and thats a thought that makes me smile.
karm has four cats and theyre all so fuckin cute, one of them was a bit of a prick though. always hissed and he wouldnt let me get close but that little fucker was still adorable as could be.
we really spent the entire time talking. i took a nap on his couch, and watched them play marvel rivals before gerson went home and the night went on. at the mall, karm got ripped off on a chocolate bar. 4 dollars for one chocolate bar. while brody was getting a massage at this massage place on the other end of the mall.
the mall we went to is kind of a shithole, id been there twice before, once with my sister and her girl when we initially moved out here, and second with brody, gerson, and eli in october.
regardless of its quality, it holds good memories because ive now been there twice with my bestest friends. those guys mean the world to me. i might set up a list on this blog which features the names of all those i hold in my heart. its somethin ill think about.
that is all i have for today, i cant gauge how often ill be making entries in this blog. do have a friend who’s interested in readin it though, so ill try to keep makin entries for him to read.
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