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  1. I'm really bad at exposing things, please excuse me I'll try to update this since I didn't want to spam you with all the work I have I only uploaded the relatively more recent ones and the ones I did at the beginning to show the change, I've been using Photoshop for so many years that it's confusing for me to know how long I've been using it. I used to do signatures and graphic editing for my friends (hello, I'm looking for friends), if it's okay if I misunderstand you a little in English, I could make tutorials for you. AVATARS & ICONS SIGNATURES TAGWALLS LARGE PIECES OTHERS MY FIRST EDITS ( ) That's all, I hope you like my gallery or my works, I'll be uploading more stuff soon~ thanks for the opportunity, I apologize for not knowing how to speak English haha, I promise to try hard to improve
    6 points
  2. Welcome to my Photo Creations gallery. I'm a keen photographer and what you'll find here is a collection of my photographs that I've reprocessed and "done things with" so that they're not really ordinary photographs any more. A lot you you will know that I'm a railway enthusiast so a lot of the creations feature trains, but by no means all of them, contrary popular belief I do photograph other things as well. So here are the first two creations.
    5 points
  3. I've had a strange last week-ish when it comes to emotions. I don't really know why I can't get mine in check lately. I feel like I'm going from one moment of extreme happiness to the next moment an hour later to extreme sadness. I probably actually have a good idea why, which confuses me even more, but I don't think I'll get it under control until I figure out this situation. I've spent the last few years not having any type of real feelings for anyone else, and honestly I was fine with that. There was 1 person, and this 1 person only, who I haven't seen in awhile & he never knew how I felt to begin with, but I'm not going to get into all that here lol ~ and then I went and caught feelings for someone, ew. I was debating telling them until they called me and started telling me about some girl they had just started dating. I don't think I've really felt "okay" since that happened last week. While that hurt I also felt kinda.. glad? After I really thought about it. Mostly because I feel like I'm getting feelings for someone else and those bother me even more because I can't figure out if I really am or not. Also that person lived in Brazil and while we've met once before IRL I always felt like he was just using me for various things and as if I was just someone to talk to when there was nothing better going on. When I look back on it all though I realized I never said *anything* to him at all about anything I felt and basically was just living out whatever I thought we were/could be in my head. May have been a good thing though. As far as the other person goes, I haven't figured that out yet either, and I feel nothing but extreme confusion with whatever I'm feeling there. I mostly just want to go out into the woods and scream at a tree about it. I don't know how I went from years of being content with just me and understanding that was all it was ever going to be, to being hurt by some idiot and absolutely losing my mind about another guy at the same time. Though neither of them know/knew and odds are I won't tell this other person either. I never know how to confess that to someone so instead I just put up cryptic Discord messages and try to hope they are psychic or something lmaoo All that aside though I went up to the roof today to think about all this and there was the most magnificent sunset I've seen in a long time I sat up there watching it until all the colors had gone from the sky. That's what I have pictures of today for this, so I hope you enjoy looking at them and sorry about the rambling. Piccys below vvv There is also a short video I took of it: https://i.imgur.com/ei92yRX.mp4
    5 points
  4. Recently I cut my hair off and dyed it black I think that my hair used to be as long as yours before I cut it off
    5 points
  5. As promised (threatened?)
    5 points
  6. Sure why not ~ I put a few under here v
    5 points
  7. OK, so this one's a bit different and needs a few words of explanation. The star-field background is a Photoshop Action generated image. The foreground is a part of a sand sculpture and stood about 8 feet or so tall.
    5 points
  8. Thanks you guysss I'm still figuring out how to make Discord animated icons but it's coming along okay I think Yaya I'll make you some tonight or tomorrow ~ ~ I finished a new signature I was working on, this is a gift friendship siggy for @Soramee_ As a thank you for being so nice to me this past week when I was going through some things and talking with me about it :3 I didn't really know what you like, but I think you like Asuna/Kirito so I went with that as a dual siggy ~ I was thinking about making matching forum icons to match with it but I haven't gotten that far yet.
    5 points
  9. Posting some 100x100 icons I made of Asuna, mostly for me: And my friend requested some animated Discord icons with his name on them, so that's what these are for:
    5 points
  10. Here's my latest creation featuring everyone's favourite Magical Girl. This one took a long time but I had a lot of fun making it.
    5 points
  11. Obviously her greatest creation to date.
    5 points
  12. I went ahead and finished my Sheele and Tatsumi project. Here's the avatar and Sig gif. I still need to take a few days' break though, but I really wanted to finish that project. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
    5 points
  13. Thanks to all of you
    5 points
  14. Can't wait to see it because I'm sure it'll be awesome ~
    5 points
  15. Started working on a large GFX project yesterday, it's been awhile since I did something huge like this ~ There was a lot of things added to this, lots of PNGs, layers, renders so it took 2 days to finish. Kinda obsessed with Tenn Kujo right now so I've been making some things with him in it I made 2 versions of this, personally I'm partial to version 2.0. AF kinda scales it down a lot so if you right click on it and open image in a new tab and click magnifier you can see the true version size of it and it looks much better.
    5 points
  16. i mean no, but yes but no AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    4 points
  17. Not mr fancy finger… help me I don’t understand what is happening anymore
    4 points
  18. sorry didn't want it to seem like that, i enjoy her company just wanted to joke around and banter but im bad at talking so sorry if it seemed like that, i went too far genuinly sorry sakura
    4 points
  19. I feel as if I missed some things I know about the person whose name starts with "Yu" and as Pessi also said, I've never liked him either. It seems to me like you just send him money and buy things for him all the time and he uses you for that. I'm glad you've started to see it. I know very well about the past person.. Where I'm lost is who is the new person? I didn't even know there was one lmfao This right here is everything. Consider the future and what's ahead there's no sense in holding onto the past and missing every opportunity in front of you. You could be missing out on someone really special and forfeiting your own happiness in the future by living in the past. About the photos I have to say those are amazing. That's the kind of sunset I like to stop and watch.
    4 points
  20. Those are really lovely sunsets, I really like looking at sunsets no two are ever the same. Standing somewhere on your own and watching the sun slowly set is a great way to think things through. Don't hold on to the past, it's never coming back. Look forward to the future. Don't spend your time thinking about what might have been or might be, live for what you can do now. Take it from someone who wasted a lot of time seeking for something and never finding it before realising that it wasn't necessary for having a happy life.
    4 points
  21. ... what did i do to get into this situation all of a sudden
    4 points
  22. I've been going through some of my old photography from Chicago and I've realized how much I miss it. I usually just ignore feelings when I can, especially sad ones, but I suppose it hit me really hard today/last night. I know I have to be where I am right now for school but I don't know how else to put it other than it sucks. I miss the school I was going to there, I miss my friends, I miss living down the hall from my sister, I miss the little store I went to on the way home from school, I miss sitting by the lake, I miss going to the aquarium and the Beluga whales I got to play with sometimes while doing class credits, I miss being near my dad, I miss walking downtown at night listening to music, I miss the trains and subways, I miss the little spot I'd sit at on the river walk and do my HW, I miss going to Grant Park, I miss riding the electric scooters downtown, I miss going to the shopping center in Rosemont, I miss going to all the anime conventions around there, I miss doing silly things like the time the power was out and for some reason me and some friends just went Naruto running in the park lol, I miss the apartment I lived in, I even miss he way the air smelled (which is weird for it being a city). I just miss a lot of things and I've never felt so homesick. Oh well, I guess I really have no choice but to just get over it. Here's some picture I had taken from the place I used to sit quite often and have lunch at. I had a specific bench that was "mine" lol
    4 points
  23. Sounds like a classic case of homesickness bought on by looking at all those old photos and remembering that your family are no longer just down the road. But the feeling will pass, although it might take a couple of days, and I expect some of those people you miss are still thinking of you. Go and watch some of your favourite anime and make some more GFX.
    4 points
  24. I sat on the edge of the bed for awhile and questioned all the choices I've made in my life and then I didn't really do a single thing else. Oh~! I made pancakes and eggs at some point but the entire day is just a blur of me staring at the ceiling and laying on various pieces of furniture ~
    4 points
  25. I've decided to make a blog on here mostly to post my photography because I love to take pictures. Mind you, I'm under no circumstances a professional photographer, I just like to take pictures of things I find pretty. That'll mostly be nature such as flowers, animals, sunsets/sunrises, water scenes from when I'm out on the boat (I'm studying to become a Marine Biologist so I'm on the water quite often), snow scenes or architecture because I'm quite fascinated with buildings. I'll also probably ramble here occasionally about whatever's going on in my life or my mind at the time. For now I'll just start off with posting some of my favorite pictures I've taken. Most of these were taken in Chicago, Illinois. I'll always keep these behind spoilers so they don't overwhelm the page. You can just click on it to view the picture. Chicago at night: Some water scenes: Random architecture & parks: Welp., that's all for now. I'm still sorting through some of my old photography so I'll try to do that tomorrow and post some more of it in my next entry on this. It's just a matter of organizing it but I seem to not have a lot of time during the week with classes going on. By the time I get home half the time I just get in bed anyway and play on my phone.
    4 points
  26. I've been happy all day it's finally Friday. I have three days ahead to do nothing.
    4 points
  27. NO I'll tell you on Disc. ~ I feel a bit better today but still kinda meh Tyty cornybeef
    4 points
  28. I did this last night but I'm not really happy with the way it turned out, I feel that it's missing something, but I'm going to post it anyway because I spent a lot of time on it.
    4 points
  29. We had still a temperature weather warning to only go outside if you have to. It was 2F when I woke up with a colder wind child. Now it's 21F with tomorrow going to be a warm 15F
    4 points
  30. R.I.P Alois' tea. I recieved my Ciel tea she sent me yesterday evening. Now it's my time to burn the house down :V @Sasuke I need you to video chat me send help
    4 points
  31. Me: I need to start saving money.. Me: *gets money* Me: TREATTTTT YO'SELFFFFFF zzzzzzz
    4 points
  32. While the whole @Sakura tries to make tea saga is hilarious, I will not make fun of you and will come to your aid with some helpful advice. Here's a web page that will help you make a great cup of tea. https://www.brewteacompany.co.uk/blogs/how-to-guides/how-to-make-loose-leaf-tea
    4 points
  33. TY! lol poor zeref getting slap for no reason yeah of course!
    4 points
  34. I feel like it's a good day to lay in bed all day :v
    4 points
  35. That's very pretty Serey, nice job. Colours are beautiful and I always love your design style the best.
    4 points
  36. This is so good!! I’m so happy you did that lol. Ty very much for the gift. My icon on pretty much every other social is kirito so it fits well and yeah I love kirito/asuna. Ty so much this made my day
    4 points
  37. ALL YOU DID WAS LAUGH AT ME AND HELP 0% SIR I have always hated tea, when I lived in the UK I had to drink so much of it, every time I went to someone's house they would be like "1 sec luv I'll just put the kettle on for us and 'ave a nice cuppa tea made" and every time I wanted to dieeeee But I didn't wanna refuse and be like "ew no" x.x But long story short, I've never learned to make tea because I didn't like it but I want to try teas this year and see if my tastes have changed or if I can find one I like~ Teach me about tea, tea-sensei I dunno how to make my Alois tea and everyone just keeps laughing at me
    4 points
  38. I was looking forward to this 3 day weekend :v Today is more or less Saturday instead of Sunday and when I woke up I realized I still have tomorrow with no school so I feel like celebrating
    4 points
  39. Midwest weather is nuts. It'll snow in the morning, by lunch time you are experiencing a lovely Summer day fit for the beach, and by the time evening rolls around you are rolling under your mattresses in the bathtub to hide from a tornado My weather app says here currently it's 8 degrees, feels like -8 degrees fahrenheit with the wind chill but at least it's sunny outside? We are under a freezing weather advisory up here too.
    4 points
  40. YASSSS YOU KNOW IT We are supposed to get 1-3 inches overnight with more in the morning so I'm looking forward to tomorrow ~
    4 points
  41. THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT USSS ~bangs drums in your ear~ bo0o0o @ your company lmao ~ I slept in today and hung around the house doing not much of anything. I've been down to the concierge desk 2x today though to get my Alois tea that was delivered, and each time they had a little sign up saying back in 10 so I've given up for the day ;-; I could call down there and get it delivered up to my apartment but @Zeref always fusses at me when I do that saying "YoU HAvE legS yoU CAn gO gEt iT" XD I organized some of my photos today as well because I'm planning on starting a photography blog here. I also started a GFX project that I need to get back to.
    4 points
  42. I never got a chance to respond to this yet, but you are welcome. I will absolutely never tolerate that level of behaviour towards anyone I consider a friend. When someone is creating something that brings them joy and isn't physically hurting anyone, people should leave them to their business and not try to dictate how someone else enjoys their hobby. Brilliant new project btw, looks great.
    4 points
  43. We are all screwed! Yaaay! Now I can take over the world with my potato plushies. Hahaha.
    4 points
  44. I'm enjoying my evening and relaxing watching some anime and I might chill out and pick up playing some FFX later on.
    4 points
  45. YOU MAKE ME SOUND OLD I'M NOT EVEN OLD ~shakes walking stick~ "BaCCKKKkkk in MYYYY dayyYYYY" lmao :c
    4 points
  46. Np ~ Like the lil sis said, that's what friends are for. I've been attacked for making GFX tons of times, so it's nothing new to me. & I luv the new siggy/icon very nice, I like the renders used in the sigs
    4 points
  47. @Sarada, @Sakura, @Sasuke, @Zeref Thank you all for coming to my defense. < 3 I apologize for this being late. I hope it didn't come across as ungrateful. I'm not used to friends caring as much as you do because of I don't remember having friends that would do that so fast. I'm sorry about being late for thanking you all. >< >< >< ;.; ;.;
    4 points
  48. That reminds me, I'd done another following this tut I need to post. I'll edit this tonight and post it when I'm home :v EDIT - I didn't know it was so large until I realized my canvas was scaled to 66% the entire time on PS, I never noticed until I uploaded it sssjskdkjs oh well
    4 points
  49. Sup ya'll its'cha gurl Lillie with some irrelevant art work that I spent a little over 2 hours working on and 54 layers I can't take all of even half of the credit because I was gifted the PSD for the base from @Sakura who was the original creator of the style and idea. I added my own renders, changed the colors to match my characters, and then built off it by adding the side render and stars.
    4 points
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